01 Ingles U1 8b Teorico Technology

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Unit 1: Information and communication technology

Vocabulary unit 1

English - 8th Grade


To identify and memorize vocabulary and

expressions of the unit.
Technology Vocabulary


With this object you can listen to the news and

listen to music.
You put them into your ears to listen to music

This tech device has a screen, a keyboard and a

Computer mouse

With this object you can save digital documents
With this tech device you can watch the news and you
favorite TV programs

With this tech device you can make phone calls

With this tech device you can make copies of

important documents

Small Slow Useful Heavy Modern

Large Fast Useless Light Old-fashioned

Let’s Practice

Create one sentence using each adjective that you

already seen.
Social Media
Answer the Questions

1)What can we do when we use the Internet?

2)What can we do when we use the computer?
3)What kind of technological items do you use as a mean of
4)What do we use in our computer and cellphone to communicate?
5)Why are mobile applications an essential part of our life?
8 tips to stay safe online
Keep personal
Be nice to Be careful with information Check your
people online. what you share. private. privacy settings

If you see
Never meet
Know how to Keep your anything online
anyone in person
report posts. passwords safe. that you don’t
you’ve only met
like. Tell someone
you trust.
Create your App

Now it’s your turn. You are going to create your “dream app”

• It can be a social media app.

• You must explain to your classmates your app.
• You can use PPT or Word to explain it.

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