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Server consolidation &

Krishna Kumar KK / Oct 15, 2015

• Virtualization an overview, Advantages.
• Types of Virtualizations and Migrations.
– Live Virtualization
– Lift and Shift
• Virtualization tools.
• Standard DC Consolidation process.
• Data Center Discovery, tools available.
• Capacity Planning.
• How to handle Storage migrations, storage migration tools.
• Pre-Post migration Activities.
• Challenges
• VMware Overview.

What is Virtualization !!!
• The term virtualization broadly describes the separation of a resource or request for a service from the
underlying physical delivery of that service.
• With virtual memory, for example, computer software gains access to more memory than is physically
installed, via the background swapping of data to disk storage.
• This can be applied to other Layers such as networks, storage, laptop or server hardware, operating
systems and applications.

Benefits of virtualization
• Business Benefits
– Reduction in operating expenses
– Improved business continuity
– Better response by IT to requests for new services
– Improved SLAs on IT Services
– Improved Customer Services

• Financial Benefits
– Reduced Hardware cost
– Server Provisioning time reductions
– Disaster recovery improvement
– Upgrade/Maintenance expenses reduced
– Application released faster

Before vs after Virtualization

Before Virtualization After Virtualization

• Single OS image per machine • Hardware-independence of operating system

and applications
• Software and hardware tightly coupled.
• Running multiple applications on same machine • Virtual machines can be provisioned to any
often creates conflict system

• Underutilized resources Inflexible and costly • Can manage OS and application as a single unit
infrastructure by encapsulating them into virtual Machines

Types of Virtualizations and Migrations.
• Vmotion
– Live migration of VM from one ESX server to Another with Zero down time
• Physical to Physical(P2P)
– P2P looks for systems that could benefit from newer more powerful HW, and free-up systems for reuse. Additionally that a
threshold of capacity for potential reuse, but not ideal virtualization candidates.

• Physical to Virtual(P2V) and Virtual to Virtual(V2V)

– P2V/V2V – As memory and CPU increases, the likelihood of virtualization decreases. P2V drives the best TCO. Virtualization
and Logical Consolidation could also include “Application Integration”, which is taking an application that is currently
distributed by layer (or tier) – e.g., presentation layer, application layer, data layer – and co-hosting all of that application’s
components on the same Physical server for increased performance.
– Virtualized candidates do not include servers with higher memory allocations and higher processor count.
• Lift and Shift
– Lift and Shift is evaluated due to high capacity systems and the cost to do Physical to Physical(P2P). The ability for applications
to absorb downtimes with retrospect to cost of replacing high-end systems will be vetted in subsequent phases.

Major Virtualization Tools
• vCenter Converter/Vmware replicator
• PlateSpin Migrate from NetIQ
• Double-Take Move from Vision Solutions

Standard Process an Overview for DC Consolidation !!!

Workload Analysis and Macro Analysis and Micro

Discovery Design Design

• Define business and • Planning and Analysis • Application Assessment • Migration Run book
tech requirements questionnaire
• Define Move groups • Execution
• Define Scope Baseline • Verify Migration
• High level Migration Methods • Post Migration Tasks
• Inventory Collection Plan
and verification. • Source to target • Cutover
• High Level Migration Mapping
• Server Utilization Schedule • UAT
• Baseline test
• Application Affinity • Fall Back( Roll out)
• Migration plan
• Migration tool
• Finalize Migration Plan

Data Center Inventory
• VMware Capacity Planner
Delivered as a hosted application service, VMware Capacity Planner enables comprehensive virtualization and system consolidation
assessments. These assessments will help you make smart decisions when consolidating your datacenter or data, and gather key
performance metrics required for capacity utilization analysis. The Data Collector can gather data from heterogeneous environments
based on multiple platforms
– Major Components
– Data Collector
– Data Manager
– Data Analyzer
– Consolidation Estimates
– Capacity Assessment

Other Tools
• VMware ADP (Application Dependency Planner)
• PlateSpin Recon
• Tivoli Application Dependency Manager
• Cirba

Major types of Reports
• Inventory Reports
– OS Summary
– Memory Summary
– Processor summary
– In Scope summary

• Utilization Reports
• Processor
• Memory
• Network
• Disk

• Application Affinity
• Db’s identified

Inventory Report

Utilization report
Processor Utilization Memory Utilization

• Network Utilization Report • Disk Utilization report

Application Affinity(Dependency map)

Db instances Identified

Wave Planning

Selection Criteria for Wave Planning

Technical Attributes - drive Ability to migrate
 CPU, Memory, Utilization, Dependency on H/W not supported on target
platform (s)
Strategic Criteria
 Functional – File/Print, Database, Web
 Operating System / platform

Technical Criteria

Application Attributes - drive Complexity to migrate

Application  Upstream/Downstream dependencies of the applications
Traceable Systems
Criteria  Complexity (Simple/Medium/Complex) & Criticality (assumptions-based at
this point)
Composition CANDIDATES  Review of Application sunset schedule
Compatibility FOR
 Business Impact i.e. SLA, DR/BC
Sizing &


 Begin

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Target Sizing
• Sizing is a process to assign RPE2 values based on host model, processor type, processor speed and number of
processors. For virtual machines, RPE2 values are assigned relatively to the number of VM’s on the physical host.
• RPE2 - Relative server Performance Estimate 2, is a computer benchmark developed by Ideas International( Now
• Major Criteria for sizing
• Memory
• Network
• Disk Resources

• HP Sizer for Server Virtualization, it’s a quick helpful sizing tool for VMware and Hyper-V environment

How to migrate large volume data?
• Migrating large volume data’s always challenge(> 100 GB)
• Time constraints for data copy, customer will not agree large down time for data copy
• Choose live migration tools with minimal down time
• Approach
– Start data copy well in advance before the actual migration.
– Use block level copy tools for the live migration, it will not affect any of the running services.
– Do the final data sync during cutover window.

• Data Migration Tools

• Double take.
• RSync
• Veritas Volume Manager – Array based Migration tool.
• Robocopy- File level copy tool from Microsoft

Pre-Post migration Activities.

• Pre-Migration Activities
– Capture all the source server informations
• Disk Info
• Services
• Capture Schedule tasks if/any
• Advisable to create a pre-migration check sheet.

• Post Migration Activities

– Compare Disk info
– Compare Services
– Remove Source hardware related services
– Compare schedule Tasks
– Update pre-migration sheet and keep it for reference.

• Hidden complexity, back-end legacy data bases.
• Network speed
• Application compatibility( For Upgrades)
• Post Migration testing
• Finding the right application owner
• Hard coded IP’s in applications

Vmware Overview
• Different vSphere Editions

Major Files which make a virtual machine
 .vmx - Virtual Machine Configuration File
 .nvram - Virtual Machine BIOS
 .vmdk - Virtual Machine Disk file
 .vswp - Virtual Machine Swap File
 .vmsd - Virtual MAchine Snapshot Database
 .vmsn - Virtual Machine Snapshot file
 .vmss - Virtual Machine Suspended State file
 .vmware.log - Current Log File
 .vmware-#.log - Old Log file

Creating Virtual Machine Using template
• Using a Template

Deploy Virtual Machine from template

Cloning a Virtual Machine

High Availability

vSphere HA Failure Scenarios

vSphere HA Failure Scenario: Host

vSphere HA Failure Scenario: Guest Operating System

vSphere HA Failure Scenario: Application

What Is Fault Tolerance?

Fault Tolerance in Action

Thank you

Krishna Kumar KK, Princce2, ITIL, VCP
Call: +91-9980013978


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