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Peer conformity among Gen Z and Gen Y

and its impact on sense of self

Gomathi Shankar

Sanchita Srivastava


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Conformity means submitting to the groups even though there is no direct request to follow what is done by the
group. Conformity will result in a change in individual attitudes and behaviors that are carried out in accordance
with existing social norms (Baron & Byrne, 2005). According to Baron and Byrne (2005), the basics that make a
person conform to his group are because of the normative social influences (social normative influence) and
informative social influences.

Self efficacy

Self-efficacy ideals determine how individuals experience, think and the way they cope with problems. The concept
of self efficacy refers to people' confidence in their sources rather than their ability despite the fact that a character
has the potential to do any process, if they do no longer accept as true with in them self, then they will fail to
perform the process. An individual's competence in phrases of self-efficacy is immediately primarily based on four
resources together with performance accomplishments, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion and physiological
states consistent with Bandura(1994), self-efficacy perception affects four psychological approaches such as
cognitive, motivational, affective and selection strategies.(Tagay et al., 2016).

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Self esteem

According to Rosenberg (1965a), self-esteem is one’s positive or negative attitude toward oneself and one’s evaluation of one’s own
thoughts and feelings overall in relation to oneself. Self-esteem is regarded as a personal psychological characteristic relating to self-
judgment based on one’s values about humans (Alesi et al., 2012). Self-esteem implies an awareness of one’s value system and one’s
emotional evaluation of one’s self-worth (Schunk, 1985). High self-esteem indicates a high level of social adjustment (
Martin et al., 2014). An individual with high self-esteem and an individual with low self-esteem may respond similarly to positive input,
but they could exhibit different responses to negative input.

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Who are Gen Z and Gen Y

Generation Z - Generation Z is a generation who was born in the range of 1995 to 2010. ‘Digital natives,’ a term penned by Prensky in
2001, refers to people who were born into a time full of technology (Prensky, 2001). As a part of this group, Gen-Zers have several
unique characteristics that set them apart from previous generations. Because the online landscape is highly commercialized, this group
is considered to be more brand-savvy, and are influenced by the opinion of others, but are also independently-minded and harbor a
desire for self-expression (Goldring & Azab, 2021)

Generation Y - Those born between 1980 and 2000 are generally described as Millennials. They are thought to be the most distinctive
from earlier generations Millennials, are renowned for their advocacy and transparency regarding mental health, actively demonstrate
resilience when confronting depression. They prioritize self-care, participate in therapy, and utilize online communities for support.
Their openness about mental health challenges contributes to diminishing stigma and nurturing resilience.

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Millennials, are renowned for their advocacy and transparency regarding mental health, actively demonstrate
resilience when confronting depression. They prioritize self-care, participate in therapy, and utilize online
communities for support. Their openness about mental health challenges contributes to diminishing stigma
and nurturing resilience. In contrast, Generation Z exhibits resilience through adaptability and a reliance on
technology. They are more inclined to seek digital mental health resources and online peer support, revealing
a unique aspect of resilience in managing depression. However, their heavy dependence on digital
connections may pose a challenge to developing offline resilience.

Often referred to as the "crisis generation," Millennials have faced disruptions over time. Their use of technology
for connectivity and activism has fostered a sense of community and advocacy. They prioritize well-being by
seeking health support and engaging in discussions about the difficulties they encounter.

On the contrary, Generation Z, shaped by their upbringing, effectively leverages their proficiency in virtual
communication for social interaction and education. Their adaptability and creativity may pave the way for
innovative methods of connecting and learning despite limitations, showcasing resilience and

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Review of literature
The Power of Social Validation: A Literature Review on How Likes, Comments, and Shares Shape User Behavior on
Social Media Noli B. Ballara, Ed.D.

This sheds light on influencing public opinion and shaping societal narratives. Investigating the power of
social validation has practical implications for individuals, social media platforms, and society as a whole. It
can inform the development of strategies to promote healthy online behavior, mitigate negative effects on
mental well-being, and foster responsible engagement on social media platforms. Thus, this study aimed to
examine the power of social validation and its influence on user behavior on social media platforms. It
explored various aspects related to social validation, including self-presentation, emotional responses, self-
esteem, and societal implications. The study focused on the impact of social validation on individuals, social
media platforms, and society as a whole.

