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Genetic code

Genetic code is the sequence of nucleotides in DNA and RNA that

determines the amino acid sequence of proteins. Thus genetic code is
the dictionary of nucleotide bases that helps in translating the language
of nucleic acid (RNA and DNA) into the language of protein.

The smallest unit of 3 nitrogenous bases that codes for the synthesis of
one amino acid is called as Triplet codon or code word or codon.

`The four nitrogenous bases can form all together 64 combinations of

codons but only 61 codons code for the sequence of 20 amino acids of
the body. The remaining 3 are non-sense codons or also called
termination codon. They terminate the synthesis of proteins/amino
acids. The non-sense codons are UAA, UAG and UGA. The codons AUG
and GUG are the initiating codons.

Characteristics of genetic code:
1. The Genetic code is triplet: A genetic code consist of three
nitogenous bases. It means that for any amino acid, it is necessary
to have a codon of three bases. There are altogether 64 possible
different codons which code for 20 different amino acids.

2. The Genetic code is commaless: No punctuation mark (comma) is

present between adjacent codon.

3. The Genetic code is universal: The same genetic code is used to code
the same amino acid in all organisms.

4. The Genetic code is degenerate: It means more than one code is used
for the synthesis of same amino acid. Most of the amino acids have
more than one codons.(but one codon cannot code for more than
one amino acid). For e.g. Arginine amino acid has six triplet codons.
5. The Genetic code is Non overlapping: It means same base letter is not
used for two different codons. For example a nucleotide sequence
C A T G A T is read as CAT and GAT when it s not overlapped.
6. The code is unambiguous: A particular codon will always code for the
same amino acid, hence it is highly specific.
7. Nonsense codons: Certain codons like UAA, UAG and UGA do not code
for amino acids and give the indication for termination of chain. So they are
nonsense codons or termination codon.
8. Initiation codon: AUG codon is called as starting or initiation codon.

Wobbling effect:
If the 3rd base of a codon is changed, then there is no effect in reading for
the synthesis of amino acid. This is called as wobbling effect.
For example:
Serine- UCU, UCC, UCG, UCA (All the codons read for synthesis of serine
protein )

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