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Academy 2017
LESSON 3- Drafting the Research Proposal Part 1

Lesson 3

Drafting the
Research Proposal
Part 1
Minds on… Hearts on
Hands on…

My research topic is____________

You now have your
research topic
Minds on… Hearts on
Step 2. Formulate the Research Title

Your title must include significant variables

(independent and dependent) of your research. The
research title must completely unravel the research
methodology or process you will undertake in meeting
the objectives of your study.
Minds on… Hearts on
Development of a School Based Reading Program for Grade
Seven Struggling Readers at San Pedro National High School

Zeroing Drop-out Rate through Home and School Link

Collaboration: Sto. Tomas District Absenteeism Prevention
Scheme Assisted by the Families of Struggling Learners

Word Recognition Skills of Grade One Readers: An Evaluation

of the Pupils Knowledge on Words with Multiple Meanings
Theoretical anchorage
Prior Acquired Applied
from K to 12

Sulyap, Silip at Titig sa Kontekstwalisasyon at

Lokalisasyon: Hanguang Balon sa Pagbuo ng
Plano sa Pagdebelop ng mga Kagamitang
Pampagtuturo sa Baitang Sampu

Solution/Plan of Action
Theoretical Anchorage

Paradigm Shift in Enhancing

Learning Leaders’ Competencies in
Action Research Writing

Plan of Action
Ang KKK sa K to 12:
Kaalaman, Kahandaan at Kakayanan
ng mga Mag-aaral ng Alternative
Delivery Mode- Open High School
Program ng San Pedro National High
School sa Bagong Kurikulum,
San Pedro, Sto. Tomas, Batangas Anchorage
Hands on…
My research title is____________
This will serve as your working title.
Step 3. Formulate the
Research Problems Minds on… Hearts on
or Research Questions

Formulation of research
problems/research questions
is a challenging task.
Indeed, it is not an easy task
to formulate research problems.
It is not bad to start by asking the following
questions before writing the research problem:
Minds on… Hearts on

 What are the basic questions that I wanted

to answer about my research?
 What is the focus of my research?
 How many questions will I ask?
 Are these questions feasible?
 Will I ask questions that will yield simple
statistical treatment or will I ask questions
that need a more complex statistical
treatment of data?
Zeroing Drop-out Rate through Home and School Link Collaboration: Sto. Tomas District
Absenteeism Prevention Scheme Assisted by the Families of Struggling Learners

1. What is the dropout rate of for three consecutive

school years?
2. What are the common reasons for dropping out?
3. What are the family members’ roles in assisting the
4. What home and school link absenteeism
prevention scheme may be proposed to assist
struggling learners?
Hands on…
My research questions are:
This will serve as your working ti
You now have your research
Minds on… Hearts on
Step 4. Setting the Research
Scope and Limitation
You need to focus when you write your research
paper. List down the concepts or the research
concepts that you will include in your research.
Through this method, you will have a mind map on
the content of your paper, you will have an idea
where is the GO ZONE (SCOPE) and where is the
STOP ZONE (LIMITATION) of your research.
Hands on…
Concepts included in my Concepts not included in
study my study
This will serve as your working ti
You now have your scope and
Minds on… Hearts on
Step 5. Preparing the
significance of the Study
Research writing is a scholarly activity which aims to
provide immediate solutions to problems as well as to
highlight the best practices of schools.

Also, output of these researches will be of great help to your

intended beneficiaries.
Hands on…
This study is significant to Reason
This will serve as your working ti
You now have your significance of
the study
Minds on… Hearts on
Step 6. Preparing the research
context and rationale

 Now that we have set the details, you may write your context
and rationale by setting a very good introduction about your
big topic narrowing it down to your specific study.
 Briefly, highlight the objectives of your study , the processes
to be undertaken, the importance of your study as well as its
 State the reason of conducting the study.
The big topic about my research….
(search for a literature that will support your introduction of your big/general topic)

The specific topic of my research…

(search for a literature that will support your introduction of your specific topic)

The highlights of my research objectives , the significance, the processes to

be undertaken and the reason of conducting the study.

(state briefly the meat of your research covering research objectives , the significance,
the processes to be undertaken and the reason of conducting the study.
This will serve as your working ti
You now have your context and


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