Millennial Career-identities: Reevaluating Social Identification and Intergenerational Relations Kathryn A.

Millennials view personal identification as more salient than generational identification, and interact with both
contemporaneous and older generations to co-produce and role model their career-identities. Moreover, both peer
and elder reactions to contemporary contexts were influential in shaping Millennial career-identities. These findings,
therefore, challenge normative understandings of generations which emphasize difference and weakening kinship
ties between generations.

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At-Risk Youth Many scholars argued that all children are in a risk category. However, they faced different levels of risk. Risky youth is
often referred to children, adolescents or young people who are stigmatized in risky situations. The risky situations can be identified based
on factors that are considered as risky and involved either the adolescents themselves, their families or surrounded communities. The risky
that are embodied in adolescents are like inability characteristics, low self-confidence, or victims of abuse.

Being Real: Gen-Z, Self-Presentation, and Authenticity on Social Media Maya Elizabeth Neufeld-Wall

Rejection of external influence. Many participants specified a lack of consideration for external influence and the explicit rejection of any
external influence in their definition of authenticity. “When you’re with certain people and you’re never considering how your behavior
will change how they view you, or how this will alter their perception of you, then you’re being authentic,” one participant stated. A
similar important element seemed to be the act of posting without consideration of peer pressure or obligation to participate in trends.
“Instead of focusing on a certain aesthetic to please other people, it’s just whatever you want to post of your life.” “If you feel obligated to
post, you might not be the most authentic.” Finally, participants viewed authenticity as the lack of visible effort put into posts- less
cultivation, lower quality, and appearance of thoughtlessness would come across as more authentic.

A phenomenological study of millennial students and traditional pedagogies Rebecca Toothaker a, ⁎, Donna Taliaferro

Unlike previous generations, Millennials place a significant value on relationships and peer input. Nurse educators are challenged to meet
the needs of Millennial nursing students who are enrolled in nursing programs (Fettig & Friesen, 2014). Peer interactions whether positive
or negative have direct correlation to learning experiences. Offering peer support programs such as studying with a peer, learning study
habits, or explanation of material from peers provide a way for Millennials to connect. Faculty should encourage and help to develop an
internal network of students that can create a cohesive student network that drives toward quality educational outcomes.

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To assess the impact of social conformity on self esteem and self efficacy

Exploring the interplay across different social contexts (e.g., workplace, academic settings, online communities) and demographic groups
(e.g., age, gender, cultural background).

To examine the factors that contribute to the differences in social conformity between Generation X and
Generation Y.

To examine the social, cultural, and technological factors that contribute to the differences in social conformity between Generation Z and
Generation Y. How do cultural differences between Gen Z and Gen Y influence their susceptibility to social pressure and conformity

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Quantitative Research Method

Population Sample - Gen Y (Middle Adulthood) 28 - 42 and Gen Z (Young adulthood) 18- 27

Correlation Analysis:: To examine the strength and direction of relationships between two continuous variables. (Social conformity and
sense of self )

Multiple Regression Analysis: - Purpose: To assess the linear relationship between a dependent variable and multiple independent

Samples t-test/ Man Whitney To compare means between two independent groups. (Gen z and Gen y )

ANOVA (Analysis of Variance):Purpose: To compare means across multiple groups.Use: Examine Social confirmity differences among
Gen z and Gen yY

Demographics (Age, Gender, Education, Home town)

Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965) – 10 items used self-report instrument for evaluating individual self-esteem
General Self Efficacy Scale (Schwarzer et al. 1995) – 10 items evaluate one's overall perception of his or her ability to handle challenges
and to anticipate how well one will adjust to the various stressful life events.
The Conformity Scale (Mehrabian & Stefl, 1995) scale is an 11-item self-report measure.

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Kumar, M. K., & Priyadarshini, R. G. (2018). Important factors of self-efficacy and its relationship
with life satisfaction and self-esteem with reference to gen y and gen z individuals. IOP Conference
Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 390, 012007.

Malathi, V., & D’Souza, L. (2016). Association between Shyness and Social Conformity among
Adolescents. International Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry, 4(1), 82.

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