Viruses Presentation 2

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By Muhammad Ehtesham
What is Virus ?

a program that spreads by first infecting files or the system areas

of a computer or network router's hard drive and
then making copies of itself
Types of Viruses:
Multipartite Virus. This virus infects the entire system – multipartite viruses spread by
performing unauthorized actions on your operating system, folders, and programs.
Direct Action. ...
Browser Hijacker. ...
Overwrite Virus. ...
Web Scripting Virus. ...
File Infector. ...
Network Virus. ...
Boot Sector Virus.

Slower Operating Speed. Background programs slow down a computer's speed. ...
Loss of Software Functionality. A virus may change your computer's system
after it infects it, allowing you to access features you previously couldn't.
How we Protect?

Antivirus protection scans your files and your incoming

email for viruses, and then deletes anything malicious. You
must keep your antivirus software updated to cope with the
latest "bugs" circulating the internet. Most antivirus
software includes a feature to download updates
automatically when you are online.

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