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Meaning and Defination

How Insurance operates
History Of insurance
Classification of insurance
Function of insurance
1.1. Meaning and Defination
there are countless risks in every sphere of life; For
human life there are risk of death, for property, there
are fire risks and so on.
The chance of occurrence( probality) of events causing
loss are quite uncertain because they may or may not
take place.
there fore, insurance is a mechanism to help peoples
facing common risk and make their small
contribution to the common fund.
In a village, there are 250 houses, each valued at br.
2,000,000. Every year one house gets burnt, resulting
in to a total loss of 2,000,000. If all the 250 owners
come together and controibute br 8000 each, the
common fund would be br 2,000,000. This is enough
to pay br 200000 to the owners whose has got burnt.
There fore the risk of one owner is spread over 250
house owners of the village.
Defination Of insurance

1. Functional Definition
2. Contractual Defination

Functional Definition
“Insurance is a co-operative device to spread the loss
caused by a particular risk over a number of persons,
who are exposed to it and who agree to insure
themselves against the risk”.
Contractual Definition
Insurance contract may be defined as a contract by
which one party (the insurer/insurance company)
agrees to pay to the other party (the insured) or his
beneficiary, a certain sum upon a given contingency
(the risk) against which insurance is sought.
How insurance Operates?
Illustration presented on British insurers association
Basic Analysis
Losses are spread over peoples who are exposed to
same risk and agree to share it
The frequency and severity of loss should be
measurable in terms of time and money
The rate is depends on the frequency and severity of
loss plus administrative cost
History Of Insurance
Historians believe insurance first developed in Sumer and
Babylonia (both in what is now Iraq) beginning in about
3000 BC. The merchants and traders of these societies
transferred and pooled their money to protect themselves
from losses of cargo to thieves and pirates.
In the 18th century BC, Babylonian king Hammurabi
developed a code of law, known as the Code of
Hammurabi, which codified many specific rules governing
the practices of early risk-sharing activities. For instance,
the code dictated that traders had to repay merchants who
financed trading voyages unless thieves stole goods in
transit, in which case debts would be cancelled.
Note that still the new code is developed in insurance
market e.g- 911 attack
In the last several centuries BC the societies of Greece and
Rome developed some of the earliest systems of life
Greek and Roman citizens formed benevolent societies,
organizations in which members paid dues that went
toward paying for the burial of members who died.
Sometimes these societies also paid for the living expenses
of deceased members’ families.
 During the Middle Ages (5th to 15th centuries AD),
workers joined together in craft. Many guilds, particularly
in England and Italy, provided benefits to workers and
their families in the event of illness or death
1.2. Classification of Insurance
Insurance can be classified on the following ways;
 Classification based on nature of insurance
 Classification based on business point of view

 Classification based on risk point of view

Classification based on nature of insurance

Life insurance
Fire insurance
Marine insurance
Social insurance
General and other accident insurance
 Classification based on business point of view
Life insurance
Non life insurance
Classification based on risk point of view
 Personal insurance

 Property insurance

 Liability insurance

 Fidelity guarantee insurance

3.3. Function of insurance
1. Certainty- it provides certainty of payment for the
risk of loss.
there are different type of uncertainty in a risk
Such as; the risk will occur or not, when will it occur?
how much loss will be there?
 Insurance removes all these uncertainty and the
assured is given certainty of payment.
2. Protection- the insurance guarantee the payment of
loss and thus protects the assured from suffering. The
insurance can not check the happening of the event
but can compensate for loss arising at the happening
of the risk event.
3. Risk sharing-when risk takes place, the loss is shared
by all the persons who are exposed by it.
4. Assist in capital formation- The insurance provides
capital to the society. The accumulated funds are
invested in productive channel.
5. Prevention of loss- the insurance companies assist
financially to the health organization, fire
bregade,educational institution,and others which are
engaged in preventing the loss of the mass from death
or damage.

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