Teacher Diary

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D ia r y

Hundred years ago, McMurrich's (Canada) first principal wrote

about construction delays on the school's opening day. The
journal was unearthed recently.
• After this session participants will :
• define Teacher Diary
• describe the purpose of writing a teacher diary
• elaborate at least two styles of writing teacher
• write a teacher diary for one day
• suggest some interesting ways of giving
assignments to students.
• Participants work in groups.
• Each group provided with a hand out
• Reading and discussion in groups.
• Answer the questions given in hand outs
• Group resentation.
What is a teacher diary?

It is a bit like a personal diary where

you record events, thoughts and
observations. With a teacher diary you
write about your experiences as a

Why should I keep a teacher diary?

It provides a focus for reflecting

on things which happen in your
class and why they happen in
the way that they do. Look at
this example of how a teacher
records and reflects on a
difficulty she was experiencing
with group discussion work.
The diary helps to state the problem
and explore why the difficulty was
occurring. By recording her
approach to the problem, she is
building a bank of ideas which she
can refer back to in the future and
also use to guide other teachers.
Modes of teacher Diary

• Weekly/daily/monthly planners
• Term/semester planners
• Holiday planners
• Outcomes - Outcome reporting
Benefits of reflection
•a record of events and results and our reactions to them,
•data on which to base reflective discussion,
•opportunity to challenge ourselves and what we do and to
free us to do it differently and better,
•impetus to take action that is informed and planned,
•to develop a personal philosophy of teaching,
•an opportunity to view our teaching objectively
•an enrichment to our classroom because we are prepared
to innovate,
•increased confidence through increased insight which
enables us to trust our students and enjoy them,
•basic documentation to support future entries in our
teaching portfolio and for job applications etc.

•increased confidence through increased

insight which enables us to trust our
students and enjoy them,
•basic documentation to support future
entries in our teaching portfolio and for
job applications
Main parts of Teacher Diary

A teacher diary may have the following parts

• Planning ( Main things of lesson such as what
to teach ,Why to teach and how to teach …..
mention any one /two activities for in put,
practice and assessment /production stages.
• Reflection ( How successful the lesson had
been , what areas created problems, how to
cope that. What things need repetition)
What to write
• Subject
• Topic
• Date and Time
• Main points about the lesson to be Taught. (SLO based
lesson plan)
• What things worked well?
• Which things created problems?
• How such situation was managed ?
• Remarks: Was every thing O.K what elements will be
Components of reflection

Focus on the learner

 Focus on the teacher
Focus on practical aspects
Focus on teachers’ cognitive development
Focus on critical/contextual aspects
Agenda for writing Reflection
• What is the current problem or issue? Describe
the context
• What additional information would be useful?
• How is it related to other issues?
• Who or what could help?
• What are my assumptions? How can I test
• What can I do to create a change? Be as
adventurous as you can

•What are the possible outcomes of

•What action will I take? Why?
•List the outcomes you hope to
•Reflection on the actual outcome
What worked well?
•What could I do differently next
Activity………..Teacher Diary writing
1. Subject –based groups

2.Group work/ Discussion on diary Writing

3. Writing diaries for two days
4. Presentations
What is School assignment

A school task performed by a

student to satisfy the
Nature of primary school assignments
• Teachers may ask primary school students to
complete simple computations, copy letters or
words, or complete an activity sheet.

• A child - and parent - can become frustrated if

homework takes significantly longer time.
Assignments Examples
• At primary level what type of assignments
may be useful as well as interesting? ……
Whole class discussion
• ……………….
• ………………….
• ………………..
• ……………………

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