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l Leadership
Elsa Rapsing
Yllaizah Marie Empleo
Mc Gjiener Garcia
● In organizational Leadership, leaders help set
strategic goals for the organization while
motivating individuals within the organization
to successfully carry out assignments in order
to realize those goals. In the school setting,
the school leader help set the goals/targets for
the school and motivates teachers, parents,
learners, non-teaching personnel and other
members of the community to do their task to
realize the school goals.
Organizational Leadership
● Organizational Leadership work toward what is the best for individual
members and what is best for the organization as a group at the same time.
Organizational leadership does not sacrifice the individual members for the
sake of the people nor sacrifice the welfare of the group for the sake of
individual member. Both individual and group are necessary.

● Organizational leadership is also an attitude and a work ethic that empowers

an individual in any role to lead from the top, middle, or bottom of an
organization. Applied to the school setting, the school leader helps anyone
from the organization not necessarily from the top to lead others. An example
of this leadership which does not necessarily come from the top of the
organization is teacher leadership.
Leadership Versus Management
School Head must be both a Leader and a Manager
 A school head leads the school and community to formulate the
vision, mission, goals, and improvement plan. This is a leadership
function. S/he sees to it that this plan gets well implemented on
time and so ensures that the resources needed are there, the
persons to do the job are qualified and available. This is a
management function. Imagine if the school head is only a
leader. You have the mission, vision, goals and school plan but no
implementation. The plan is good only in paper. If you do the task
of a manager only, you will be focusing on the details of the day-
of-day implementation without the big picture, the vision and
mission. So it big picture for connect and meaning. This means
that it is the best that a school leader is both a leader and a
Table 4: Comparison of Manager and Leader

Managers Leaders

Administer Innovate
Their process is transactional; meet Their process is transformational: develop a
objectives and delegate tasks. vision and find a way forward.

Work Focused People Focused

The goal is to get things done. The goals include both people and results.
They are skilled at allocating work. They care about you and want you to succeed.

Have Subordinates Have Followers

They creates circles of power and lead by They create circle influence and lead by
authority. inspiring.

Do Things Right Do the Right Thing

Managers enact the existing culture and Leaders shape the culture and drive integrity.
maintain status quo.
Type of Skills Demanded of
Leaders use 3 broad Leader
type of skills:

1. Technical skill- refers to any type of process or

technique like sending e-mail, preparing a power
point presentation.
2. Human skill- is the ability to work effectively with
people and to build teamwork. This is also referred
to as people skills or soft skills.
3. Conceptual skill- is the ability to think terms of
models, frameworks and broad relationships such as
long range plans.
Leadership styles
Leaders do decision making by themselves

Leaders allow participation of the
members of the organization by consulting them but
make the decision themselves.
Leaders allow the members of the
organization to fully participate in decision making.
Decision arrived at by consensus.

Laissez faire or free-rein leadership style

Leader avoid responsibility and leave the
members of the organization to establish their own
The Situational Leadership
● In situational leadership, effective leaders adapt their
leadership style to the situation of the members of the
organization to the readiness and willingness of group

● Paul Hersey and Kenneth H. Blanchard (1996)

characterized leadership style in terms of the amount of
task behavior and relationship behavior that the leader
provides to their followers. They categorized all leadership
styles into four style, which they named S1 to S4.
Table 4: Behavior Style in Situational Leadership

S1 S2 S3 S4
Selling/ Directing Telling/ Coaching Participating/ Delegating

Individuals lack Individuals are Individuals are Individuals are

the specific skills more able to do experienced and experienced at
required for the the task; able to do the the task, and
job in hand and however, they are task but lack the comfortable with
they are willing to demotivated for confidence or the their own ability
work at the task. this job or task. willingness to to do it well. They
They are novice Unwilling to do take on are able and
but enthusiastic the task. responsibility. willing to not only
do the task, but
to take
responsibility for
the task
Servant Leadership
● Robert K. Greenleaf (1977) coined the paradoxical term
servant leadership. The paradox is Greenleaf deliberate
and meaningful way of emphasizing the qualities of a
servant leader. He describes the servant

…. Servant first. It begins with natural feeling that

one wants to serve. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire
to lead. The best test is: do those served grow as persons: do
they being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more
autonomous, more likely themselves to became servant? And,
what is the effect on the least privileged in society; will they
benefit, or, at least, not be further deprived? (Greenleaf,
1977/2002, p.27)
 The greatest teacher of humankind, Jesus Christ, was a servant leader. He
taught his discipline “he who wants to great must be the servant of all.

The greatest teacher said:

“….. And whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave.” (Matthew

“ The greatest among you shall be your servant.” (Matthew 23:11)

“ If anyone wants to be first, he must be the last of all and the servant of all” (
Mark 9:53)

“You know how the pagan rulers make their powers felt. But it shall not be this
way among you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be
your servant”. (Mark 10:43)
Transformational Leadership
● The transformational leader is not content with status qou and sees the
need to transform the way the organization thinks, relates and does
things. The transformational school leaders sees school culture as it
could be and should be, not as it is and so plays his/her role as visionary,
engager, learner, collaborator, and instructional leader. As a
transformational leader he/she makes positive changes in the
organization by collaboratively developing new vision for the
organization and mobilizing members to work towards that vision.

To do this transformational leaders combines charisma, inspirational

leadership and intellectual stimulation to introduce innovation for the
transformation of the organization
Sustaining Change
● For reform to transform, the innovations introduced by the
transformational leader must be institutional and
sustained. Or else that innovation is simply a passing fad
that loses its flavor after time. A proof that an innovation
introduced has transformed the organization is that the
result of effect of that change persist or ripples even when
the transformative leader is gone or is transferred to
another school or gets promoted in the organization.
● To ensure that the innovation he/she introduces
leads to the transformation of the organization,
Morato of Bayan ABS-CBN, (2011) gives the
following advice.

1. Seek the support of the stakeholders

2.Get people involved early and often
3. Plan a communication campaign to “sell” the
4.Ensure that the innovation is understood by all
5. Consider timing and phasing
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