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The European Union

History of Türkiye- EU Relations

• Ever since its foundation, Türkiye has closely followed developments in international
conjuncture, with the aim of reaching the level of contemporary civilizations and
has become an active member of international organizations such as OECD and NATO.

• In this direction, on 31 July 1959 Türkiye applied for association with

European Economic Community(EEC), which was described as the most successful
peace project in the history of mankind, shortly after its creation in 1958.

• On behalf of Türkiye, Adnan Menderes, who was prime minister at that time and the
leader of Democratic Party made the application.

• Menderes stated that with this application Türkiye took its first step to
The European Union

History of Türkiye- EU Relations

The Ankara Agreement (12 September 1963)
• The council of ministers of EEC accepted Türkiye’s application and suggested the
establishment of an association until Türkiye's circumstances permitted its accession.
• The ensuing negotiations resulted in the signature of the Agreement Creating an
Association between the Republic of Türkiye and the European Economic
Community (the "Ankara Agreement") on 12 September 1963. This agreement
entered into force on 1 December 1964.
• Ankara Agreement constitutes the legal basis of the association between
Türkiye and the European Union (EU).
• İsmet İnönü, who was prime minister of the time and signatory of the Ankara
Agreement described EEC as ‘‘the bravest product of human intelligence in the history
of mankind."
The European Union

History of Türkiye- EU Relations

The Ankara Agreement (12 September 1963)

The article 2 of Ankara Agreement states that:

‘‘The aim of this Agreement is to promote the continuous and balanced strengthening of
trade and economic relations between the Parties, while taking full account of the need
to ensure an accelerated development of the Turkish economy and to improve
the level of employment and living conditions of the Turkish people.’’
The European Union

History of Türkiye- EU Relations

The Ankara Agreement (12 September 1963)

Furthermore, in article 28 it is said that:

‘‘As soon as the operation of this Agreement has advanced far enough to justify
envisaging full acceptance by Türkiye of the obligations arising out of the Treaty
establishing the Community, the Contracting Parties shall examine the possibility
of the accession of Türkiye to the Community.’’
• It is clearly understood from this article that ‘‘ultimate goal of Türkiye-EEC association
relation is Türkiye’s full membership to the Community’’.
The European Union

History of Türkiye- EU Relations

The Ankara Agreement (12 September 1963)

• In Ankara Agreement, three phases, namely; Preparation, Transition and Final

periods were envisaged for Türkiye’s integration into the EEC.
• Preparation period started on 1 December 1964 when the Agreement entered into
force. In this period the aim was to reduce economic differences between parties.
Türkiye did not undertake any obligations in this period.
• Association organs concerning the functioning of relations were formed. Among them,
Türkiye-EU Association Council is the highest decision making organ.
The European Union

History of Türkiye- EU Relations

The Additional Protocol (1973)
• With the Additional Protocol of 13 November 1970, which entered into force in
1973, preparation period ended and conditions for transition period were set.
• In this period, the free movement of industrial and agricultural products and persons
was foreseen. As of 1971, within the framework of Additional Protocol, EEC abolished
tariff and quantitative barriers to its imports from Türkiye (with some exceptions
including fabrics and petroleum products.)
• In return, it was foreseen that Türkiye would also gradually abolish tariff for industrial
products of EEC. Thus, a 22-year timetable was set for the establishment of the
Customs Union.
• Türkiye-EU relations was unstable from the beginnings of 1970’s to the second half of
1980’s due to political and economic reasons.
• Relations were formally suspended after the military coup of 12 September
The European Union

History of Türkiye- EU Relations

Türkiye's Application for Full Membership in 1987

• After civil authority was reestablished in Türkiye in 1983, and import-substitution

policies were abandoned from 1984 on, Türkiye opened its economy to the operation
of international market forces.
• Thus, the revitalisation process of Türkiye-EEC relations, which was frozen since 12
September 1980, was started.
• On 14 April 1987 the Turkish Government sent to the Community Turkey's
application for accession to the Community on the basis of Article 237 of the
EEC Treaty.
• Türkiye applied for full membership, without waiting for the completion of
phases foreseen in the Ankara Agreement.
The European Union

History of Türkiye- EU Relations

Türkiye's Application for Full Membership in 1987

• 18 December 1989-The Community’s decision on Türkiye’s application:

• "The Community is unable to accept new members before completing its internal
integration. Although it is eligible to join the Community, Türkiye should develop
further in economic, social and political terms. Therefore, it is appropriate to continue
the relations within the framework of the Association Agreement.«
• This suggestion was evaluated positively by Türkiye and preparations were started to
complete Customs Union in 1995 as foreseen in the Additional Protocol.
• Thus, Türkiye-EU Association relations were carried to the final period.
The European Union

