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Crystal Reports

Version 3.0

The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports Overview

● Pre-requisites

● Introduction

2 The New Standard in Quality Education


“To enable you to develop your

own reporting solutions in Crystal
Reports with confidence”

3 The New Standard in Quality Education

Course Overview

1 Data Structure
2 Simple Report Creation
3 Crystal Report Functions
4 Running Reports

4 The New Standard in Quality Education

Scala Data Structure

Section 1

The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Overview
● What is a Database?
● How do we connect to the Database?
● Scala data file structure

6 The New Standard in Quality Education

How Do We Connect to the DB?
Scala Client
Win95, 98, NT
Web Browser

Scala Program Layer Scala5.x Modules

Btrieve or SQL data Data Management

management layer


7 The New Standard in Quality Education

How Do We Connect to the DB?


DDF’s – Describe Database

(Btrieve) Read Only
ODBC – Connects to Database

8 The New Standard in Quality Education

Database Structure
● So what is ODBC?

9 The New Standard in Quality Education

ODBC Architecture

(Access / Excel)

ODBC Driver Manager

(ODBC API connect methods)

Driver Driver Driver


SQL Btrieve Pervasive

Server Database SQL
Database 6.15 Database

10 The New Standard in Quality Education

Data File Structure
● Scala Table Naming Definition


Module Financial Year

Unique Number Company Code

11 The New Standard in Quality Education

Data File Structure
● Format of Data files

12 The New Standard in Quality Education

Data File Structure
● Format of Fields

13 The New Standard in Quality Education

Data File Structure
● Database to Interpret field and file
● ScaDBconv.exe
● Scala5eu.mdb in Scala root directory
● Table in SQL database

14 The New Standard in Quality Education

Data File Structure
● Scala5eu.mdb welcome screen

15 The New Standard in Quality Education

Data File Structure

16 The New Standard in Quality Education

● Break

17 The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Review
● What is a Database?
● How do we connect to the Database?
● Scala data file structure

18 The New Standard in Quality Education

Simple Report

Section 3

The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Overview
● Report Style
● SQL Data Files
● Scala Data Files
● Scala Data Fields
● Preview Report

20 The New Standard in Quality Education

Report Creation


21 The New Standard in Quality Education

Report Style
Report A - Stock Listing
Step 1 - Choose report style


22 The New Standard in Quality Education

Data Source
Step 2 - Select Data Source


23 The New Standard in Quality Education

Data Source
Step 3 - Choose Data Source

Note the different

database options!!

24 The New Standard in Quality Education

Data Source
Step 3 - Choose Data Source

Need to
user name

25 The New Standard in Quality Education

Scala Data Files
Step 4 - Select Scala Data Tables

Select File(s)


Select Single or Multiple Tables

26 The New Standard in Quality Education
Scala Data Files
Confirmation of Selected Files

Click Next

27 The New Standard in Quality Education

Scala Data Fields
Step 5 - Select Fields

28 The New Standard in Quality Education

Scala Data Fields
● Report 1 Stock Listing
– Stock Code SC01001
– Description Line 1 SC01002
– Price Local Currency SC01004
– Stock Balance SC01042

29 The New Standard in Quality Education

Scala Data Fields

Select Fields

Choose Add

30 The New Standard in Quality Education

Field Tab

31 The New Standard in Quality Education

Preview Report
When all fields are selected choose


32 The New Standard in Quality Education

Report Creation

33 The New Standard in Quality Education

Report Creation
● You can return to the report expert at
any time by using the function
● Recommend that the report is saved
before returning to the expert

34 The New Standard in Quality Education

● Break

35 The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Review
● STEP 1 - Report Style
● STEP 2 - SQL Data Source
● STEP 3 - Scala Data Tables
● STEP 4 - Scala Data Fields
● STEP 5 - Preview Report

36 The New Standard in Quality Education


Exercise 1
Customer Listing

The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports

Section 3

The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Overview
● Design & Preview
● Report Options
● Guidelines
● Refreshing Data
● Right Click
● Sections

