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Unit no-4

Designing User
Interfaces with View
1.1Text View
• In Android, TextView displays text to the user and
optionally allows them to edit it programmatically.
• TextView is a complete text editor, however basic class is
configured to not allow editing but we can edit it.
• View is the parent class of TextView.
• Being a subclass of view the text view component can be
used in your app’s GUI inside a ViewGroup, or as the
content view of an activity.
• We can create a TextView instance by declaring it inside a
layout(XML file) or by instantiating it programmatically(Java
Attributes of TextView:

• 1. id: id is an attribute used to uniquely identify a text view. Below is the

example code in which we set the id of a text view.
• 2. gravity: The gravity attribute is an optional attribute which is used to control the
alignment of the text like left, right, center, top, bottom, center_vertical,
center_horizontal etc.
• 3. text: text attribute is used to set the text in a text view. We can set the text in xml as
well as in the java class.
• 4. textColor: textColor attribute is used to set the text color of a text view. Color value is
in the form of “#argb”, “#rgb”, “#rrggbb”, or “#aarrggbb”.
• 5. textSize: textSize attribute is used to set the size of text of a text view. We can set the
text size in sp(scale independent pixel) or dp(density pixel).
• 6. textStyle: textStyle attribute is used to set the text style of a text view. The possible
text styles are bold, italic and normal.
• 7. background: background attribute is used to set the background of a text view. We
can set a color or a drawable in the background of a text view.
• 8. padding: padding attribute is used to set the padding from left, right, top or bottom.
In above example code of background we also set the 10dp padding from all the side’s of
text view.

• In Android, EditText is a standard entry widget

in android apps. It is an overlay over TextView
that configures itself to be editable. EditText is
a subclass of TextView with text editing
operations. We often use EditText in our
applications in order to provide an input or
text field, especially in forms. The most
simple example of EditText is Login or Sign-in
Attributes of EditText:

• 1. id: id is an attribute used to uniquely identify a text EditText. Below is the

example code in which we set the id of a edit text.
• 2. gravity: The gravity attribute is an optional attribute which is used to control the
alignment of the text like left, right, center, top, bottom, center_vertical,
center_horizontal etc.
• 3. text: text attribute is used to set the text in a EditText. We can set the text in xml
as well as in the java class.
• 4. hint: hint is an attribute used to set the hint i.e. what you want user to enter in
this edit text. Whenever user start to type in edit text the hint will automatically
• 5. textColor: textColor attribute is used to set the text color of a text edit text.
Color value is in the form of “#argb”, “#rgb”, “#rrggbb”, or “#aarrggbb”
• 7. textSize: textSize attribute is used to set the size of text of a edit text. We can set
the text size in sp(scale independent pixel) or dp(density pixel).
• 9. background: background attribute is used to set the background of a edit text.
We can set a color or a drawable in the background of a edit text.
• 10. padding: padding attribute is used to set the padding from left, right, top or
1.3 AutoCompleteTextView

• In Android, AutoCompleteTextView is a view i.e

similar to EditText, except that it displays a list of
completion suggestions automatically while the user
is typing. A list of suggestions is displayed in drop
down menu from which user can choose an
item which actually replace the content of Editbox
with that.
Attributes of AutoCompleteTextView:
Sr.No Attribute & Description

1 android:completionHint
This defines the hint displayed in the drop down menu.

2 This defines the hint view displayed in the drop down

3 This defines the number of characters that the user
must type before completion suggestions are displayed
in a drop down menu.

4 This is the View to anchor the auto-complete dropdown

5 android:dropDownHeight
This specifies the basic height of the dropdown.
6 The amount of pixels by which the drop down
should be offset horizontally.

7 android:dropDownSelector
This is the selector in a drop down list.

8 The amount of pixels by which the drop down
should be offset vertically.
9 This specifies the basic width of the
10 android:popupBackground
This sets the background.
2.1 Button
• In Android, Button represents a push button. A Push buttons can be
clicked, or pressed by the user to perform an action. There are
different types of buttons us in android such as CompoundButton,
ToggleButton, RadioButton.
• Button is a subclass of TextView class and compound button is the
subclass of Button class. On a button we can perform different
actions or events like click event, pressed event, touch event etc.
• Android buttons are GUI components which are sensible to taps
(clicks) by the user. When the user taps/clicks on button in an
Android app, the app can respond to the click/tap. These buttons
can be divided into two categories: the first is Buttons with text on,
and second is buttons with an image on. A button with images on
can contain both an image and a text. Android buttons with images
on are also called ImageButton.
Attributes of Button in Android:

1. id: id is an attribute used to uniquely identify

a text Button. Below is the example code in
which we set the id of a Button.

3. text: text attribute is used to set the text in a

Button. We can set the text in xml as well as in
the java class.
Sr.No Attribute & Description

If set, specifies that this TextView
1 has a textual input method and
automatically corrects some
common spelling errors.

2 This is the drawable to be drawn
below the text.

3 This is the drawable to be drawn
to the right of the text.

4 If set, specifies that this TextView
has an input method.

5 android:text
This is the Text to display.
Inherited from android.view.View Class −

Attribute Description

1 android:background
This is a drawable to use as the background.

2 This defines text that briefly describes content of the

3 android:id
This supplies an identifier name for this view.

