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Presented by
Saranya S R
Dept of mathematics

 Teleconferencing is an electronic link or meeting between participants at two

or more locations.
 It is an important device of our overall communications system and is
emerging as a valuable tool for education and business meetings.
 Tele conferencing brain storming, questioning, role play, group discussion,
case studies, problem solving etc.
 It can be used to keep the students and teachers informed about important
developments and innovatios.
 It can link various schools, learning centres or homes with the main institution
 The guest lectures can be arranged through teleconferencing.
 Teleconferencing is a conference conducted over the telephone.
 It may involve two or more people.
 It could be conducted between two departments of the same organisation,
among several locations in the same city or different cities in the same
country or it may be an international conference involving two or several
different locations.

 This includes the number of items you need to put on the agenda, its goals
and duration of the conference.
 Setting the time limit will depend on the number of active participants and
deciding time allocation for each item on the agenda, and to each of the
active participants.
 Sometime has to be allocated for comments by non active participants.
 Another aspect of planning is technical support
 See that you send all participants the dial in numbers and pass code.
 Make sure to include international country code.
 Before scheduling the call, confirm availability of participants.
 Pick a time suitable for all participants.
 Communicate their local time to international participants
 Distribute all required materials such as files links to websites etc.
 Ask them to prepare file .
Starting the call

 As the facilitator of the telecom, see that you are the first to be connected.
 Greet and tick off each participants as they log on.
 Establish the protocol of each person announcing her or her name.
 It is not easy to understand with their voice only
Things to Remember

 See that you choose a quiet location and close windows and doors it there’s a
chance of disturbance.
 Speak clearly and avoid speaking too fast.
 Keep all cell phones off or on silent mode.
 Try to reduce paper rustling.
 If someone has to leave the room for some reason, announce leaving and
While Talking

 The facilitator needs to track who is talking and ensure that all active
participants get the opportunity to get their voice across
 Use a person’s name to get his/her attention.
 Assign different people the role of taking notes, keeping time and ticking of
the items in the agenda as they get covere.
 If the teleconference group is large, ensure that only a few people don’t
dominate the call.
 Elicit responses and opinions from the quieter participants.
Closing the Teleconference

 See that you allow time for closing comments.

 Remember to take feedback so that any problem in execution can be
eliminated in further teleconference.
Types of Tele-conferencing

 There are three types of Tele-conferencing they are

 Audio conferencing
 Video conferencing
 Computer conferencing
Audio conferencing

 Audio conferencing is an extended telephone conversation, instead of talking

with only one person you may be talking with more students.
 It is an effective way to bring people from different locations together.
 It is an effective communication tool for sharing information.
 In audio conferencing students can hear the teacher and ask questions
through the same system. Neither the teacher not the students can see each
 The teacher should provide motivation to the students.
Video conferencing

 In this system students can see the teacher or both the teacher and the
students can see each other.
 Depending on the use of technology, there can be two types of video
conferencing. They are
 Two way video conferencing
 One way video conferencing
Two way video conferencing

 In the two way video conferencing students can see and hear the teacher and
fellow students located at different learning centres and can learn in an
interactive environment and exchange views or ideas.
 It contain range of information including graphics and scanned documents.
 The video conferencing can be either motion or non motion
 The term motion implies that teachers can appear on television, here the
movement may be jerky and deterioration in the picture quality.
 Non motion consist of series of still images that appear on the screen.
One way video conferencing

 The audio video information can be a one way information.

 The school may communicate with the teaching end in turn with a telephone
or other audio based hookup.
 The connection can be used for question and answer sessions the discussion
on relevant points and for the clarification of specific details.
Computer Conferencing

 It refers to computer based meeting, for exchange of pictures, words,

graphics etc., between multiple sites.
 Special hardware and software systems are used to support computer
Conferencing activities in both real time and non real time.
 In real time message can be sent and received as you view the screen and
interact with the system and the other participants tied in the network.
 The non- real time that is asynchronous communication, in contrast may
encompass a series of longer messages, a central database of information and
record of current and past comments.

 Teleconferencing can increase results and efficiency in a profitable way by

using limited resources.
 Some of the pros are easy communication at long distances, ability of relaying
information to most people at one go.

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