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• It is a natural attempt to balance and

BALANCE equalize things. It is a state of

equilibrium for visual forces that
create a sense of stability. The
environment would balance
temperature through the climate.
However, in reality, nature is variable;
it can never be the same at any specific
time. In terms of design, balance is
achieved through the following:
• Symmetrical – The elements on
either side of the axis are arranged
similarly; it provides formality and
• Unsymmetrical – The elements on
each side differ in shape but provide
visual equilibrium.
• Radial – The elements are arranged
around a circular form.
RHYTHM AND • The movement or
rhythm in a design
MOVEMENT must be directed and
controlled, similar to
creating music. If the
composition is
unrelated and
disorganized, the
effect in music is it
will create noise. In
architecture, it will
create confusion,
especially for the
EMPHASIS • This is the process of
establishing a specific
element that would
draw the attention of
the viewers. This is
achieved by setting a
focal point in the
PROPORTION • The proportion should
reverberate in relation
AND SCALE to each part of the
whole and the scale to
the size of the elements
that make up the
design composition.
The proportion
generally is a matter of
relationships where the
comparison registers
the size, shape, and
tone of the different
parts of the
• The method of contrast in the
composition of a design is to intensify
CONTRAST the different elements of the
structures. This produces a dynamic
expression in the design. Contrast is
utilized in order to avoid monotony
and provide emphasis to hold the
interest of the viewers and users. It
also creates a diversified effect to
achieve variety. Contrast can be
achieved in mass and surfaces.
• Shown above are the measurements
of a person in different
movements.Contrast in mass is
achieved in:forms, proportions,
directions, sizes, solids, and voids.
• Contrast in surface is achieved in:
shapes, textures and materials,
tones, and colors.
UNITY • This pertains to the
harmonious combination
of parts in a composition.
This means that all the
unrelated parts of an
architectural arrangement
are brought into their
proper relation in order to
obtain a satisfactory
composition. The
simplest kind of unity is
achieved by identifying a
concept or motif.
• Unity and harmony
can be achieved in
terms of:
• a. between the
building and the site.
• b. between the
building and the
surrounding structure.
• c. between the
different parts of the
same structure.
• This principle grows from the function
CHARACTER of the structure and the consideration
of all the creative principles of the
composition. Throughout the
development of the project, the
designers and the client must focus on
expressing the purpose of the facility,
whether it is for lodging, recreation,
food and beverage, or transportation.
The character may be divided into
three forms:
• Function – The use of the building.
• Association – The influence of
• Personality – The human quality and
emotional appeal

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