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Technical Seminar


Student name : K.RISHIK Guide : Mr. S.RAJESHWAR

R.No :20EG107124 Designation : Assistant Professor


 Introduction [1 – 2]
 Explanation of the topic [3-13]
 Applications [14]
 Conclusion [15]
 References [16]
The battles always takes a huge toll on every side. But we can actually win wars with robots.
Robots that actually can coordinate with each other at a high speed and optimizing themselves to
attack with minimal damage. Robots don’t have to be in a human shape to send them to combats.
Drones like quadcopters are more efficient and they are much improvised ones in now a days where
they can carry a lot of payload with them. So integrating Artificial Intelligence system to all the
drones can allow the ability to detect and attack on enemies with out human intervention.

The centralized AI system consist of various techniques to detect multiple things at a time and take
decisions accordingly. So it can act as a brain and the drones can act as its hands. The data for
Centralized AI comes from drones itself through various sensors and cameras on the drones. The
ability to analyse more than one image or sensor data, can give the ability to AI to coordinate
multiple drones at one time easily and optimize themselves in the wars by reinforcement learning.
The idea is to give a centralized AI or one system to control the drones, instead of giving every
drone some intelligence. Its like auto pilot for every drone with one captain to control them all.
DeepMind's new AI can perform over 600 tasks, from playing games to controlling robots.
The ultimate achievement to some in the AI industry is creating a system with artificial
general intelligence (AGI), or the ability to understand and learn any task that a human can.
We can integrate this performance with drones to do multiple tasks at a time. Super AI is a
level of Intelligence of Systems at which machines could surpass human intelligence,and
can perform any task better than human with cognitive properties .
AI-enabled drones can make real-time decisions on their own, without human input. This is
especially useful in situations where time is of the essence, such as search and rescue
missions or disaster relief efforts. AI also allows drones to avoid obstacles and navigate
through tight spaces. There are some challenges to overcome before AI-powered drones
become a reality.
• First, the technology is still in its early stages and needs to be refined.
• Second, there are ethical concerns about giving machines the power to make.


Centralized AI combat drones refer to a system where multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)
or drones are controlled and coordinated by a centralized artificial intelligence (AI) system for
military or combat purposes. This concept combines AI, robotics, and military technology to
create a network of autonomous or semi-autonomous drones that can perform various combat-
related tasks.
Components :
• Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAVs)/Drones
• Centralized AI Systems
• Communication network
• Sensors and data processing
• Decision making algorithms

Drones/UAVs: These are unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with various sensors, cameras,
weapons, and communication systems.
Centralized AI System: It's the core intelligence that controls and coordinates the actions
of multiple drones simultaneously. This AI system processes information from various
sources, makes decisions, and sends commands to individual drones.
Communication Networks: Robust and secure communication networks are crucial for
transmitting data between the central AI system and the drones in real-time.
Sensors and Data Processing: Drones are equipped with sensors (like cameras, radar,
LIDAR) that collect data about the environment, targets, and other relevant information.
The central AI system processes this data to make informed decisions.
Decision-making Algorithms: AI algorithms are employed to analyze data, identify
threats, make decisions, and plan actions for the drones.
• Coordination and Collaboration
• Target identification and Engagement
• Adaptability and Flexibility
• Autonomous Operations
• Surveillance and Reconnaissance

Coordination and Collaboration: The centralized AI system manages and coordinates
multiple drones simultaneously, enabling them to work together on complex missions or
Target Identification and Engagement: AI algorithms help in identifying targets,
assessing threats, and deploying appropriate actions, such as engaging enemies with
precision-guided weapons.
Adaptability and Flexibility: The AI system can adapt to changing situations,
reconfigure strategies, and dynamically allocate tasks to different drones based on real-time
Autonomous Operations: Depending on the level of autonomy, drones may operate semi-
autonomously (with human oversight) or autonomously (making decisions without direct
human intervention).
Surveillance and Reconnaissance: Drones can be used for intelligence gathering,
surveillance, and reconnaissance missions in remote or hostile areas.

A drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle that is remotely controlled or follows a
preprogrammed flight path. Some drones are equipped with cameras and can be used for
photos and videos. Drones can also be fitted with sensors and used to map and monitor
crops and wildlife. Drones are increasingly equipped with artificial intelligence (AI)
technology that enables autonomous flight. AI can be used to automate the control of
drones, including their navigation and movement. This can be done using a variety of
methods, including GPS tracking, computer vision, and machine learning algorithms.
The AI system is designed in a way so that it is not in the drone but instead it is a system
located in a server which can pilot the drones itself by processing data from multiple drones
at a time. So that coordination can be at high peak, drones can eliminate themselves from
being destroyed by having each other backs.