39 The New Standard in Quality Education

Design & Preview Tabs

40 The New Standard in Quality Education

Design & Preview Tab

41 The New Standard in Quality Education

Preview Tab

42 The New Standard in Quality Education

Report Options
● Options
● Report Options

43 The New Standard in Quality Education


44 The New Standard in Quality Education


45 The New Standard in Quality Education


46 The New Standard in Quality Education


47 The New Standard in Quality Education

Refreshing Data
● F5 Refreshes Data or
● Preview Sample

48 The New Standard in Quality Education

Refreshing Data
● Preview Sample

49 The New Standard in Quality Education

Right Clicking
● Useful in many areas of Crystal

● Short Cut to menu options

50 The New Standard in Quality Education
The Magic Button
● Undo / Redo

51 The New Standard in Quality Education

Left-hand side of design tab shows
report sections


52 The New Standard in Quality Education

● Right-hand clicking in the sections
area brings up menu
● Format sections command gives
further details of sections.
● Section can be hidden allowing drill
down function or suppressed

53 The New Standard in Quality Education


54 The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Review
● Design & Preview
● Report Options
● Guidelines
● Refreshing Data
● Right Click
● Sections

55 The New Standard in Quality Education


The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Overview
● Adjusting Headings
● Increasing Field Width
● Adding new fields
● Adding Special fields
● Selection Expert
● Sorting
● Grouping
● Parameters
57 The New Standard in Quality Education
Adjusting Headings
● Highlight field
● To rename double click or | edit |
text object
● As with many windows products
Crystal Reports supports drag and
drop and copy and paste

58 The New Standard in Quality Education

Increasing Field Width
● Highlight the field

● Place pointer on blue boxes it

changes to arrow
● Field width and height can be
adjusted by dragging arrow
59 The New Standard in Quality Education
Adding New Fields
Text Field

Drag And Click to Drop

60 The New Standard in Quality Education

Adding New Fields
Field Explorer

61 The New Standard in Quality Education

Adding New Fields
● Database fields

Select field

62 The New Standard in Quality Education

Adding Special Fields

63 The New Standard in Quality Education

Adding Special Fields
● A number of the special field values are
set in Summary info from file menu

64 The New Standard in Quality Education

Selection Expert
● Choose Select Expert

● Then choose field to select items from.

Report on non-report field

65 The New Standard in Quality Education

Selection Expert

Default to AND can

change to OR
through formula

66 The New Standard in Quality Education

Selection Expert
● Example of Selection terms


67 The New Standard in Quality Education

Sorting Records
● You can sort by multiple columns.

68 The New Standard in Quality Education

Sort Expert
● Brings up sort box


Fields Sort Direction

● Automatic sort by column 1

69 The New Standard in Quality Education
● Used to group data together
● Similar to sorting but adds headers and

70 The New Standard in Quality Education

● Used in Sub-Totaling
● User can define the order

71 The New Standard in Quality Education


Define Order

Extra Options
on Date field

72 The New Standard in Quality Education

● Specified Grouping – User defined

Select Groups

73 The New Standard in Quality Education

● Example of Grouping

74 The New Standard in Quality Education

● Used with selection terms
● Provides an easy way to change
selection terms when a report is
● Parameter can be used as a field in the
report. For Example in the report title.
● Compatible with compiled reports or
web based reports

75 The New Standard in Quality Education


● Then click icon to create new parameter

76 The New Standard in Quality Education

Text that appears
when report is run


Next Screen

Allows parameter to hold single value or multiple

values and Ranges. Experiment to see affect
77 The New Standard in Quality Education

Warning on Usage

78 The New Standard in Quality Education

● Example of Usage

79 The New Standard in Quality Education

● Enter Parameter as selection terms
● Parameter field denoted as (? Field)

● Now refresh data

80 The New Standard in Quality Education


81 The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Review
● Adjusting Headings
● Increasing Field Width
● Adding new fields
● Adding Special fields
● Selection Expert
● Sorting
● Grouping
● Parameters
82 The New Standard in Quality Education

Exercise 2

The New Standard in Quality Education

● Break

84 The New Standard in Quality Education

Totalling and

Section 6

The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Overview
● Strings
● Converting Strings
● Totalling / subtotalling and
● Converting Dates

86 The New Standard in Quality Education

● Scala 5.1 SQL holds the majority of
fields in the correct format.
However due to historical reasons
some fields will need to be
● Strings are collections of characters
alpha and/or numeric
● Strings need to be converted to
numbers for Crystal to perform
87 The New Standard in Quality Education
Converting Strings to Numbers
● Create a new formula
Click New

88 The New Standard in Quality Education

Converting Strings to Numbers
● Give the formula a name

● Tip - Give your formula name the

column name

89 The New Standard in Quality Education

Converting Strings to Numbers
● This then brings up formula editor box

Fields Operators

Formula Text

90 The New Standard in Quality Education

Converting Strings to Numbers
● To convert a string to a number type
Function Field

