E-Tech 2

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Rules of Netiquette
• Online security, safety, and ethics
• Internet threats
• Protecting reputations online
• Copyright
• Contextualized online search and
research skills
At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:

1. consider one’s and others’ safety when sharing

information using the Internet;

2. consider one’s and others’ reputation when using the


3. determine and avoid the dangers of the Internet;

4. be responsible in the use of social networking sites; and

5. browse the Internet efficiently and properly through

proper referencing.
Online Safety and Security
The Internet, truly, is a powerful tool. It
can be used to promote your business,
gain new friends, and stay in touch with
the old ones. It is also a source of
entertainment. But like most things in this
world, there is always “another side of
the coin.” The Internet is one of the most
dangerous places, especially if you do
not know what you are doing.
Internet Threats:
1. Spam – unwanted email mostly from bots
or advertisers. It can be used to send
2. Pharming – is a dangerous hacker attack
on a website which directs all traffic to that
website to another fictitious website.

3. Spoofing – deceitful email practice in

which the sender address is changed, so that
it would appear to have come from a different
source usually someone you know.
Internet Threats:

4. Phishing – deceitful practice of trying to

get confidential information such as
passwords and usernames, and credit card
details, by making it appears as if it comes
from a trustworthy source.

1. Malware – stands for malicious software

Types: Virus, Worm, Trojan, Spyware, Adware
Internet Threats:
a. Spyware – computer program that is installed
covertly on a personal computer to collect information
or even control ever the computer without the
knowledge of the user.
b. Computer Worm – dangerous computer program
that replicates itself through a network.
c. Trojan horse – this is a form of a malware fronting
to perform a good task, but covertly performs
undesirable function with the intention of entering the
computer without the users’ consent.
Internet Threats:
d. Computer Virus – a program that duplicates itself
and then infects the computer. It spreads like a
biological virus, wherein it attaches itself to a host
program and infect other computers if it is received by
a computer through the internet.
e. Hacker – a person who is able to enter and control
other people’s computer without authorization.

Every operating system has its

security features that determine who
can use and have access to your

Some features are:

1. Changing and Adding User Accounts
2. Creating a New Password
3. Screen Saver Security

4. Security Center
a. Firewall – helps in protecting your computer
from unauthorized entries, viruses, ort worms
from the Internet or Network.
b. Automatic Updates – another feature of
windows which when turned on will
automatically download updates from Microsoft
Windows website.
c. Virus Protection – is usually about the current
antivirus software installed in your computer;
this option is recommended to be turned on
Guidelines and rules are needed in the
appropriate use of computer technology. There are
both advantages and disadvantages in the use of
computers. The Ten Commandments of Computer
Ethics is meant as a guide to the right attitude when
using the computer.

The Ten Commandments of Computer

Ethics was written by Dr. Ramon C. Barquin in 1992
for the Computer Ethics Institute. He wrote a paper
entitled “In Pursuit of a Ten Commandments for
Computer Ethics”. Barquin said that it is a means to
create a set of standard guide and instruct people on
the ethical use of computers.
“The Ten Commandments of Computer
1. Thou shalt not use computer to harm other
2. Thou shalt not interfere with other people’s
computer work.
3. Thou shalt not snoop around in other
people’s files.
4. Thou shalt not use a computer to steal.
5. Thou shalt not use a computer to bear
false witness.
“The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics”
6. Thou shalt not use or copy software for
which you have not paid.
7. Thou shalt not use other people’s computer
resources without authorization
8. Thou shalt not appropriate other people’s
intellectual output.
9. Thou shalt think about the social
consequences of the program you write.
10. Thou shalt use a computer in ways that
show considerations and respect.
Think Before You Click
1. Before you post something on the web, ask these questions
to yourself: Would you want your parents or grandparents to see
it? Would you want your future boss to see it? Once you post
something on the web, you have no control of who sees your
2. Your friends depend on you to protect their reputation online.
Talk to your friends about this serious responsibility.
3. Set your post to “private.” In this way, search engines will
not be able to scan that post.
4. Avoid using names. Names are easy for search engines to
5. If you feel that a post can affect you or other’s reputation, ask
the one who posted it to pull it down or report it as

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