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Globalization and

development: problems
and solutions?
Globalization ► . Globalization - Shrinking World

► It is regarded as an opportunity to promote

growth and poverty alleviation or because
‘globalization’ is viewed as an inevitable
reality within which nations must either play
the game, or lose out in the search for
New international division of labour

► It refers to the shift from manufacturing in Northern countries to

industrial production in the South where land and labour costs are
► Global shift means an increase in proportion of global manufacturing
carried out in NICs and RICs in the last 30 years

Global shift is not just happening in manufacturing. With
improvements in technology and increased educational levels in
parts of the South service-sector activities are also being transferred.
rise in South-

China heavily
investing in
Globalization and trade
The process where people and countries can exchange information
and goods quickly in less complicated way

trade means buying and selling of goods and services for money

Free trade is policy by which a government doesn't’ discriminate

against imports or interfere with exports

There is free trade now due to which there is less use of local
Definition of trade

❖ Ethical trade: trade in which attention is paid to social issues.

❖ Free trade: trade with no obstacles for movement

❖ Fair trade: trade between companies in developed countries and

❖ producer in developing countries in which fair prices is paid to the
❖ producer

❖ Main areas where fair trade operates are in foodstuffs

❖ In the uk purchase of products with a “fair trade” label have

❖ increased greatly since 2000 with purchase of over 799million in
Regional Cooperation
► Regional cooperation refers to the political and institutional mechanisms that countries
in a general geographical region devise to find and strengthen common interests as
well as promoting their national interests, through mutual cooperation and dialogue.

► Connection between different countries, organisation has increased but the operation
of everything does not go at a global scale.

► European Union(EU), North America Free Trade Area(NAFTA) and the Asia Pacific
Economic Cooperation(APEC) like regional group have become increasingly
important in this economic and public sphere.

► According to Prebisch and Frank, the solution to problems of global power
inequalities was to protect domestic economies either through protectionism or more
extreme withdrawals from the global economic system.
❖ Regional groupings provide greater benefits and power in comparison to acting
individuals nations.

❖ The development of regional free trade groupings and institutions for cross-border
economic cooperation have continued to the present day.

❖ Regional organizations may play a role in maintaining political stability and security
in the region. For example, the African Union is involved in peacekeeping operations
in Somalia through the AMISOM (African Union Mission in Somalia), as well as
being part of a joint peace-keeping force with the United Nations in Darfur, Sudan.


► Transnationalism refers to the diffusion and extension of social, political,

economic processes in between and beyond the sovereign jurisdictional boundaries
of nation-states.

► It is also referred to sustained activities backwards and forwards across national

► For example, It consist of complex networks of research, production and
marketing processes which take place in more than one country at any one time.
► Production processes are located where there is a suitably skilled and cheap
workforce. .
❖ Remittances are important to the individual families and can also represent large flows of capital into the
national economy.

❖ As with remittances, these flows can make significant contributions to infrastructural improvements.

❖ While economically remittances and other flows may be important for improvements in standards of living,
it must also be recognized that there can be severe social implications of emigration.
Technology and Communications
❖ Adopting technology is to improve efficiency, so producing more for the same

❖ The drive for increased productivity using more and more advanced technologies
can lead to environmental problems.

❖ Technological advancements, particularly in the sphere of communications, have

been crucial in the creation of globalization processes.

❖ The Internet, creates new possibilities for instantaneous communication and the
exchange of large amounts of information between millions of people.
❖ The Internet, mobile phones, radios, computers and television can, it is argued, help overcome
some of the spatial inequality problems that hinder improvements in standards of living (Unwin

❖ For example, mobile phones can be used to find out market prices for agricultural goods, vital for
farmers living in remote areas.

❖ Due to the digital divide, the focus on technologies to achieve development aims must, therefore,
be viewed cautiously and continued attention paid to other forms of technology that do not
exclude large numbers of people.

❖ It is also crucial that organizations designing ICT-related development projects focus on the
relevance of content and design for the proposed beneficiaries,rather than concentrating purely on
the technology itself
Cultural Globalization and Cultural

❖ “Development” associated with processes of eradicating particular cultural practices.

❖ Enhancing “cultural globalization”.

❖ These claims of “cultural homogenization” with the increasing interconnectedness of

the world. The term is especially related to the consumer culture.

❖ In this regard, “McDonaldization” or “Cola-Colaization” is two of among various co-

operations, are being spread over their production and sales outlets globally.
This spread of western consumption
practices is regarded as a form of

‘Non-indigenous’ music, food and clothing

are promoted as being ‘better’
and thus those people who can afford such
consumer goods are regarded
as more ‘developed’ or ‘advanced’.
❖ Similarly, the migration of millions of people around the world also creates new opportunities for
cultural hybridization. For example, in cities throughout the world, legacies of migration are evident
in the range of restaurants available and throughout the North.

❖ It is clear that cultural practices and norms that were previously found only in certain parts of the
world are increasingly diffused because of all these factors.
Political Mobilization

► The increasingly complex networks of communication that have helped the

processes of economic globalization, have also been used for purposes of political

► As discussed previously about the global governance, the global issue needs a
global- institution to regulate and function.

► Organizations such as the World Bank, the IMF and the WTO have taken on
increasing importance as the processes of globalization have developed.

► Robin Cohen and Shirin Rai (2000: 8) state ‘a global age needs global responses’.
► The increasingly complex networks of communication that have helped the processes of
economic globalization, have also been used for purposes of political organizing.
► As discussed previously about the global governance, the global issue needs a global-
institution to regulate and function.
► Organizations such as the World Bank, the IMF and the WTO have taken on increasing
importance as the processes of globalization have developed.
► Robin Cohen and Shirin Rai (2000: 8) state ‘a global age needs global responses’.
► The obstacles to involvement, such as access to the technology and the reliability of
telephone, electricity and satellite communication in remote areas.
► However, there are numerous organizations based in the south using such approaches to
communicate with similar groups. Among all, Zapatista National Liberation Army is
southern-based organization that uses new technologies
► Zapatistas organization was demanded for indigenous rights in Chiapas directed at the Mexican
government, the organization promoted their message to the rest of the world and used their
experience as a way of highlighting the plight of indigenous and marginalized rural populations
throughout the world.

► Now, the anti-government protesters in repressive states have also used

modern technologies to publicize their plight, particularly at times of riots, protest, war .

► Networks of NGOs and community organizations are facilitated through the use of communication
networks, and this technology can certainly help to overcome some of the problems of operating at a
very small scale.

► And, as discussed previously, a grassroots approach can be very beneficial in terms of promoting
participation and the involvement of local people,
indigenous knowledge and appropriate technology.
The End

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