ToNumber({Field name})

● Be careful of Brackets
– (,) = function
– {,} = field
– [,] = field value (Seen later)
91 The New Standard in Quality Education
Converting Strings to Numbers

92 The New Standard in Quality Education

Converting Strings to Numbers
● Unfortunately this formula does not
always work.
● Scala leaves blanks in database
instead of zeros.
● Therefore we need to add to the
If {field_name} = “” Then 0
Else ToNumber({Field_Name})

93 The New Standard in Quality Education


Exercise 3

The New Standard in Quality Education

Totalling and Sub-totalling
● Sub total or grand total fields must
be numeric.
● Highlight the field you require a
total for and select totalling from
insert drop down menu.

95 The New Standard in Quality Education

Totalling and Sub totalling
● Right hand clicking on the report
field will also bring up a shortcut
method to enter totalling.

● If the options are missing on the menu you have not

chosen a numeric field

96 The New Standard in Quality Education

● Entering a sub-total

97 The New Standard in Quality Education

● Insert grand-totals

● Choice of sum, maximum,

minimum, average etc. Field
printed in report footer
98 The New Standard in Quality Education
● Similar to subtotal
but will give same
totalling options as
grand total function

99 The New Standard in Quality Education

Converting Dates
● Again the majority of dates in Scala
database are held as datetime or
date fields. However some may
need conversion from a string field


100 The New Standard in Quality Education

Converting Dates
● Conversion requires following
– If {Field_Name} = “” then
– Date(0,0,0) Else
– Date(ToNumber({field_name}[1 to 4]),
– ToNumber({field_name}[5 to 6]),
– ToNumber({field_name}[7 to 8]))

101 The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Review
● Strings
● Converting Strings
● Totalling / subtotalling and
● Converting Dates

102 The New Standard in Quality Education


Exercise 4

The New Standard in Quality Education

Formatting Numbers &

Section 7

The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Overview
● Formatting Strings
● Formatting Numbers
● Formatting Dates
● Conditional Formatting
● Highlight Expert
● Top N Selection
● Report Alerts
● Running Totals
● SQL Expressions
105 The New Standard in Quality Education
Formatting Strings
● Right-hand click
on field or chose
format field from
format menu

106 The New Standard in Quality Education

Formatting Numbers
●Extra Format

107 The New Standard in Quality Education

Formatting Numbers

108 The New Standard in Quality Education

Formatting Dates
●Extra Format
Tab Choose

109 The New Standard in Quality Education

Conditional Formatting
Vs Absolute

Select a number
field for this
110 The New Standard in Quality Education
Conditional Formatting
● Brings up the Formula Editor Box

111 The New Standard in Quality Education

Conditional Formatting
● Button Changes to Red indicating value
is controlled conditionally

112 The New Standard in Quality Education

Conditional Formatting
● Conditional formatting can be used
throughout Crystal reports
● Advanced technique that is particularly
useful in dealing with Sections

113 The New Standard in Quality Education

Highlight Expert
● Works similarly to previous
example of conditional formatting
● Gives a Traffic Light effect to the

114 The New Standard in Quality Education

Highlight Expert

115 The New Standard in Quality Education

Report Alerts
● Similar to Highlight expert but a window
appears when a report is run to indicate
records correspond to a certain set of
● For Example – when printing a
customer statement shows customers
with a balance exceeding £1000
● New functionality in Crystal 8.5

116 The New Standard in Quality Education

Report Alerts

117 The New Standard in Quality Education

Report Alerts

118 The New Standard in Quality Education

Report Alerts

119 The New Standard in Quality Education

Report Alerts
● When report data is refreshed the
report will then produce an exception

120 The New Standard in Quality Education

Top N Expert
● Used for finding the top N on any
column. For example the top 20
outstanding supplier balances on
purchase ledger.

121 The New Standard in Quality Education

Top N Selection
● You must create a sub total or
summary before the top N selection
will work.

