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ChonGae Canal Restoration Project

-Mikyoung Kim Design

• Location: Central business and commercial district of the city

• Climate:
Coldest month January(-3°C)
Warmest month August(25°C)
• Aim of project:
-Defined eight provinces with local materials
-Eight sources of water representing collaboration for reunification and restoration
-Restore highly polluted and covered waterway

• Symbolize: Symbolic representation of future reunification of North and South Korea

Design Features:
- Guided by fluctuating water levels
- Addressing Monsoon season flooding
- Sloped and stepped stone elements for reading water levels
- Encouraging public engagement with the river
After ribbon cutting ceremony in October 2005, nearly 10 million visitors and residents have visited the river becoming a central gathering place for the city and
improved water quality increased a family engagement around the park. During public events such as New Year’s festivals, political rallies, fashion shows and
rock concerts, plaza and water Source area were designed and used for events. Coins tossed in canal were often collected and donated for local charities.

• Outcome:
- Creation of a seven-mile green corridor
- Pedestrian-focused zone replacing former vehicular access
- Improved access to historic ChonGae River
- Mitigation of flooding
- Enhancement of water quality
• Location:
-Central business and commercial district, prime area for public engagement.
• Design Features:
-Pedestrian-focused zone replacing vehicular access.
-Encouraging public engagement with the historic ChonGae River.
• Impact:
-Significant improvement in water quality.
-Mitigation of flooding.
-Central gathering place for the city, attracting millions of visitors and residents.
• Community Involvement:
-Participation in specialized events and festivals.
-Fundraising through unique activities like coin collections for charities.
• Dependency on Weather:
-Design features guided by fluctuating water levels.
-Vulnerability to intense storms during Monsoon season.
• Initial Infrastructure Challenges:
-Need for extensive demolition of existing highways.
-Potential disruptions during construction.
• Cost and Resource Intensive:
-Implementation of innovative design may require substantial funding.
-Maintenance of the green corridor and public spaces.
• Limited Historical Access:
-Formerly covered and polluted waterway may have negative perceptions.
• Tourism and Economic Development:
-Increased tourism potential with the creation of a green corridor and public plaza.
-Opportunities for local businesses around the restored riverfront.
• Cultural and Social Activities:
-Potential for hosting a variety of cultural events, festivals, and performances.
-Promotion of local arts, traditions, and historical significance.
• Environmental Education:
-Utilization of the restored area for environmental education programs.
-Awareness campaigns for water conservation and restoration efforts.
• Future Phases of Redevelopment:
-Expansion of the restoration project along the seven-mile river.
-Integration with other architectural redevelopment projects in the area.
• Environmental Challenges:
-Potential pollution from surrounding urban areas.
-Threat of future flooding events impacting the restored river area.
• Public Perception and Usage:
-Maintaining interest and engagement of the local community.
-Ensuring continued safety and cleanliness of the public spaces.
• Political and Regulatory Challenges:
-Changes in government policies affecting funding or support.
-Compliance with environmental regulations and standards.
• Competition with Other Public Spaces:
-Competing with existing parks, plazas, and recreational areas in the city.
-Attracting visitors away from other tourist destinations.

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