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Question tags

Use of question tags

• Question tags are short questions. We normally use them to
confirm whether the statement is true or not.

• Ex: We have met before, haven’t we?

• She does not learn English, does she?
Question tag - continued
• When the statement is positive the question tag is negative.

• Ex: The English teacher has two books, hasn’t he?

• I am a father, aren’t I/ Amn’t I?
• She likes oranges, doesn’t she?
Question tag - continued
• When the statement is negative the question tag is positive.

• Ex: The English teacher has not two books, has he?
• I am not a father, am I?
• She doesn’t like oranges, does she?
Question tag - continued
• Auxiliary and modal verbs in the statement are repeated in
the question tag.
• Ex: He is a teacher, isn’t he?
• They haven’t money, have they?
• I can dance, can’t I?
• She will travel today, won’t she?
Question tag - continued
• When the statement is in the past the question tag is also in
the past.
• Ex: The book was in the table, wasn’t it?
• I ate the cake, didn’t I?
• When we don’t use auxiliary nether modal verbs, the
question tag is formed by do/does (in present) and did (past).
• Ex: I like football, don’t I?
• She didn’t kiss me, did she?
• Complete the sentences by putting in question tags.
• 1. The programe starts at seven o’clock,…………………………?
• 2. I can use this ticket on my bus,……………………………………..?
• 3. The bill won’t be high, …………………………………………………..?
• 4. He wasn’t very polite, …………………………………………………..?
• 5. I didn’t make a mistake, …………………………………….............?
• 6. That was a lovely meal, ………………………………………..........?
• 7. You can’t play the piano,……………………………………………..?
• 8. They left last week, ………………………………………………...........?

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