Specify value of N

122 The New Standard in Quality Education

Running Totals
● Used to create cumulative totals in
● Totals will be dependent on the
grouping of the report

123 The New Standard in Quality Education

Running Total

124 The New Standard in Quality Education

SQL Expression Fields
● Used only with SQL compatible
● Allow SQL syntax to entered in Crystal
● Improves report performance when
grouping, selecting or sorting data as
query is run on server instead of
● Limited in functionality compared with
crystal formulas
125 The New Standard in Quality Education
SQL Expression Fields
● Creating a new SQL expression

126 The New Standard in Quality Education

SQL Expression Fields

Note limited functionality

127 The New Standard in Quality Education

Field Explorer
Data Only New Edit Rename Delete
Toggle Field
Insert Type

128 The New Standard in Quality Education

Field Explorer
● ? denotes Parameter field
● @ denotes formula field
● Σ denotes SUM or group field
● # denotes running total
● % denotes a SQL expression

129 The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Review
● Formatting Strings
● Formatting Numbers
● Formatting Dates
● Conditional Formatting
● Highlight Expert
● Top N Selection
● Report Alerts
● Running Totals
● SQL Expressions
130 The New Standard in Quality Education

Exercises 5

The New Standard in Quality Education

Linking Tables

Section 8

The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Overview
● Why link tables
● Rules of linking
● What is an indexed field
● How to link tables

133 The New Standard in Quality Education

Why Link Tables
● Scala holds data in multiple data
● For the majority of reports data files
need to be linked.
● Warning! Linking files will slow
down report speed. Keep the
number of data files to a minimum.

134 The New Standard in Quality Education

Rules Of Linking
● Not all data files can be linked
● Data files must have common
● Performance is improved if the
common element is an indexed

135 The New Standard in Quality Education

Rules of Linking
● Linking must be done in a logical
● It must flow through the report
● Jot down blueprint of report before
starting to build it

136 The New Standard in Quality Education

Linking Tables
● How do we link the following tables
together – Start with SL01
OR01 SC01
Stock Code
Order No
Customer Code

OR03 SL01

137 The New Standard in Quality Education

What is an indexed field?
● A field that the data file uses as a
sort or search key
● Example Telephone directory

Smith A J 23 North Parade, Horsham 01403 215998

= The Index (Ordering)

Smith A J 23 North Parade, Horsham 01403 215998

= The Primary Key

138 The New Standard in Quality Education
What is an indexed field?
Index 1 Key 1 Key 2
2087 2307 Clive's Coffee Shop Customer Address

2190 2087 Arnot Limited Customer Address

2307 2498 Drew PLC Customer Address

2498 2190 Blackmore Electronics Customer Address

Index 2 Key 1 Key 2

Arnot Limited 2307 Clive's Coffee Shop Customer Address

Blackmore Electronics 2087 Arnot Limited Customer Address

Clive's Coffee Shop 2498 Drew PLC Customer Address

Drew PLC
Drew PLC 2190 Blackmore Electronics Customer Address

139 The New Standard in Quality Education

How to Link Tables
● To an existing report

In this example use report
with SL01 and link SL03

140 The New Standard in Quality Education

How to Link Tables


141 The New Standard in Quality Education

How to Link Tables

142 The New Standard in Quality Education

How Link Tables


143 The New Standard in Quality Education

How to Link Tables
● Smart Linking works on following
– Field name is same in both tables
– Field size is the same in both tables
– Field type is the same in both tables
● Note: Because of this you may receive
warnings when linking tables because
of different data type
● Linking can only be done between
database fields. (NOT FORMULA’S)
144 The New Standard in Quality Education
How to Link Tables

Drag and Drop from SL01001 to SL03001

145 The New Standard in Quality Education

Linking Tables

Crystal supports
different join types
One to One (equal)
One to Many (Left Outer)
Many to One (Right Outer)
And others….

146 The New Standard in Quality Education

Linking Tables
● Once the tables are linked click OK
● The fields in the table then become
available to report on
● To return to the visual linking

147 The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Review
● Why link tables
● Rules of linking
● What is an indexed field
● How to link tables

148 The New Standard in Quality Education


Exercise 6

The New Standard in Quality Education

DAY 2 - Overview
● Scala Database Structure
● Simple Report Creation
● Crystal Functionality
● Formatting
● More formatting and field types
● Linking Tables

150 The New Standard in Quality Education

Extra Crystal Functionality

The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Review
● Pictures and Logo’s
● Hyperlinks
● Lines / Boxes
● Charting
● Mapping Function
● Report Style / Auto Arrange

152 The New Standard in Quality Education

Extra Functionality
● Picture files can be embedded in report
to give them a professional finish
● Crystal supports

bitmap BMP, jpeg

JPG, tiff and png files

153 The New Standard in Quality Education

Extra Functionality

● In the properties of the picture or any

field a hyperlink can be set so when
clicking on the logo it takes you directly
to the web site

