Preparing For Final Exam Days

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Tasks for Today… Year 11 Food…

1. Ensure time plans are complete with timings and Health and Safety
2. Check you know which day you have your NEA2 Practical exam and
what ingredients you are bringing in/ any equipment
3. Make sure you have written up why you chose each of your final
dishes- link back to the brief (nutritious, cheap etc.). Link back to
your research here.
4. Write up sensory analysis words for practical exam day- See LA
Plan for Thursday / Friday
∙ Arrive in T9 as soon as you get to school and set up. You can start once the bell goes at 8:45 if already set up.
Everyone must be cooking/ cutting/ preparing by 9am at the latest.
∙ Remember to bring your ingredients sheet with you as this also has notes about the equipment you need to set up.
∙ You will work solidly for 3 hours… through break
∙ You have until 12 midday. You should all be done by this time so we can then present dishes (take photos) and then
do sensory analysis.
∙ Sensory analysis will be done by peers to aid your coursework write up. Teacher will also mark you against specified

∙ How you do on these days are part of your NEA2 coursework mark for this project. You will be marked out of 30 for
the practical day and this will feed into your overall mark for NEA2. Remember NEA2 is 35% of your whole GCSE!

∙ At 12 midday- Plate your dishes for photos (with name and exam number) and complete sensory testing for each
other- rate based on sensory qualities you expect for each dish

∙ 12:40 (after tutor)- Go for lunch

∙ After lunch- Straight back to T9

What prep can I do at home?

∙ All ingredients can be weighed out ready at home

∙ NO cutting/ peeling/ cooking etc. should have taken
place at home
Tips for the big day…
∙ Get here early- Set up and get organised
∙ Use the time wisely… 3 hours will go quickly!
∙ There will be squash and biscuits available to sustain you if you are in need of a
break/ boost.
∙ Feel free to bring your own drinks/ snacks for morning snack if needed.
∙ Think about presentation- We will have a range of plates, bowls, dishes etc.
available for you to use. Think about how it will be presented.
∙ Keep an eye on timings. Your time plans will be photocopied ready for you.
How you are marked
∙ Section A: Research= 6 marks- (up to 3 pages)
∙ Section B: Trial dishes = 18 marks (Up to 5 pages)
∙ Section C: Planning final dishes= 8 marks (up to 3 pages)
∙ Section D: Practical exam = 30 marks (practical and Up to 6 pages in c/w)
∙ Section E: Evaluation: 8 marks (up to 3 pages)

Total marks for NEA 2 = 70 marks (no more than 20 pages total)

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