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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali



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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

The database environment

• To be able to function, an organisation needs

information, e.g.

– list of books in a library,

– customer details in a retail business,
– specifications of cars and their components for a car

• Information may be defined as data represented in a

meaningful form.

• Same data shown in different ways will provide

different information to different viewers
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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

• A major requirement of any computer system is to

store and retrieve data in a way that is meaningful to
the end user –

– so the core of any Information System is data, which is

to be transformed into information through data

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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali


• Data:
– Meaningful facts, text, graphics, images, sound, video

• Database:
– An organized collection of logically related data.

• Information:
– Data processed to be useful in decision making.

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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

• Metadata:

– Data that describes the properties or characteristics of

other data.

– Does not include sample data

– Allows database designers and users to understand

the meaning of the data

Office Management Tool - II Institute of Management Sciences

Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

What is Databases?

• Often abbreviated DB.

• A database is a collection of related information.

• A database is a collection of information that is

organized so that it can easily be accessed, managed,
and updated.

– For example, a phone book is a database of names,

addresses and phone numbers.

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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

• A collection of information organized in such a way

that a computer program can quickly select desired
pieces of data.

• You can think of a database as an electronic filing


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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

• Traditional databases are organized by fields, records,

and files.

• A field is a single piece of information;

– a record is one complete set of fields; and

– a file is a collection of records.

– For example, a telephone book is similar to a file.

– It contains a list of records, each of which consists of
three fields: name, address, and telephone number.
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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Database Management System (DBMS)

• To access information from a database, you need a

database management system (DBMS).

• This is a collection of programs that enables you to

enter, organize, and select data in a database.


• A Database Management System (DBMS) is a

software tool that facilitates creating, maintaining, and
manipulating an information database.

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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

• DMBS is a collection of programs that enables you to

store, modify, and extract information from a database.

• There are many different types of DBMSs, ranging

from small systems that run on personal computers to
huge systems that run on mainframes.

• The following are examples of database applications:

– computerized library systems

– automated teller machines
– flight reservation systems
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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

• Requests for information from a database are made in

the form of a query.

• In fact, most of today's database systems are referred

to as a Relational Database Management System
(RDBMS), because of their ability to store related data
across multiple tables.

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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

• A relational database management system

(RDBMS) is a database management system (DBMS)
that is based on the relational model as introduced by
E. F. Codd.

• Most popular databases currently in use are based on

the relational database model.

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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

• A short definition of an RDBMS is:

– a DBMS in which data is stored in tables and the

relationships among the data are also stored in tables.

– The data can be accessed or reassembled in many

different ways without having to change the table

Office Management Tool - II Institute of Management Sciences

Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

• A relational database management system (RDBMS)

is a program that lets you create, update, and
administer a relational database.

• Relational Database Management System a type of

database management system (DBMS) that stores data
in the form of related tables.

• An important feature of relational systems is that a

single database can be spread across several tables.

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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

• Some of the more popular relational database

management systems include:

– Microsoft Access

– Filemaker

– Microsoft SQL Server


– Oracle
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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

What is Record?

• In the context of a relational database, a row—also

called a record or tuple—represents a single,
structured data item in a table.

• In simple terms, a database table can be thought of as

consisting of rows and columns or fields.

• Each row in a table represents a set of related data, and

every row in the table has the same structure.

Office Management Tool - II Institute of Management Sciences

Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali


000010 Christine Haas A00 President
000020 Michael Thompson B01 Manager
000120 Sean O'Connell A00 Clerk

Office Management Tool - II Institute of Management Sciences

Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

What is Entity?

• The first step in developing a database design is to

identify the types of data to be stored in database

• A database includes information about the entities in

an organization or business, and their relationships to
each other.

• In a relational database, entities are represented as


Office Management Tool - II Institute of Management Sciences

Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

• An entity is a person, object, or concept about which

you want to store information.

• Some of the entities described in the sample tables are

employees, departments, and projects.


000010 Christine Haas A00 President
000020 Michael Thompson B01 Manager
000120 Sean O'Connell A00 Clerk

Office Management Tool - II Institute of Management Sciences

Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

What is Field/Column?

• Within a relational table, each row of data in the table

is a collection of related data values.

• There are characteristics to each piece of data in each


• Columns are used to identify and classify each piece

of data.

• Each column in a table must have a name that is

unique for that table.

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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

• The data type and length specify the type of data and
the maximum length that are valid for the column.

• Data types may be chosen from those provided by the

database manager or you may choose to create your
own user-defined types.

Office Management Tool - II Institute of Management Sciences

Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Database Applications

• Banking: all transactions

• Airlines: reservations, schedules

• Universities: registration, grades

• Sales: customers, products, purchases

• Online retailers: order tracking, customized recommendations

• Manufacturing: production, inventory, orders, supply chain

• Human resources: employee records, salaries, tax deductions

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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

• Language for accessing and manipulating the data.

• DML also known as query language.

• Structured Query Language (SQL) is the most widely

used query language.

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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Relational Model


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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

A Sample Relational Database

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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Architecture for a Database System

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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

• The DBMS Manages the Interaction Between the End

User and the Database.

Office Management Tool - II Institute of Management Sciences

Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

The Database System Components

• Hardware

– Computer

– Peripherals

• Software

– Operating systems software

– DBMS software

– Applications programs and utilities software

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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

• People

– Systems administrators

– Database administrators (DBAs)

– Database designers

– Systems analysts and programmers

– End users

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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

• Procedures

– Instructions and rules that govern the design and use of the
database system

• Data

– Collection of facts stored in the database

Office Management Tool - II Institute of Management Sciences

Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Types of Database Systems

• Number of Users

– Single-user

• Desktop database

– Multiuser

• Workgroup database

• Enterprise database

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Lec 1: Introduction to Databases Muhammad Shahzad Ali

• Location

– Centralized

– Distributed

• Use

– Transactional (Production)

– Decision support

– Data warehouse

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