4 This is the name of the method in this View's context to
invoke when the view is clicked.

5 android:visibility
This controls the initial visibility of the view.
2.2 ImageButton

• In Android, ImageButton is used to display a normal button

with a custom image in a button. In simple words we can say,
ImageButton is a button with an image that can be pressed or
clicked by the users. By default it looks like a normal button
with the standard button background that changes the color
during different button states.
ImageButton Attributes

Sr.No Attribute & Description

1 Set this to true if you want the ImageView to adjust its bounds to
preserve the aspect ratio of its drawable.

2 android:baseline
This is the offset of the baseline within this view.

3 If true, the image view will be baseline aligned with based on its bottom

4 android:cropToPadding
If true, the image will be cropped to fit within its padding.

5 android:src
This sets a drawable as the content of this ImageView.
Inherited from android.view.View Class −

Sr.No Attribute & Description

1 android:background
This is a drawable to use as the background.

2 android:contentDescription
This defines text that briefly describes content of the view.

3 android:id
This supplies an identifier name for this view

4 This is the name of the method in this View's context to invoke
when the view is clicked.

5 android:visibility
This controls the initial visibility of the view.
ToggleButton (On/Off)

• In Android, ToggleButton is used to display checked and

unchecked state of a button. ToggleButton basically an off/on
button with a light indicator which indicate the current state of
toggle button. The most simple example of ToggleButton is
doing on/off in sound, Bluetooth, wifi, hotspot etc. It is a
subclass of compoundButton.
ToggleButton Attributes

Sr.No. Attribute & Description

1 This is the alpha to apply to the indicator
when disabled.

2 This is the text for the button when it is not

3 This is the text for the button when it is
Inherited from android.widget.TextView Class

Sr.No. Attribute & Description

1 If set, specifies that this TextView has a textual input method and
automatically corrects some common spelling errors.

2 android:drawableBottom
This is the drawable to be drawn below the text.

3 android:drawableRight
This is the drawable to be drawn to the right of the text.

4 android:editable
If set, specifies that this TextView has an input method.

5 android:text
This is the Text to display.
RadioButton & RadioGroup

• In Android, RadioButton are mainly used together in a RadioGroup. In

RadioGroup checking the one radio button out of several radio button
added in it will automatically unchecked all the others. It means at one time
we can checked only one radio button from a group of radio buttons which
belong to same radio group. The most common use of radio button is in
Quiz Android App code.
• RadioButon is a two state button that can be checked or unchecked. If a
radio button is unchecked then a user can check it by simply clicking on it.
Once a RadiaButton is checked by user it can’t be unchecked by simply
pressing on the same button. It will automatically unchecked when you press
any other RadioButton within same RadioGroup.
RadioGroup Attributes
Attribute Description
This is the id of child radio button that should be
checked by default within this radio group.

Inherited from android.view.View Class −

Sr.No. Attribute & Description

1 android:background
This is a drawable to use as the background.

2 android:contentDescription
This defines text that briefly describes content of the view.

3 android:id
This supplies an identifier name for this view

4 This is the name of the method in this View's context to invoke when
the view is clicked.

5 android:visibility
This controls the initial visibility of the view.
Check Box
• In Android, CheckBox is a type of two state button either
unchecked or checked in Android. Or you can say it is a type
of on/off switch that can be toggled by the users.
• You should use checkbox when presenting a group of selectable
options to users that are not mutually exclusive.
• Compound Button is the parent class of CheckBox class.
• In android there is a lot of usage of check box. For example, to
take survey in Android app we can list few options and allow user
to choose using Check Box.
• The user will simply checked these checkboxes rather than type
their own option in Edit Text. Another very common use of Check
Box is as remember me option in Login form.
Attribute of Check Box
Sr.No Attribute & Description

1 If set, specifies that this TextView has a textual input
method and automatically corrects some common spelling

2 android:drawableBottom
This is the drawable to be drawn below the text.

3 android:drawableRight
This is the drawable to be drawn to the right of the text.

4 android:editable
If set, specifies that this TextView has an input method.

5 android:text
This is the Text to display.
Android . View. View Class −
Sr.No Attribute & Description

1 android:background
This is a drawable to use as the background.

2 android:contentDescription
This defines text that briefly describes content of the view.

3 android:id
This supplies an identifier name for this view.

4 This is the name of the method in this View's context to invoke when
the view is clicked.

5 android:visibility
This controls the initial visibility of the view.
Progress Bar

• In Android, ProgressBar is used to display the

status of work being done like analyzing status
of work or downloading a file etc.
• In Android, by default a progress bar will be
displayed as a spinning wheel but If we want it
to be displayed as a horizontal bar then we
need to use style attribute as horizontal.
• It mainly use
the “android.widget.ProgressBar” class.
Sr. No Title & description

This method returns the maximum value of the progress.

incrementProgressBy(int diff)
This method increments the progress bar by the difference of value passed as a parameter.

setIndeterminate(boolean indeterminate)
This method sets the progress indicator as determinate or indeterminate.

setMax(int max)
This method sets the maximum value of the progress dialog.

setProgress(int value)
This method is used to update the progress dialog with some specific value.

show(Context context, CharSequence title, CharSequence message)
This is a static method, used to display progress dialog.

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