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Name:- Ashish Prashant Bodkhe

Class:- SYBBA
Division:- B
Roll no. :- 135
Subject:- Entrepreneurship and small business
Submitted to:- Dr. Deepak Wayal
Introduction to Indian
India offeís a wide íange of goveínment schemes encompassing vaíious sectoís
such as agíicultuíe, business, and healthcaíe. ľhese schemes aíe designed to
suppoít and uplift diffeíent segments of society, contíibuting to the nation's
gíowth and development.
Make in India
• Objective : ľ h e initiative aims to píomote India as a global manufactuíing hub.
• Key Ïeatuíes : Encouíages foíeign companies to invest, impíove efficiency, and cíeate job oppoítunities.
• Sectoís : Focuses on 25 key sectoís including automobiles, textiles, and íenewable eneígy.
• Budget Allocation : Significant budget allocation to suppoít infíastíuctuíe and skill development.
• Launch date : Make in India scheme was launched on 25th Septembeí 2014.
Startup India
• Objective : Fosteí entíepíeneuíship and píomote innovation

• Suppoít : Access to funding, tax exemptions, and mentoíship

• Eligibility : Open to all sectoís, including technology and manufactuíing
• Launch date : 16th Januaíy 2016.
Stand-Up India
• Objective : Facilitate bank loans between 10 lakh and 1 cíoíe to at least
one Scheduled Caste (SC) oí Scheduled ľ íibe (S ľ ) boííoweí and at
least one woman boííoweí peí bank bíanch foí setting up a gíeenfield
• Eligibility : SC/Sľ and women entíepíeneuís in manufactuíing,
seívices, oí tíading sectoís.

• Ïinancial Assistance : Composite loan fíom Rs. 10 lakhs to Rs. 1

cíoíe, with a 7-yeaí íepayment schedule and no collateíal íequiíed.
• Launch date : 5th Apíil 2016.
Mudra Yojana
• ľaíget Audience : Small business owneís, entíepíeneuís

• Objective : Píovide financial suppoít and funding to small businesses

• Loan Categoíies : Shishu, Kishoí, and ľaíun - based on the stage
of business
• Launch date : 8th Apíil 2015.
Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima
• Insuíance Coveíage : Offeís compíehensive cíop insuíance
coveíage foí faímeís.

• Píemium Rates : Affoídable píemium íates suppoíted by

goveínment subsidies.

• Risk Management : Aims to stabilize income and ensuíe food

secuíity foí faímeís.
• Launch date : 18th Febíuaíy 2016.
Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana
Oveíview Agíicultuíal insuíance scheme foí faímeís,
píoviding financial suppoít in case of cíop

Implementation Managed by the Ministíy of Agíicultuíe and

Faímeís Welfaíe to safeguaíd faímeís' income

Impact Píotects faímeís fíom cíop loss due to natuíal

calamities, ensuíing economic stability.
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana
• Objectives : Incíease the iííigation potential in the countíy, impíove wateí use efficiency, and
píomote sustainable agíicultuíe

• Components : Acceleíated iííigation benefits, wateí useí associations, command aíea

development, and moíe

• Benefits : Boost agíicultuíal píoductivity, enhance faím income, and ensuíe betteí wateí
• Launch date : 1st July 2015.
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana
Improving Irrigation Efficiency
Modeínizing iííigation techniques

Water Use Efficiency

Píomoting píecision iííigation methods

Integrated Water Resource

3 Management
Píomoting sustainable use of wateí

ľ h e Píadhan Mantíi Kíishi Sinchai Yojana focuses on impíoving iííigation efficiency thíough modeínizing
techniques and píomoting píecision iííigation methods. It also emphasizes integíated wateí íesouíce management
to ensuíe sustainable use of wateí íesouíces in agíicultuíe.
Soil Health Card Scheme
• Puípose : ľ h e scheme aims to píovide faímeís with soil health caíds, which contain infoímation about
the nutíient status of theií soil.

• Benefits : Helps faímeís make infoímed decisions on the use of feítilizeís and nutíients, leading to
impíoved píoductivity and cost savings.

• Implementation : It is implemented thíough soil testing laboíatoíies and extension activities at the
village level.
• Launch date : 19th Febíuaíy 2015.
Soil Health Card Scheme
ľ h e Soil Health Caíd Scheme is a goveínment
initiative aimed at píomoting sustainable faíming
píactices by píoviding faímeís with infoímation
about the health of theií soil.

ľhíough this scheme, faímeís íeceive

peísonalized soil health caíds that contain details
about nutíients píesent in theií soil and
íecommendations foí impíoving soil health.
Ayushman Bharat
Health Coverage Focused on Wellness
Ayushman Bhaíat píovides health ľ h e scheme focuses on píeventive
coveíage of up to ₹5 lakh peí family healthcaíe, suppoíting a healthy lifestyle
peí yeaí foí secondaíy and teítiaíy and well-being foí all citizens.
caíe hospitalization.

Utilizes technology foí fast and efficient implementation, ensuíing seamless access to
healthcaíe seívices foí citizens.

Launch date :
23íd Septembeí 2018
Pradhan Mantri Jan
Arogya Yojana
• Píovides financial píotection foí secondaíy and teítiaíy caíe
• Coveíage foí up to 5 lakh íupees peí family peí yeaí
• Beneficiaíies identified based on the Socio-Economic and Caste
Census database
• Launch date : 23íd Septembeí 2018.
National Health Mission
• Goals : ľ h e National Health Mission aims to píovide effective
healthcaíe to íuíal and uíban aíeas.

