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• Introduction.
• What is urban waste?
• challenges of traditional concrete
• Need for sustainable construction
• Objectives
• Suitability and availability


Composition and proportioning
• Tests
• Advantages and Disadvantages
• Applications
• Economic and technological benefits
• Conclusion
• Reference
• Environmental pollution caused by urban waste accumulation has changed the
appearance of cities.

• The study focuses on combining urban waste like plastic, used engine oil, and
wasted glass etc into concrete to achieve desired performance.

• The urban waste utilization in concrete is aiming to promote sustainable concrete

development .
• It reduces greenhouse gas emissions and environmental pollution by partially or fully

substituting for raw materials like aggregate and chemical admixtures.

• Urban waste enhances concrete’s macroscopic properties when used properly.

• By utilizing urban waste into green concrete production offers environmental and

economical benefits for a clean and sustainable city.

What is Green concrete?

• Green Concrete is environmentally friendly concrete.

• Concrete that uses less energy in its production and produces less carbon
dioxide than normal concrete is green concrete
What is Urban waste?
• It is the use of waste materials from urban areas as a component in concrete production.

• It helps to reduce carbon footprint and reduce environmental impact.

• Urban waste in concrete can include materials like fly ash,slag, plastic waste,
wasted glass,used engine oil and recycled concrete aggregates.

• These waste materials can be used as substitutes for traditional cement and aggregates in
concrete production.
Fly Ash Recycled concrete aggregates

Wasted glass powder Silica Fume

Challenges of using traditional concrete

• High carbon footprint which contributes to climate change.

• Depletion of natural resources.

• The disposal of concrete waste poses environmental concerns.

These challenges highlight the need for alternative methods, like using urban waste, to
create more sustainable concrete
Need for sustainable Construction
• We can minimize waste production and the extraction of natural resources by using
substitute materials, such as urban garbage, in concrete.

• The process involves utilizing renewable energy sources, and implementing efficient
building designs.

• It creates buildings and infrastructure that are safe, healthy, and comfortable for

• They play a crucial role in preserving natural resources, reducing carbon emissions,
and promoting societal well-being.
1. Reduce waste: It reduce the quantity of waste that is dumped in landfills.

2. Improve sustainability: we can make construction more sustainable by combining urban waste into

3. Improve properties: It increases the mechanical qualities, such as strength, durability, and resistance to
the elements.

4.Promote innovation: By analysing the properties,researchers can advance concrete technology and
grow the industry.

5. Help create a greener future: It promotes sustainable building techniques, reducing the environmental
impact of conventional construction methods.
Suitability and availability of urban waste materials for
concrete production

• Glass waste can be crushed and used as a partial replacement for fine or coarse aggregates
in concrete, providing additional strength.

• Plastic waste, when properly processed and transformed into granules, can enhance the
toughness and impact resistance of concrete.

• Used engine oil can be processed into a fuel substitute called "re-refined oil" and used as
an admixture in concrete to improve workability and reduce water demand.

• Glass waste is commonly found in urban areas, as it is generated from various

sources such as households, industries, and construction sites.

• Plastic waste, including bottles, packaging materials, and other consumer products,
is available in urban environments.

• Used engine oil can be collected from automotive service centers, car maintenance
facilities, and other urban establishments.
Composition and proportioning of urban waste
concrete mix
• Urban waste concrete includes various waste materials, such as glass, plastic, and used engine
oil, into the concrete mix.

• The waste materials are typically processed and prepared in a way that ensures their suitability
for concrete production.

• For example, glass waste may be crushed into fine particles, plastic waste may be transformed
into granules, and used engine oil may be processed into a fuel substitute called "re-refined oil."

• The proportions of urban waste materials in the concrete mix

depend on factors like the desired strength, durability, and
workability of the concrete.

• Testing and evaluation are essential to determine the optimal ratios

of waste materials to cement, aggregates, water, and other
Procedure for preparing concrete

1. Collect and sort the urban waste materials: Gather waste materials such as crushed glass, processed plastic
fibers, or re-refined oil.

