Connecting The World

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Connecting the World: A Journey

through Satellite Marvels

Exploring Multimedia Satellite
Services, Intelsat, VSAT, Remote
Sensing, GPS, and Navigation System

Course Title: Satellite Communication

Course Code: ECE 5209
Sehrish Khan
Electronics and Communication Pranta Paul
Engineering Discipline Student Id: MSc 210916
Science, Engineering & Technology Year: 1st
School Term: 1st
Khulna University

Welcome, Ma’am to my exploration of the fascinating world of satellite technology.

The Evolution of Satellite Technology
• Satellite technology has evolved tremendously since its inception in the 1950s.
• From the launch of Sputnik to the present day, satellites have transformed how we
communicate, navigate, and gather data.
Satellite Services
Multimedia Satellite Services
• Multimedia satellite services encompass various offerings, including television
broadcasting and broadband internet.
• Satellites systems can be used to provide high quality interactive (two-way)
multimedia communications, a service known as Broadband Satellite Multimedia
Multimedia over satellite
The Role of Intelsat
• Intelsat, founded in 1964, is a global leader in satellite communication services.
• They've played a pivotal role in connecting the world through their satellite
network and have been at the forefront of technological innovations.
Notable Intelsat Satellites
1. Intelsat I (Early Bird) - First commercial satellite, connecting North America and
Europe in 1965.

2. Intelsat III series - Expanded coverage across the Atlantic and Pacific regions.

3. Intelsat IV series - Advanced satellites improving capacity and services.

4. Intelsat 6 series - Used for TV broadcasting and broadband services.

5. Intelsat 29e - A High Throughput Satellite (HTS) for better data connectivity.

6. Intelsat 33e - Another HTS satellite enhancing broadband services over multiple
Diverse Services Offered
• Intelsat satellites support a diverse range of services, including television
broadcasting, broadband internet, data networking, and voice communication.
• Their versatility caters to the needs of governments, businesses, and individuals
Intelsat's Global Network
• Intelsat's satellite network spans the globe, connecting millions across continents.
• Their extensive coverage ensures seamless communication and data transmission.
VSAT - A Vital Component
• VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) technology enables two-way communication
through small satellite dishes.
• These terminals are crucial in extending satellite services to remote and
underserved areas.
Types of VSAT
• The networks based on VSAT technology are of two main areas: the dedicated
services and the shared ones.
• The shared services (TDMA) allow several remote stations to share the same
network in time division.
• The dedicated services communicate within each other without the need of a hub
and on single carrier per channel.
Extending Connectivity with VSAT
• VSAT technology finds applications in various sectors, including banking,
agriculture, and telemedicine.
• Its ability to provide broadband connectivity in remote regions has bridged the
digital divide.
Remote Sensing from Above
• Satellite remote sensing involves capturing data from space to monitor the Earth's
• Satellites equipped with sensors collect invaluable information for agriculture,
climate studies, disaster management, and more.
Satellite-Based GPS Systems
• The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a constellation of satellites providing
precise location and time information.
• GPS has revolutionized navigation, logistics, and numerous industries by offering
accuracy and reliability.
GPS Block Diagram
Navigation System
• An electronic system in a vehicle or mobile device that provides a real-time map of
the current location and step-by-step directions to a requested destination.
• Often called a "GPS," a navigation system (nav) receives signals from the satellite-
based global positioning system.
Navigating with Precision
• GPS applications are vast, ranging from guiding aircraft during takeoff and landing
to optimizing farming operations.
• The precision offered by GPS has enhanced safety, efficiency, and productivity.
The Global Impact of Satellite Services
• Satellite services have a profound impact on education, healthcare, and disaster
• They have bridged geographical gaps, providing critical connectivity when and
where it's needed most.
Innovations in Satellite Technology
• Recent innovations in satellite technology include High Throughput Satellites
(HTS) and satellite-based Internet constellations.
• These advancements promise faster, more reliable, and accessible satellite services.
Satellite Security and Cyber Threats
• Satellite security safeguards against cyber threats, ensuring the integrity and
reliability of satellite services.
• Intelsat employs robust security measures to protect their network.
The Future of Satellite Technology
• The future of satellite technology holds promises of even faster and more
accessible satellite services.
• Intelsat is poised to play a leading role in shaping this dynamic landscape.
• To conclude, our journey through satellite marvels has highlighted their
transformative role in our world.
• From connecting remote areas to providing essential data, satellites continue to
revolutionize how we live and work.
Here is a list of sources and references used in this presentation:

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