154 The New Standard in Quality Education

Extra Functionality

155 The New Standard in Quality Education

Lines and Boxes
● These extra formatting tools are
available from the insert menu

156 The New Standard in Quality Education

Lines and Boxes

157 The New Standard in Quality Education

● Tool can be used to create professional
looking graphs and charts that can be
embedded into the Crystal report
● Drill down functionality can be used in
conjuncture with charts
● Charting works on subtotal values in the
report however the whole report can be
suppressed with just the chart being

158 The New Standard in Quality Education


159 The New Standard in Quality Education


160 The New Standard in Quality Education


161 The New Standard in Quality Education

● If you report works with geographical
data then there is also an option to map
this data

162 The New Standard in Quality Education


163 The New Standard in Quality Education

Charting and Mapping
● Once you have a chart of map inserted
into your report you then have the
analyzer drop down menu that provides
the formatting and functionality options
of the map or chart

164 The New Standard in Quality Education

Report Style / Auto Arrange
● Used to provide quick formatting to a
● Make sure you save the report before
running this function as you can’t undo

165 The New Standard in Quality Education

Report Style / Auto Arrange

166 The New Standard in Quality Education

Report Style
● For examples of report styling check out
Crystal Web Site or the demo reports
that are installed with Crystal
● There is also a section in your binders
that shows a few of the reports that
have been designed by Scala

167 The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Overview
● Pictures and Logo’s
● Hyperlinks
● Lines / Boxes
● Charting
● Mapping Function
● Report Style / Auto Arrange

168 The New Standard in Quality Education


Exercise 7

The New Standard in Quality Education

Running Reports

Section 9

The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Overview
● Exporting
● What is compilation and
● Compiling
● Report Distribution Expert
● Web Reporting

171 The New Standard in Quality Education

● Crystal has links with other software
including excel, adobe, HTML, RTF,
text and XML
● To export report file | print | export

172 The New Standard in Quality Education

● The report can also be emailed or
saved to an exchange or lotus
notes folder for publication

173 The New Standard in Quality Education

What is Compilation?
● Reports can be saved as an
● Report users then need no
knowledge of Crystal design tools -
they can just run the report
● Selection terms or parameters can
be changed

174 The New Standard in Quality Education

● Historically Seagate software has
included the compiling and
distributing tool as part of the
standard product
● In Version 8 & 8.5 this tool was
replaced by web reporting however
due to demand they included an
update to the product which can be
downloaded at
175 The New Standard in Quality Education
● Select compile report from report

176 The New Standard in Quality Education

● Brings up compile box

File name


● Click OK to compile

177 The New Standard in Quality Education

● Users can run compiled reports
only if they have crystal reports
installed on their workstation

178 The New Standard in Quality Education


Defaults to
refresh if no data
saved with report

179 The New Standard in Quality Education

Report Distribution Expert
● Can be used where user does not
have Crystal installed
● Copies program files that report
needs to run.
● Users who run report will need to
ODBC connection to the Scala
Database set-up

180 The New Standard in Quality Education

Report Distribution Expert

Can Distribute more

that one report at a time

Indicate shared destination directory

181 The New Standard in Quality Education

Report Distribution Expert
● This expert will then run the report in
the background and prepare a list of
dll’s it needs to run the report. It warns
about ODBC components but doesn’t
include them
● You can adjust the included dll’s but
this is not recommended
● Then click on build which produces a
setup.exe file which then needs to be
run on clients
182 The New Standard in Quality Education
Web Reporting
● Crystal Version 8.5 requires crystal
enterprise in order to run web reports
● If you purchased the Professional or
Developer edition of Crystal Reports,
then you also received the Crystal
Enterprise Standard CD, along with five
free concurrent access licenses of
Crystal Enterprise Standard.
● More information is available on the fact
183 The New Standard in Quality Education
Web Reporting
● Scala’s new product iScala Web
reporter uses Crystal enterprise
● Crystal enterprise is not currently
included in this course

184 The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Review
● Exporting
● What is compilation
● Compiling
● Report Distribution Expert
● Web Reporting

185 The New Standard in Quality Education


Exercise 8

The New Standard in Quality Education

Database Features

Section 11

The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Overview
● Crystal Report Functions
● Crystal Data Dictionaries
● Crystal SQL Designer
● SQL Views
● Scala SQL View Manager