History of Türkiye- EU Relations

Helsinki Summit (10-11 December 1999)
• The Helsinki European Council produced a turning point (breakthrough) in Türkiye-EU
• At Helsinki, Türkiye was officially recognised without any precondition as a
candidate state on an equal footing with the other candidate states.
• As foreseen in the Helsinki European Council conclusions, the EU Commission
started to prepare an Accession Partnership for Türkiye, which was accepted on
March 8th, 2001.
• After the approval of the Accession Partnership by the Council and the adoption of the
Framework Regulation, the Turkish Government announced its own National
Programme for the Adoption of the EU acquis on March 19th, 2001.
• The National Programme was submitted to the EU Commission on March 26th, 2001.
The National Programme has been produced with a careful appreciation of the short
and medium-term priorities as spelt out in the Accession Partnership.
The European Union

The Helsinki European Council (December 1999) confirmed

that Turkey is a candidate destined to join the Union on the basis
of the same criteria as those applied to the other candidate
The European Union

History of Türkiye- EU Relations

Helsinki Summit (10-11 December 1999)
• The EU revised the Accession Partnership document in 2003, 2005, 2006 and 2008,
whereas National Programme was updated in 2003,2005 and 2008.
• The ‘political will’ that shows its determination in the EU membership path accelerated
the reform process.
• Thus, Türkiye began to take significant steps to comply with the political
criteria and harmonization packages were approved by the Turkish Grand
National Assembly (TBMM) and entered into force.
• Türkiye continued its reform process which extended the scope of fundamental rights
and freedoms and strengthen the existing regulations on democracy, the rule of law,
freedom of thought and expression and human rights.
• Within this framework between 2002-2004, 8 harmonization packages were, and
between 2001-2004 2 constitutional amendments were accepted.
The European Union

History of Türkiye- EU Relations

Brussels Summit (17 December 2004)

• Brussels Summit witnessed another turning point in Türkiye-EU relations.

• The Council stated Türkiye sufficiently fulfilled the political criteria and took
the decision to start accession negotiations with Türkiye on 3 October 2005.
The European Union

History of Türkiye- EU Relations

Accession Negotiations
• Until today, in Türkiye’s EU accession negotiations, 16 chapters are opened whereas
1 chapter is temporarily closed.
• Accession negotiations started in 2005, but until Türkiye agrees to apply the
Additional Protocol of the Ankara Association Agreement to Cyprus, 8
negotiation chapters will not be opened and no chapter will be provisionally
• Due to the political blockages of member states and the Cyprus issue, the accession
process has come to a deadlock.
• In spite of the difficulties in negotiation process, the EU membership ultimately remains
as one of the most important strategic goals of Türkiye.
The European Union

History of Türkiye- EU Relations

Institutional Structure

• Association Council Decision

• Association Committee
• Türkiye-EU Joint Parliamentary Committee
• Türkiye-EU Joint Consultative Committee
• Customs Cooperation Committee
• Customs Union Joint Committee
The EU acquis has been categorized under 35 chapters European
. These Union
chapters are as
• 1) Free Movement of Goods • 18) Statistics

• 2) Free Movement of Workers • 19) Social Policy and Employment

• 3) Right of Establishment and Freedom to Provide • 20) Enterprise and Industrial Policy
Services • 21) Trans-European Networks
• 4) Free Movement of Capital • 22) Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural
• 5) Public Procurement
• 23) Judiciary and Fundamental Rights
• 6) Company Law
• 24) Justice, Freedom and Security
• 7) Intellectual Property Law
• 25) Science and Research
• 8) Competition Policy
• 26) Education and Culture
• 9) Financial Services
• 27) Environment
• 10) Information Society and Media • 28) Consumer and Health Protection
• 11) Agriculture and Rural Development • 29) Customs Union
• 12) Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Policy • 30) External Relations
• 13) Fisheries • 31) Foreign, Security and Defense Policy
• 14) Transport Policy • 32) Financial Control
• 15) Energy • 33) Financial and Budgetary Provisions
• 16) Taxation • 34) Institutions
• 35) Other Issues
The European Union

History of Türkiye- EU Relations

Customs Union
• Customs Union’s dynamic effects positively contributed to the competitiveness and
productivity of the Turkish manufacturing industry and were influential on the foreign
direct investments in Türkiye.
• Moreover, the structural changes and the competitiveness approach diversified
production patterns and ensured safe and high-quality products.
• The infrastructure for technical legislation established in conformity with the EU system
and the adoption of the EU’s intellectual property and competition rules increased
Türkiye’s competitiveness in global markets, thus enhancing its integration with the
world economy.
The European Union

