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Gender Perfomativity and Gender

Interpellation: A feminist Critique

on the selected novels of Anna
Burns, Anne Tylre and Gillian
Objectives :
1. To understand the role of gender framing and social conditioning in
silencing of women.
2. To highlight how gender is configured as performativity.

3. To trace gender Interpellation in the selected novels of the chosen authors

4. To apply the theory of gender performativity to the selected novels of Burns, Tyrel and

5. To explore the social implications of gender performativity and gender Interpellation

through the selected novels of the selected authors.
• A political stance

• Focuses on gender as a subject of analysis while reading cultural


• Calls for distinguishing between sex and gender.

• Sex is biological, and include anatomy and physiology

• Gender is a social category

• 1830-1920: First wave suffragette movement, civil rights movement.

• 1960s: Second wave-networking of women's groups, deeper

engagement with political debates.

• 1980s: Post-feminism-cyberfeminism, ecofeminism and the

emergence of a postcolonial slant to feminist theory.

• Rejection of fixed and normative ideas of gender by third wave

feminist Judith Butler.

• Gender is a performance regarded by third wave feminism.

Judith Butler
● An American philosopher.
● Most brilliant theorist of sexuality.
● Her works has provided new insights in feminist theory.
● Changes perception of gender
● Reveals the Performativity aspects of gender
● Gender Performativity theories are most sustainable
● Four of her works are to be taken into consideration Gender
Trouble Feminism and Subversive of Identity (1990), Bodies
That Matters:On the Discursive Limits of "Sex"(1993),The
Psychic Life Of Power (1997)and Undoing Gender(2004).
Gender Performativity :
● ' Gender is not to culture as sex is to nature ‘.

● Is discursive means by which natural sex is produced

● Established as prior to culture as politically neutral

surface on which culture acts.

● Identity is Performative.

● Identity instituted through 'a stylized repetition of acts'.

Gender Interpellation:
● Judith Butler utilizes Louis Althusser's notion of
● Subjects are the embodiment of society power ideology.
● Body is interpellated as boy or girl.
● Interpellation is a process
● To internalize cultural values
Anna Tyler
● An American novelist and literary critic.

● Won Pulitzer prize for Fiction for Breathing lesson.

● Famous for her rigorous and artful style.

● And her astute and open language.

Selected works:
Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant

● Story about Pearl

● Abandoned by her husband

● And left to bring up three children alone

The Amateur Marriage

● About a mismatched marriage.

● Its consequences spanning three generations.

Gillian Flynn
An American author.
Formerly a television critic.
Selected works:
Gone Girl
● Amy goes missing

● And her husband becomes the prime suspect.

Dark Places
● Plot revolves around a serial killer

● And about the reporter who comes to cover the event

Anna Burns
● An author from Northern Ireland.
● Won booker prize for Milkman.
● Also Won the Orwell prize .
● And international Dublin Award.

Selected Work :
Little Construction
● Darkly comic and Ironic take
● About a woman from the family of criminals.

● Set during The Troubles in northern
● 18 years old girl harassed by Milkman.
Research Gap:
● By broadening the twin concepts of Gender Performativity and Gender Interpellation and
forming a unification of the two which has not been done before.

● The texts of these three authors will be compared and contrasted in light of these theories
which have not been done.
Research Methodology:

● The concepts of Gender Performativity and Gender Interpellation will be broadened by bringing
under their ambit the selected texts of the three authors.

● The texts will be critically analysed using qualitative research to explore the extremes of both
patriarchy and feminism through Butlerian critique of gendered discourses in selected novels.

● The study will seek to bring out the Performativity aspects of gender and Interpellation of ideology
as depicted in selected novels
Literature Review:
• Work: Performativity,Parody,Politics

• Author: Moya Lloyd

• Findings/Abstract: This article examines both the work of Judith

Butler on gender performativity
Work: Performativity, Precarity And Sexual Politics.

Author: Judith Butler

Findings/Abstract: In this paper Butler re-examine this term and completes it

with the idea of Precarity, by making a reference to those who are exposed to
injury, violence and displacement, those who are at risk of not being qualified as
a subject of recognition.
Work: Performativity Identified

Author: Alecia Youngblood Jackson

Findings/Abstract: This paper analysis the post structural feminist notion of subjectivity
point to a notion of the self that is fluid, contradictory, and produced in relationship
with others and everyday practices
Work: Judith Butler on Performativity And Precarity: Exploratory thoughts on
gender and violence in India .
Author: Russell Belk And Rishi Bhardwaj
Abstract/Findings: This article discusses the theories of Judith Butler for insight
into how gender Performativity affects and thus individual agency.

