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Why Patriotism has been
criticize ?
Patriotism has been criticized for its non-
reflective in idealized view of the past, its
exclusionary attitude in the present and its
non- voluntaristic understanding of
membership in a polity.
Advantages of Patriotism
The advantages of patriotism are that it can
protect the interests of the nation, help
overcome challenges, increase peace among
the people, and protect the overall well-
being of the nation.
Disadvantages of Patriotism

Disadvantages are when interests

become political; it can cause division
among the people.
History of Cosmopolitanism

The historical context of the philosophical

resurgence of cosmopolitanism during the
Enlightenment is made up of many factors: The
increasing rise of capitalism and world-wide
trade and its theoretical reflections; the reality
of ever expanding empires whose reach
extended across the globe; the voyages around
the world ...
What is Cosmopolitan ?
It includes or containing people from
many different countries.
What is Cosmopolitanism ?
Cosmopolitanism is the idea that all
human beings are members of a single
community. Its adherents are known as
cosmopolitan or cosmopolite.
What is the concept of
Cosmopolitanism is a moral
perspective that emphasizes the
inherent worthiness of human beings
regardless of their location.
Four Types of
It then explores four distinct cosmopolitan
position — that is, legal cosmopolitanism,
social-justice cosmopolitanism, monistic
cosmopolitanism, and ethical
Greek and Roman
The political culture idealized in the
writings of Plato and Aristotle is not
Greek and Roman
In this culture, a man identifies himself
first and foremost as a citizen of a
particular polis or city, and in doing so;
he signals which institutions and which
the body of people hold his allegiance.
Greek and Roman
He would be counted on for help in defending the
city from attacks, sustaining institutions of justice,
and contributing to its common good. By contrast,
the good person would not be expected to share
with or serve any foreigners who live outside the
Cosmopolitan Patriotism
Some people think that true patriotism
excludes cosmopolitanism. This is a
mistake. Every true patriot is cosmopolitan
and every genuine cosmopolitan is a patriot.
Cosmopolitan serves their country and seek
to uplift it intellectually, materially and
Cosmopolitan Patriotism
They educate the best members of humanity
and facilities their society’s well being. If
every human must be raised separately, so
must every people be raised in its own way if
humanity is to realized its full potential.
Objections to
One of the most common objections to
cosmopolitanism attacks a position that is in fact
made of straw. Often it is said that
cosmopolitanism is meaningless without the
context of a world-state or that cosmopolitanism
necessarily involves the commitment to a world
Objections to
We should understand cosmopolitanism in the following
way : listen to the needs of your country, heed the
wisdom of your people, dedicate yourself to their
wellbeing, don’t hate and don’t envy their happiness,
don’t prevent other nations from achieving their
goals. Work towards the day when no one will
subjugate your nation and work for its progress until its
equals the leading nations of the world.
Seven Types of Patriotism
Extreme Patriotism
- Takes thing personally and is unable to
distinguish between objective task and emotional
engagement. Hiring, services, and even voting, he
leverages personal contact and gives favor to
family and friends. This leads to the graft and
corruption that is prevalent in Philippine society.
Robust Patriotism
- There is no morality as such; morality is always
the morality of a particular community. One can
understand and internalize moral rules only “in
and through the way of life of ones community”
Moderate Patriotism
- Is not exclusive. Its adherent will show special
concern for his country and compatriots, but that will
not prevent him from showing concern for other
countries and their inhabitants. Moreover, this kind of
patriotism allows for the possibility that under certain
circumstances the concern for human beings in general
will override the concern for ones country and
Deflated Patriotism
-A debt of gratitude is the most commonly cited
basis for one to be patriotic. Socrates also
belongs to this fabric of thought and holds that
our country has done much for us by giving us
life, liberty, language and identity, etc. so it's
only just that such debt must be repaid.
Ethical Patriotism
- A patriot of this, distinctively ethical type, would wan
to see justice done, rights respected, human
solidarity at work at any time and in place. But her
patriotism would be at work in a concern that her
country be guided by these moral principles and
values which is more sustained and more deeply felt
than her concern that these principles and values
should be put into practice generally.
Exclusive Patriotism
- Exclusive patriotism celebrates the
acquisitive individual and lone entrepreneur.
It tells us that taxes on patriotism on the
wealthy slow economic growth and deter
Inclusive Patriotism
-Inclusive patriotism has always sought to
protect our democracy – defending the right to
vote and seeking to ensure that more
Philippinines are heard. Inclusive patriotism is
our national creed. It is born of hope. Mean-
spirited, exclusive patriotism is new to our
shores. It is born of fear.
Why Patriotism Is So
Important ?
 Patriotism Brings People Together
- First and foremost, patriotism is a concept which bring
people together. A sense of solidarity and love for our
country is a sentiment. It is a shared feeling and
common goal to do what’s best for the nation as a whole
and be supportive throughout this quest.
Patriotism Makes for a Stronger
- The act of patriotism and feeling of patriotic are things which
will make for a stronger nation. Not only will you be able to
relate well to others in your shared love for this country but the
more individuals who express their patriotic feelings, the
stronger our country will be as a whole. Those who are patriotic
will do what is right for our nation in the way of supporting
efforts to make the country stronger and come together as a
combined group with a common goal.
A Patriotic Spirit is One of Fortitude
and Strength
- You are a patriotic, you are dedicated and strong. You
exude a special fortitude in showing your dedication to
achieve goals in the best interest of the country.
Whether you display the Philippine flag, thank a
military member for their service, or volunteer with a
military organization, you are using that strength and
fortitude to do what’s right for the benefit of our
Pros and Cons of Patriotism
- Patriotism is ones love, pride devotion, attachment
and loyalty to a country. The feeling of love and unity
towards your home nation results in patriotic action
and its considered as an attribute of good citizenship.
- Your attachment to the country is based on factors
like culture, religious beliefs, race or ethnicity, and
Pros :
1. Protects the interest of the country :
One’s love and respect for country lead
him/her to act in the interest of the
country. The desire is for the country to
thrive in the future.
Pros :
2. Positive Values : Patriotism leads
to freedom, justice and equality. The
government and its people work
together for a better quality of life.
Pros :
3. Leads to Independence : the love for the
nation and shared pride bring people
together and help them to endure challenges.
The shared beliefs and pride towards the
nation contribute to the road towards
Pros :
4. Overcome Challenges : patriotism brings
people together to overcome any great depression
and achieve victory.
5. Pride of the Country : Being patriotic makes
you proud of your country and you will try to
work hard to improve the country as well as
support all the policies being set in the country.
Pros :
6. Promote better governance : the act of patriotism
leads to volunteering for community services, payment
of taxes, obeying all government laws and
understanding your rights as outlined in the
7. Preserve and Protect the Nation : patriotism is
important in preserving and protecting the nation to
make it a better place for all citizens. Patriots work hard
for the development of the country.
Pros :
8. Loyalty : patriotism makes people create
a human history where they support, work
hard, fight and even die for the country.
People become loyal to the nation and have
the courage to defend their nation.
Pros :
9. Enhance and Cohesion and peace : patriotism upheld by the
majority of people in the society bring togetherness and people
will promote the rule of law when coming with conflict
resolutions in the community. This promotes peace among the
people society.
10. Productivity : patriotism helps in creating incentives that
enable citizens to contribute positively to the economic
development of the country. People will be happy doing
something for their country.

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