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Business Environment

Industry Case
Group – 6

Ari Widiastuti
Pratisyara Puspa Widitha Narindra
Arum Widya Laksmi Paramitha
Muhammad Kevin Adriansyah
The Impacts of Poor
Logistics Management
Higher logistics
Reduces the
Raises the cost potential for
Bad Logistics Lower efficiency
of trading global
Lower productivity
Poor logistics The cost of logistics Low product
performance plays a vital role in Competitiveness Lower
reflected in the cost the pricing of goods competitiveness
of freight Reduces the potential
transportation is very Bad logistics raises both international
expensive cost of doing and domestic
business integration
Lower Economic Growth
Bad Logistics ≠ The 7 ''Rights'' Of Logistics TOP 10 Rank LPI by World Bank (2018)

1. WRONG product
2. WRONG customer
3. WRONG quantity
4. WRONG condition
5. WRONG place
6. WRONG time
7. WRONG cost

LPI (Logistics Performance Index)

• Customs
• Infrastructure High-income countries occupied the top 10 rankings in 2018
• International Shipments
• Logistics quality & competence Meanwhile Indonesia on rank 46th with another lower-
• Tracking & Tracing middle-income countries such as India (44th) and Vietnam
Logistics expected become more efficient & effective thru
policy facilitation

Logistics is business to business (B2B) its activities are executed

primarily by private companies for private companies

The performance in each economy depends on the public

sector’s interventions and policies

Better policies lead to better logistics performance

Logistics is integrated process which monitors the flow from the
inception till the consumption of the product.
Title Here
e.g :
TECHNOLOGY • Geographic Information System (GIS)
INVESTMENT • Big data analytics
• Cloud omputing
• Machine learning
• Blockchain

Logistics deal with the movement of goods. Well developed road, railway,
ports, logistic
Title parks
Hereand warehouses can make movement easy, quick,
flexible, and cost saving
INFRASTRUCTURE You can edit this text for
NETWORK • Develop road infrastructure, railway infrastructure, airports, seaports
your presentation.
• Upgrade existing warehouse
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