There are a few different ways to automate drones using AI. One common method is using
GPS coordinates to program the drone’s flight path. This can be done using software like
Google Maps or even a smartphone app. Another way to automate drones is by using object
recognition. This is where the drone uses its cameras to identify objects and then navigate
around them. This is useful for avoiding obstacles and potential crashes. Finally, voice
control is another option for automating drones. This involves the use of voice commands to
control the drone’s movements. This can be done with a simple voice-activated controller or
even through a smartphone app. Whichever method you choose, automating your drones
using AI will make them even more versatile and easy to use.

The Drones designed in a way so that they can carry maximum payload like missiles and
guns to attack. These drones are mainly arial like quadcopters. These drones are attached
with multiple sensors and cameras to gain information like humidity, speed, gravity,
orientation, object detection, triggers, target aiming functions, and GPS., etc. The AI System
works as a pilot to all the drones. The ability of its neural networks makes it to process the
data from all the drones at once. It uses cameras to detect the objects and for target aiming.
It uses flight sensors to control the drones. If a drone captures a missile coming to another
drone, the system analyzes the image information to make the in danger drone to escape the
missile, providing the ability of having each other backs with rapid communication.
Computer vision plays a huge role in automating the drone piloting system using AI.
Developers are teaching drones to think for themselves, using AI techniques such as
machine learning and computer vision. By doing so, they hope to make drones smarter and
more autonomous, able to perform tasks such as obstacle avoidance and target tracking
without human intervention.

Machine learning is a promising approach for teaching drones how to do this. Using
machine learning, developers can train drones to recognize objects and interpret their
surroundings. This allows them to make decisions based on what they see, rather than
having to follow predefined rules set by humans.
Computer vision is another key technology for making drones smarter. By equipping them
with cameras and algorithms that can interpret what they see, drones can learn to navigate
their environment and avoid obstacles. This is particularly important for flying drones
indoors, where there are many potential hazards that they need to avoid.
Combining AI techniques such as machine learning and computer vision will allow
developers to create drones that are much smarter and more autonomous than anything that
exists today. This will open up
1. Collection of flight data from a drone
2. Supervised learning algorithm

Working Principle
The main advantage is that drones usage in battles can reduce human deaths including
soldiers and civil people. Coordination is much better due to centralized communication.
Because of AI, it can form multiple strategies in no time.
Another of the advantages of using AI to fly drones is that it can help to avoid obstacles.
AIpowered drones can use their sensors to detect obstacles and avoid them. This is
important for safety and can help to prevent accidents.
Another advantage of using AI to fly drones is that it can help to improve the efficiency of
flights. AI-powered drones can plan their routes more efficiently and avoid wasting time or
flying in circles. This can save time and money.
Overall, using AI to fly drones has several advantages. It can help to avoid obstacles,
improve the efficiency of flights, and save time and money.

The use of AI as a centralized system can’t pilot even a single drone if the system fails due to
single error in the software.
The AI might target unnecessary objects can cause a huge collateral damage if any fault in
software occurs.
To prevent these a fail safe plug should be installed.
• Lack of Human Oversight
• Ethical Dilemmas in Targeting
• Reliability and Vulnerability
• Complexity and Adaptability
• Legal and Regulatory Issues
• Psychological and Strategic Implications

1. Drones can be used in rescue missions.
2. Drones can be used in critical areas of battle field.
3. AI Drones can be used for swift attacks.
4. Not only in combats, also AI drones can be used in hospital services and delivery of
goods and payloads
5. Sheild.AI offers Nova, an autonomous drone for indoor navigation.
6. AeroVironment offers the Raven series, the world’s most widespread military drone.
7. Lockheed Martin offers Desert Hawk III, a drone that can purportedly train operators on
how to use it in the field.
8. Neurala offers Neurala Brain, an AI software currently that could allow military drones
to conduct reconnaissance and patrol missions.

Drones have improved our modern life Drones are becoming increasingly popular for a variety of
uses. Drones are unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that are controlled by a remote operator or by
onboard computer systems. AI can be used to automate the control of drones, including their
navigation and movement. Drones are unmanned aircraft that are flown using a remote control or
by following pre-programmed flight paths. One of the most exciting uses for drones is
automation. AI is the result of applying cognitive science techniques to artificially create
something that performs tasks. AI-powered drones are still in their early stages of development,
but they have the potential to revolutionize the way we think. Computer vision is another key
technology for making drones smarter.


Anna Konerta , Tomasz Balcerzak.: 10th International Conference on Air Transport –

INAIR 2021, TOWARDS AVIATION REVIVAL Military autonomous drones (UAVs)
- from fantasy to reality.


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