History of Türkiye- EU Relations

Update of the Customs Union
• However, there are also some problems stemming from the implementation of the
Customs Union. The main difficulties could be summarized as;
– risks of trade diversion
– unfair competition due to the reluctance of some of EU’s free trade agreement (FTA)
partner countries to conclude similar agreements with Türkiye by taking into account
the advantage of entering into the Turkish market through the EU
– lack of adequate participation in decision-making mechanisms of the EU in areas
relevant to the Customs Union
– and also technical barriers due to road quotas imposed by some EU Member States
– and visas applied for Turkish businessmen and truck drivers.
The European Union

History of Türkiye- EU Relations

Update of the Customs Union
• Economic developments and changes both in Türkiye and the global trade since its
introduction also necessitated the revision of the current status of the Customs Union.
• In this context, upon the mutual understanding between the parties, Türkiye and the
EU held a series of technical meetings and a report determining the framework of
negotiations was adopted.
• Accordingly, the update package includes subject areas for better implementation of the
Customs Union.
• Also, it foresees extending Customs Union’s scope to services, and public
procurement together with furthering agricultural concessions bilaterally.
The European Union

History of Türkiye- EU Relations

Update of the Customs Union
• Türkiye’s main approach to this process is that the revision of the Customs Union
should proceed without creating an alternative path to Türkiye’s EU
• The European Commission asked the Council for a mandate to launch talks with Türkiye
to modernise the Customs Union. After the ruling, the actual negotiation process is
expected to start. (some day?)
Arguments for Turkish Membership The European Union

• Economical
• Political
• Energy Resources
• Population size and poverty
• Values and Culture
• Geography
• Political power
• Relations with neighbours
• Human Rights and Democracy
The European Union

Place: Madrid, Spain

Date: 18 February 2010
Event: Atletico Madrid vs. Galatasaray; semi-finals for UEFA 2010
The European Union

The View of Turkey in Europe

Mamma li Turchi *

* Mommy!! The Turks are coming!!

The European Union
Values and Culture The European Union

• Predominantly Muslim country (90 % of the population)

Values and Culture The European Union
Values and Culture The European Union
Values and Culture The European Union
Geography The European Union

• Only 3% in geographical Europe, a matter?

• Turkish capital Ankara is in Asia.
• Turkey's borders reach Middle Eastern nations----danger ?!
Population Size and Poverty The European Union

• expansion almost equal in population to that of the
2004 enlargement
• wave of poor Turkish immigration
• high current account deficit, high debt,high
unemployment, high inflation.

o 25% of Turkish population is under 15, a balance for

the increasingly aging population of the current EU.
o Might help to prevent potential “clash of civilizations”
Political Power The European Union

• With its 85 million inhabitants will bestow it the first largest

number of representatives in the European Parliament, Germany
the second.
• Acceptable ?
Political The European Union

• Strong regional
military power
• Second largest
standing armed force
• Important geo-
strategic position
• Terrorism concerns
Relations with Neighbors The European Union

• Cyprus dispute
• Aegean dispute with Greece
Human Rights and Democracy The European Union

Concerns about the Turkish state´s ability to reach European

standards in issues such gender equality, political
freedom, religious freedom and minority rights.
CAP costs !!!!! The European Union

Full membership for Turkey in the EU would require an

additional $3.1 bn of agricultural subsidies following the
existing lines of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
Energy Resources The European Union

• Turkey – centre plot of energy resources

• Direct piping between Russia and Iran carries natural gas to
• Strategic pipelines may help the EU to maintain energy guarantee
The European Union

 EU Membership process is a long one not just for Turkey; but for all
candidate countries.
 Watch This Documentary: UZUN İNCE BİR YOL (It is Turkish but it
has english subtitle)

 United Kingdom’s EU candidacy talks were vetoed two times by

France in 1963 and 1967.

 Charles de Gaulle proposed a “privileged partnership” to the UK when

he first vetoed UK’s EU membership in 1963.
The European Union

So; it is not only Turkey that faces such kind of difficulties during the
EU membership process. Some other candidate countries faced much
harder situations, reaching “racism” in this process.
Any “negative” view of Turkey does not reflect the general idea of
whole Europe and the whole EU citizens. This is something we need to
keep in mind!!!
Some “clever” candidate countries found a chance to turn the
“negative” image into successful promotion material (as is in the case of
Poland- Polish plumbers).
The European Union

“The lifes of British people wasted in their tiny

offices; there are only a couple of ours left
where we feel ourselves free. Nevertheless, in
this couple of hours we, the Brits, have to deal
with stinky Southern Europeans who fills the

2006, The Guardian

The European Union
Members of the European
Parliament hold placards
reading yes, during a
vote about starting
membership talks with
Turkey at the European
Parliament in Strasbourg,
December 15, 2004.

The European Parliament

voted in favour of entry
talks with Turkey with
407 votes in favour,
262 against, and 29
The European Union

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