2. Prepare the waste materials: Process the waste materials as needed to ensure their compatibility with
concrete. For example, crush the glass into fine particles, transform the plastic waste into granules, and
process the re-refined oil into a suitable form.

3. Determine the proportions: Conduct testing and evaluation to determine the optimal proportions of waste
materials in the concrete mix. This involves adjusting the ratios of waste materials to traditional concrete
constituents like cement, aggregates, water, and admixtures.
4. Mix the concrete: Combine the waste materials with the other concrete constituents in a
concrete mixer to achieve a uniform and homogenous mixture.Adjust water content to
maintain workability and consistency of concr Mix

5. Pour the concrete mix into the construction area and allow it to cure and gain strength .

6. Test and evaluate: Once the concrete mix is prepared, conduct tests to assess its properties,
such as strength, durability, and workability. This will help determine if any adjustments are
needed before using the concrete in construction.
Test to ensure its quality:
1. Compressive strength test: This measures the ability of the concrete to withstand
compressive forces.
2. Flexural strength test: This evaluates the concrete's resistance to bending or flexing.
3. Water absorption test: This determines the amount of water absorbed by the concrete, which
affects its durability.
4. Workability test: This access the ease of placing and compacting the concrete.
5. Setting time test: This measures the time it takes for the concrete to harden and set.
6. Durability tests: These include tests for resistance to chemical attack and abrasion..
Advantages of Urban waste concrete over normal
• Reduce Carbin dioxide emissions.
• Reduced shrinkage and creep.
• Improved strength.
• Durable.
• Resistance to chemical attack.
• Helps in recycling industry waste
Disadvantages of urban waste concrete over
normal concrete?

• Limited availability and quality

• Lack of guidelines and standards

• Technological limitations

• It helps to reduce environmental impacts.

• It promotes sustainable construction practices.

• It can be used in the construction of : Bridges

Green building
Infrastructure Road
Bridge Green building

Green concrete dam

Economic and technological benefits

• Cost savings

• Environmental sustainability

• Improved strength and durability

• Resource conservation

• Technological innovation
• Urban waste concrete offers a sustainable solution for construction.

• It not only reduces waste sent to landfills but also provides cost savings and improved
properties for concrete.

• Further research on urban waste concrete have a lot to study because new methods and
materials are always being studied.

• By further studying and developing urban waste concrete, we can unlock its full
potential and contribute to a more sustainable and efficient construction industry.

• Construction and Building Materials:Volume 292, 19 July 2021, 123321-Plastic-based

sustainable synthetic aggregate in Green Lightweight concrete – A review-Fahad K.
Alqahtani ,Idrees Zafar.(July 2021)

• Journal of Cleaner Production:Volume 329, 20 December 2021, 129736-Potential use of

recycled plastic and rubber aggregate in cementitious materials for sustainable construction: A
review-Rayed Alyousef , Waqas Ahmad ,Ayaz Ahmad ,Fahid Aslam ,Panuwat Joyklad ,Hisham
Alabduljabbar.(Dec 2021)
• Journal of Cleaner Production :Volume 329, 20 December 2021, 129555-Recycling used
engine oil in concrete design mix: An ecofriendly and feasible solution-Huaguo Chen,
Renyuan Qin,Denvid Lau (Dec 2021)

• Journal of Cleaner Production : Volume 368, 25 September 2022, 133057-Developing

green and sustainable concrete in integrating with different urban wastes-Huaguo Chen,
Cheuk Lun Chow, Denvid Lau.(Sep 2022)

• Journal of Cleaner Production : Volume 284, 15 February 2021, 124803 -Sustainable and
Greener Self-Compacting Concrete incorporating Industrial By-Products: A Review-
Nikita Gupta , Rafat Siddique ,Rafik Belarbi .(Feb 2021)
Stay green and keep building a better future 🌱

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