188 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Report Functions
● SQL query produced automatically
when building the report
● This query can be viewed and manually
edited in Crystal reports

189 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Report Functions

190 The New Standard in Quality Education

Verifying Database
● If database is changed while user is
connected in Crystal need to run
function in order to update Crystal

191 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Data Dictionaries
● Modify ODBC connection to make it
more user friendly
● Can be used to restrict access to
tables however this should be done
through security in SQL server

192 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Data Dictionaries
● Start | programs | Seagate crystal report
tools | Crystal dictionaries

193 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Data Dictionaries

194 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Data Dictionaries

195 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal SQL Designer
● Used for Querying data
● Primitive Report
● Accesses data through ODBC
● Allows the Use of Structured Query
Language script for speed
● Can be used by Crystal report for data
source however cannot use any other
source in conjecture with it

196 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal SQL Designer

197 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal SQL Designer

198 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal SQL Designer

199 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal SQL Designer

200 The New Standard in Quality Education

Database Features

201 The New Standard in Quality Education

SQL Views
● Can only be written by a system
manager of the SQL server
● Similar in design to Crystal SQL
designer however far more powerful
● Are important for reporting in certain
area of Scala as they cut down the
number of sub-reports needed and cut
down on complexity of report

202 The New Standard in Quality Education

SQL Views
● Improve Crystal report performance as
sorting and linking completed on the
● Need access to SQL enterprise
manager in order to build views

203 The New Standard in Quality Education

SQL Views

204 The New Standard in Quality Education

SQL Views

Tables and Linking

Select Columns sorting and criteria

SQL Query

Result Set

205 The New Standard in Quality Education

SQL Views

206 The New Standard in Quality Education

SQL Views
● SQL Views are particularly useful for
– Creating Alias for column names
» E.g. SL01001 = Customer Code
– Changing data types for Columns
– Working with tables SY24 general code file
and SL23 payment / delivery terms
– Working with General ledger transaction
file GL06 which contains a binary field type
for transaction type

207 The New Standard in Quality Education

Scala SQL view Manager
● Include on the application CD
– Convert\SQL view manager.exe
● Translates column numbers into
meaningful names by the way of
creating SQL views for each table

208 The New Standard in Quality Education

Scala SQL view Manager

209 The New Standard in Quality Education

Scala SQL view Manager

210 The New Standard in Quality Education

Scala SQL view Manager

211 The New Standard in Quality Education

Scala SQL view Manager
● Views need to be created for each
● Recreate views when a new financial
year is created in Scala
● Recreate views when a service release
is applied to Scala

212 The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Review
● Crystal Report Functions
● Crystal Data Dictionaries
● Crystal SQL Designer
● SQL Views
● Scala SQL View Manager

213 The New Standard in Quality Education


Exercise 9

The New Standard in Quality Education

Report Experts

Section 11

The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Overview
● Standard
● Form Letter
● Form
● Cross-Tab
● Sub-Report
● Mail Label
● Drill Down
216 The New Standard in Quality Education
Report Experts

217 The New Standard in Quality Education

Report Experts
● Drill down report created by hiding
● Mail Label Report – Self Explanatory
● OLAP report (On-Line Analytical
– Uses cubes of data to report on
– Cubes Create with SQL server
– Advanced Technique

218 The New Standard in Quality Education

Form Report
● Form report asks for bitmaps for
different sections of report. These
bitmaps need to be created first
outside Crystal
● An example of a report using Form
expert is in Section 6 of the course
● Get Similar result inserting pictures
into sections
219 The New Standard in Quality Education
Form Letter
● Used for sending out letters with data
from database
● Design the report as usual getting the
basis or the report together with the
● Example in Section 6 of Course Binders
● Form Letter creates one large text block
per section

220 The New Standard in Quality Education

Form Letter

221 The New Standard in Quality Education

Form Letter

222 The New Standard in Quality Education

Cross Tab
● Cross Tab combines the use or rows
and columns along with a summarized
● Expert creates the cross tab in report
header section
● Example of Cross Tab in section 6 of
the course binders

223 The New Standard in Quality Education

Cross Tab

224 The New Standard in Quality Education

Cross Tab

field format

225 The New Standard in Quality Education

Cross Tab

226 The New Standard in Quality Education

Sub Report
● Can be used to combine any two
reports together
● Example In Section 6 of Course
● A Sub report can be entered into an
existing report using the function on
the insert menu
● Sub Reports can be linked using a
common element ( parameter field )