Work: The Limits of Performativity: A Critique of hegemony in Gender Theory

Author: Denis Schep
Abstract/Findings: This article examines to the extent Butler's theory of
performativity has become a hegemonic framework within the field of gender
Work: All Made Up: Performance Theory And the new Anthropology of sex
and gender
Author: Rosalind C.Morris
Abstract/findings: This article considers the impact of recent performance
theory , especially the theory of gender Perfomativity, on anthropological
efforts to theorize sex and gender. `

Work: Masculinities , Performativity and subversion:A Sociological Reappraisal

Author: Chris Brickell
Abstract/findings: This article argues for reformulating Performativity and subversion
in a more explicitly sociological frame to render the concepts more useful for
examining agency and subjectivity in the study of masculinities.
Work: The Construction of Gender: Judith Butler And Gender Performativity

Author: Li He

Abstract/Findings: This paper attempts to trace the development of Judith Butler's

theory of gender in order to fully grasp the dynamic process of her thoughts.

Work: The Interpellation of Misogyny By Female Character

Author: Larassati Alya and Delvi Wahyuni

Abstract/Findings: This analysis is related to the concept of Interpellation and

Misogyny .This can be seen in two methods: form of Misogynist women and
the way misogyny can get interpellated.
Work: The unbecoming of subject of sex: Performativity, Interpellation, and the politics of
queer theory

Author: Mary Bunch

Abstract/Findings: This paper examines the Interpellation scenario forwarded by Louis

Althusser And Judith Butler's theory of performativity to argue that being unbecoming
potentially not only alter reality but also alter the very law that hails the subject into

Work: 'Boying'the boy and 'girling 'the girl: From affective Interpellation to trans –emotionality

Author:Igi Moon

Abstract/Findings: This paper discusses about the Interpellation of emotions for feeling is
thus a major part of the socialization process used to construct cis-gendered bodies.
Work: Culture, ideology, Interpellation

Author: John Fisk

Abstract/Findings: This book discusses how we are given a sense of being individual
subjects by being addressed in certain ways by our culture.

Work :"The trouble Goes Back to Your Grandfather's time": Masculinity and Domestic Spaces
In Anne Tyler's A Spool of Blue Thread

Author: Shreya Rastogi

Abstract/Findings: This paper interprets the texts as a subversive narrative where hegemonic
gender norms oppress women and children.
Work: Antagonist Performance as a Contest of Gender Identity in Anna Burns 'Milkman and Little

Author:kevihetou Agnes

Abstract/Findings: In Milkman and Little Constructions, Burns presents the tense atmosphere
built up on account of Troubles in Northern Ireland which has intensified the identity crisis
experienced by the individuals.

Work: Patriarchy or Feminism: A Butlerian Critique Of Anna Burns 'Milkman

Author:Javed Khan and Dr.Samina Ashfag

Abstract/Findings: This paper explores the gendered power relations by applying Butler's theory of
gender Performativity to analyse the gendered discourse Burns 'Milkman .
Work: Gender and Performativity in Contemporary American Novels:A Butlerian Reading Of Gone Girl
By Gillian Flynn

Author:Sadesh Ahmadi Asi , Hussein Aliakbari Harehdasht ,Ehsan Karaminejad

Abstract/Findings: This paper investigates Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl in the terms of Butlerian concepts of
gender and Performativity.

Work: Subjected Subject? On Judith Butler's Paradox of Interpellation

Author:Noela Davis

Abstract/Findings: This article discusses about Butler utilizing Louis Althusser's

notion of Interpellation.
Bibliography :
Primary Sources:
Flynn, Gillian. Gone Girl. Crown Publishing House, 2012.
…,Dark Places.Shaye Areheart Books,2009.

Tyler,Anne.Dinner At The Homesick

Restaurant .Knoof,1982.
…,The Amateur Marriage.Knoof,2004.

Burns,Anna.Milkman.Fabar and Fabar,2018.

…, Little Constructions. Graywolf Press,2007.
• Secondary resources:
• Butler, Judith Bodies that Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex. Routledge, 1903

• …,"Critically Queer". Gender, edited by Anna Tripp. Palgrave, 2000, pp. 154-167.

• …,Excitable Speech: A Politics of the Performative. Routledge, 1997.

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and Visual Culture, edited by Amelia Jones. Routledge, 2003, pp. 392- 402.

• Aston, Elaine and Geraldine Harris, eds. An Introduction to Feminism and Theatre. London: Routledge,
• Aston, Elaine and Geraldine Hariis. Feminist Theatre Practice: A Handbook. London: Routledge, 1995.
• Adkins, Lisa. Gendered Work: Sexuality, Family, and the Labour Market. Bristol, Penn.: Open University Press,
• Archer, Margaret S. Culture and Agency: The Place of Culture in Social Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University
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• Beauvoir, Simon de. The Second Sex. Trans., Ed. Parshley, H.M. London: Vintage,1953.

• Braudy, Leo and Cohen, Marshall Ed. Film Theory and Criticism. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.

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• Butler, Judith. "Sex and Gender in Simon de Beauvoir's Second Sex". Yale French Studies, No. 72, Simon de Beauvoir:
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• Chakravarty Spivak, Gayatri. "Can the Subaltern Speak?." Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory: A Reader,
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• Bacchii, Carol Lee. Same Difference: Feminism and Sexual Difference. Sydney: Allen and Unwin,1990.
• Bhasin, Kamla. What is Patriarchy? New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1993.

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