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Smart Grid Demonstration

Project – Dynamic Line Rating

June 25, 2010
Justin Johnson
Reliability Operations
Subcommittee Meeting

Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC

Tension Based Dynamic Rating

Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC

Dynamic Line Rating

Transmission Line Ratings are governed by:

 Current flowing in the conductor

 Conductor size and resistance

 Ambient weather conditions:

– Temperature

– Wind speed and direction

– Solar radiation

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How Weather Conditions Affect Ratings (Illustrative Only)
Ambient Temperature:
– 2oC fluctuation  +/- 2% capacity,
– 10oC drop in ambient  + 11% capacity

Solar Radiation:
– Cloud shadowing  +/- a few percent,
– Total eclipse  + 18% capacity

Wind increase 1 m/sec:

– 45° angle  ~ 18% capacity
– 90° angle  ~ 23%capacity

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What to Monitor?

Suspension Suspension Suspension

Dead-end Dead-end

Tension increases in spans cooled by wind,

and decreases in spans not cooled by wind…..

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Tension Monitoring - Dynamic Line Rating

Suspension Suspension Suspension

Dead-end Dead-end

Tension Equalizes

Suspension insulator strings swing to equalize horizontal conductor tension

Monitoring the conductor’s tension solves the problem of varying winds and exposure along the
transmission line.
A conductor’s tension is directly related to the average temperature of all the spans in the line section.
That temperature is directly correlated to the conductor sag and clearances.

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Dynamic Line Rating Concepts
(Illustrative Only)
 Know true line capacity in real time
 Improve system reliability
 Optimize grid utilization
I so
Dynamic Line Rating

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Impact On Transmission Grid Operations
Example Of Safely Managed Contingency




Line was operating within limits in accordance with operating standards

Without DLR, this event must be reported as a violation

The operator would have been forced to move the grid off its optimum dispatch

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Study Area in Critical Congestion Zone

 45 Loadcell Tension Monitoring Units
 8 Master Locations Feeding into

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DLR Smart Grid Demonstration

Project Goal: Increase available capacity on a known

congested and constrained transmission path and remove
existing commercial constraints to implementing DLR

Existing Commercial Constraints Include:

• Clear Demonstration that DLR Technology is Reliable
• Utility Planners Understand the Cost Structure and Benefits
• Interoperability with Utility Transmission Management

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Operational Objectives
 Relieve congestion and transmission
 Gain operational knowledge of DLRs for
wide scale deployment
 Ensure that safety code clearances are not
 Demonstrate that multiple monitoring units
can be integrated into operations
 Identify/quantify other operational limits that
may impact ability to raise ratings

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Demonstration Objectives
 Extrapolate the impact of DLRs
on the study’s transfer path to
entire ERCOT region
 Determine a methodology to
release day-ahead ratings
 Develop user friendly tools for
the operator to manage
improved WASA

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Economic Objectives
 Quantify economic value of
released transmission capacity to
 Estimate the savings associated
with deferral of rebuilding,
reconductoring, or building new
 Quantify the total costs of
implementing this type of DLR

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Integrated Dynamic Line Rating Systems

• Tension-based Dynamic
Line Rating System for
overhead transmission
• Tension resolves all
environmental factors
for accurate results
• Best way to capture
spatial variability of
wind, sun, air
• Captures as built, as
aged condition of line
• Communicates with
utility’s Energy
Management System

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Real Time Rating - Loadcell Monitors Tension

Solid stainless steel construction.

Sized to match maximum tension

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Real Time Rating – Communications Package

Reads conductor tension, net

radiation temperature,
ambient temperature

Communicates with substation

via spread spectrum radio

Solar powered

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Integrated Dynamic Line Rating Systems

CAT-1TM Remote Monitors

Transmission Line
License free
Spread Spectrum Radio

Base Station Substation
Existing SCADA protocol
over substation RTU channel

Control Center
for Windows
ICCP or MODBUS protocol

CAT-1™ and line load data from EMS

Line capacity and temperature to EMS

SCADA/EMS Master Operator’s ’Console

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• Oncor
 Purchase DLR equipment and manage project
• The Valley Group, a Nexans company
 Provide DLR equipment
• Siemens Energy, Inc.
 Integrate DLR technology into Oncor’s TMS system
• Chapman Construction Company
 Install equipment on designated circuits
• Southwest Research Institute
 Perform independent analysis

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2010 2011 2012 2013

Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4


Project Studies

Initial Device
Fine-tune Initial
Device Output

Terminal Upgrades

Reporting (Quarterly
to DOE)
Remaining Device

Final Report
Submitted to DOE

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• Target Completion is 2nd Quarter 2013
• Provides two years of summer peak data
• Will provide a “roadmap” for other utilities to follow - study will be
• Success Factors include increasing transmission capacity and
removing existing commercial constraints to DLR technology
• All eight circuits should be instrumented by end of this year

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