227 The New Standard in Quality Education

Sub Report

228 The New Standard in Quality Education

Sub Report

229 The New Standard in Quality Education

Sub Report
● The sub report is inserted into a section
on the main report and is run every time
that section occurs
● The sub Report is an advanced
technique but can provide good results.
● Data can be passed from the sub report
to the main report by the use of

230 The New Standard in Quality Education

Section Review
● Standard
● Form Letter
● Form
● Cross-Tab
● Sub-Report
● Mail Label
● Top N
231 The New Standard in Quality Education

Exercise 10

The New Standard in Quality Education


The New Standard in Quality Education

Appendix A

Section 14
Reporting on Accounting

The New Standard in Quality Education

Accounting Strings
● In Scala 5 accounts cost centres
etc are not in separate fields they
are held in one long field.
● Therefore to produce reports you
may need to Separate this field into
each dimension.
● Before you start you need to know
the exact length of each dimension

235 The New Standard in Quality Education

Accounting Strings
To separate accounting string you
will need to use formulas

236 The New Standard in Quality Education

Accounting Strings

237 The New Standard in Quality Education

Accounting Strings
● If account code is longer than 6 just
adjust the field values at end of
● Continue on like this for cost
centre, product, project etc.

238 The New Standard in Quality Education

Accounting Strings
● You may get problems with the
previous formula if you are using
alpha numeric cost centres,
products or projects.
● As we have seen before these
does not convert to a number
● If this is the case then use the next

239 The New Standard in Quality Education

Accounting Strings

240 The New Standard in Quality Education

Accounting Strings

241 The New Standard in Quality Education

Accounting Strings
The trim function does exactly what it
says it trims a field down to the
lengths controlled by the square
brackets [].

242 The New Standard in Quality Education


Exercise 11

The New Standard in Quality Education

Appendix B

Converting Reports from

Btrieve to SQL

The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports
● Converting report from BTR to SQL
● Open up the crystal report and select
convert database driver from the
database drop down menu

245 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports
● Select the correct data source

246 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports
● Then get error as below
– Solution set location of data files in
database drop down menu (remove the
.dat at the end)

247 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Report

248 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports
● Map the fields across to the SQL
● The SQL database holds all field names
as numbers e.g. SC01001 for stock
code. Therefore use the scala5eu.mdb
database to lookup the correct field
codes for field names
● Alternatively create views from the SQL
database using the SQL view manager
and map your fields to theses
249 The New Standard in Quality Education
Crystal Reports

250 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports
● Once all data files are mapped across
check the visual linking expert for the
correct file linking
● Then run report. The report will
probably give errors due to the different
types of field type e.g. Numbers are
formatted as numbers in SQL not as
● Then check report is returning the same
information / totals
251 The New Standard in Quality Education

252 The New Standard in Quality Education

Btrieve Data Tables

253 The New Standard in Quality Education

Data File Structure Btrieve
cc = Company Code
yy = Financial Year

254 The New Standard in Quality Education

Btrieve DDF Files
 Description of files, fields,
 Gives location of Data

Btrieve Information database
 Scala5


255 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Report Errors



256 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Report Errors


– Set Location of Scala’s data files

257 The New Standard in Quality Education

Set Location

258 The New Standard in Quality Education

Set Location

Set Location

Select File Location

259 The New Standard in Quality Education

Set Location
● The setting of location only needs
to be done once.
● Each subsequent time the report is
ran Crystal will find the data.

260 The New Standard in Quality Education

DDF Builder
● Scala 5.1 Btrieve does not come with
the data dictionary files (DDF) these
files need to be created using a
program called Scala DDF Builder
● The Scala DDF Builder can create
DDF’s for companies, years and

261 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports
● To install DDF Builder

262 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports

263 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports

264 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports

265 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports

266 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports

267 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports

268 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports

269 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports

270 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports

271 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports

272 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports

273 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports

274 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports

275 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports

276 The New Standard in Quality Education

Crystal Reports
● Help for DDF builder
– If you install DDF builder to the Default
location help can be found in
» C:\program files\DDFstart\ddfbuilder.hlp
● At year end you can add the next years
DDF files to you current files
● This program saves a lot of time over
smithware DDF builder although it is not
as reliable

277 The New Standard in Quality Education

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