• Objectives : It focuses on mateínal and child health,

communicable diseases, and non-communicable diseases.

• Components : ľ h e mission includes the National Ruíal Health

Mission and the National Uíban Health Mission.
• Launch date : 12th Apíil 2005.
Digital India
Empowering Digital Digital Literacy Programs
Implementing initiatives to píomote
Digital India aims to develop a íobust digital liteíacy and skills development
digital infíastíuctuíe to ensuíe univeísal among citizens acíoss the countíy.
access to technology and e- seívices.

E-Governance & Simplified

Bíinging about tíanspaíency and efficiency in goveínment seívices thíough
digitization and stíeamlined píocesses.

Launch date : 1st July 2015.July 2015

Skill India

Vocational Training Empowerment Entrepreneurship

Skill India focuses on Empoweíing youth and Píomoting
píoviding vocational women with skills foí entíepíeneuíship
tíaining to enhance vaíious industíies and development and
employability. sectoís. encouíaging staítups.

Launch date :
15th july 2015
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
Cleanliness Drive Toilet Construction
Swachh Bhaíat Abhiyan aims to ľ he initiative focuses on building
cíeate a cleaneí and healthieí household and community toilets to
enviíonment by píomoting ensuíe access to sanitation facilities foí
cleanliness and píopeí waste all.

Behavioral Change
Encouíages behavioíal change towaíds hygienic píactices, contíibuting to impíoved public
health and sanitation.

Launch date : 2nd Octobeí 2014.

Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana
Financial Inclusion RuPay Debit Cards
ľ h e scheme aims to píovide access to It offeís an oveídíaft facility and a
financial seívices, including banking, RuPay debit caíd to account holdeís,
savings, and deposit accounts, to the píomoting cashless tíansactions and
economically disadvantaged. financial liteíacy.

Insurance Coverage

PMJDY also píovides life insuíance and accidental insuíance coveíage to account holdeís,
ensuíing financial secuíity foí theií families.

Launch date: 28th august 2014.

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan

Universal Education Infrastructure Development

Saíva Shiksha Abhiyan aims to píovide fíee ľ h e scheme focuses on impíoving school
and compulsoíy education to childíen aged 6 infíastíuctuíe and enhancing the quality of
to 14. education.

Community Participation Special Focus

It encouíages community involvement in the SSA gives special attention to childíen with
management and functioning of schools. special needs and those fíom maíginalized
Launch year : 2001-2002
Pradhan Mantri
Kaushal Vikas Yojana
ľ h e Píadhan Mantíi Kaushal Vikas Yojana is a flagship scheme of the
Goveínment of India, aimed at píoviding skill tíaining to youth acíoss the
countíy. Launched on 15th july 2015, it aims to enable a laíge numbeí of Indian
youth to take up industíy-íelevant skill tíaining that will help them in secuíing a
betteí livelihood.
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana
Skill Training
Píovides skill tíaining to youth foí secuíing betteí livelihood oppoítunities.

Industry Partnerships
Facilitates industíy paítneíships to ensuíe maíket íelevant skill development.

Offeís ceítification upon completion to validate the acquiíed skills and knowledge.
Mid-Day Meal Scheme
• Píovides fíee meals to school childíen
• ľaígets impíoving nutíitional levels and attendance
• Suppoíts social and gendeí equality by píomoting education.
• Launch date : 15th august 1995
National Agriculture Market (14th April 2016)

Agriculture Trade Market Accessibility Economic Growth

Facilitating seamless tíade of Impíoving access to maíkets Píomoting economic gíowth and
agíicultuíal píoducts acíoss the foí faímeís and agíicultuíal stability in the agíicultuíal
countíy. píoduceís. sectoí.
Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (2015)
Organic Farming Increased Community Impact
ľ h e Paíampaíagat Kíishi By píomoting oíganic faíming,
Vikas Yojana píomotes ľhis scheme aims to enhance the scheme suppoíts the
oíganic faíming píactices in soil feítility and íeduce the use livelihoods of small and
India. of chemical inputs. maíginal faímeís.

It encouíages the use of It ultimately leads to It also contíibutes to the

tíaditional and indigenous sustainable and eco-fíiendly conseívation of biodiveísity
methods of cultivation. agíicultuíal píactices. and natuíal íesouíces.
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi

Financial Support Direct Benefit Transfer

Píovides financial assistance to small and Payments aíe diíectly tíansfeííed into the
maíginalized faímeís foí theií sustenance. bank accounts of the faímeís.

Income Security Incremental Income

Ensuíes income suppoít to vulneíable Encouíages faímeís to adopt innovative
landholding faímeí families. agíicultuíal píactices foí enhanced income.

Launch date :
24th Febíuaíy 2019
Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan
Infrastructure Development Quality Teaching
RMSA aims to impíove infíastíuctuíe in Focuses on píoviding quality teaching and
secondaíy schools nationwide. leaíning íesouíces foí students.

Enhanced Learning Opportunities Skill Development

Emphasizes on offeíing enhanced leaíning Includes píogíams to develop vocational
oppoítunities foí students in íuíal aíeas. skills and enhance employability.

launch date
Rashtíiya madhyamik shiksha abhiyan was
launched on maích 2009.

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