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Hos p i t a l i t y I n du s t r y

En v i r o n m e n t a l
M a n a g e m e n t
m s a n d S t r a t e g i e s
1 To define Environmental Management Syst
To identify the key benefits in establishing
an EMS
3 To review how large hotel companies are w
orking with
To draw a set of recommendations for a su
cc essful
implementation of an EMS 4
1 Environmental Management Systems: Definition

The Benefits of EMS to the Company 2

3 Classification of Environmental Strategies

Recommendations for Sustainability

A corporate Environmental
Management System (EMS) embraces
both technical and organizational
activities aimed at reducing
what is environmentally negative impacts
Environmenta caused by a company’s operations.

l Management
systems??? EMS is a management tool that
allows a company to be organized so
as to control and reduce its
environmental impacts.
The main objectives of
the EMS
• To respect regulation and go beyond the initial
An EMS is also objectives set out in the company’s environmental
an engagement policy.
toward • To prevent pollution wherever possible.
continuous • To control costs via energy and material savings.
environmental • To improve environmental performance even where
improvement. regulation requirements do not exist.
• To ensure transparent communication toward
employees, communities and consumers
The Benefits of The benefits for businesses
implementing EMS are manifold,
EMS to the including:
• Image profiling - showing engagement as a responsible business.
• Tool for dialogue - the EMS reinforces partner confidence
• Prevention - a possible return on investment in regard to consumption and
waste management.
• Internal motivation - the employees join in a project that has direct impact on
their professional lives (health, safety)
• Marketing - a positive image of a caring, environment-friendly organization
can be developed
• Anticipating environmental and sustainable development trends - the rise in
awareness of the concept of sustainable development
The Benefits of EMS to the
CASE STUDY 12.1: Accor
⚬ Accor’s digital transformation, core businesses, and commitment to
sustainability played pivotal roles in its success
• Digital Transformation - the goal was to enhance
customer engagement and improve overall
• Core Businesses - Hotels, related businesses and
corporate services
The Benefits of EMS to the
CASE STUDY 12.1: Accor
3. Financial Review - transactions confirmed the
company’s strategic vision and demonstrated investor
4. Environmental Report - the company’s efforts included
energy-saving measures, water conservation, waste
reduction, and sustainable procurement.
The Benefits of EMS to the
CASE STUDY 12.1: Accor
Eight Key ProjectsHotels
in Their Environmental Policy
• Principles of Action
• Hotelier’s Environment Charter
• Water and Energy
• Waste Traceability
• Eco-labels and Sustainable Purchasing
• Building Construction
• Customer Awareness and Information
• Environmental Certification
• Sustainability Reports
Classification and PR Goals:
of • Companies that publish
sustainability reports focus on
Environmental public relations (PR) and

Strategies reputation management.

2. Environmental
Management Strategies: 3. Competitive Advantage
• Proactive Behavior Shift:• Actively addressing
• Legally Reactive Companies environmental issues
• Old Paradigms eliminates a competitive
Recommendations for
• Involve staffs in ‘greening’ activities
• Leadership Commitment
• Staff Engagement
• Awareness and Mindset
• Environmental Training
• Recruitment and Attitudes
Recommendations for
2. Technologies and initiatives
• Due Diligence - to avoid accusations of
• Risk of Greenwashing - implementing unverified or
ineffective green technologies
• Cost-Benefit Analysis - conducting thorough cost-
Recommendations for
2. Technologies and initiatives
• Due Diligence - to avoid accusations of
• Risk of Greenwashing - implementing unverified or
ineffective green technologies
• Cost-Benefit Analysis - conducting thorough cost-
i t 's t i m e t o
t a ke a c t i oo
n !m a k e a p o s itiv e i m p a c t, b y r e d u c in g o u r
Take a step t s u s t a in a b le p r o d u c t s .
o t p rin t t o s u p p o r t in g
c a rb o n fo

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