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Mental Health and Well-

Being in Middle and Late

G11-Catch- Up Friday in Health Education
Tanza National Comprehensive High School
At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:

1. interpret the concepts of mental health and psychological

well being in everyday observations about mental health during
adolescence, and late adolescence.

2. identify their own vulnerabilities, and

3. create a plan to stay mentally healthy during adolescence.


Recall a time when you feet stressed, and then go over each item
on the following list and check the statements which apply to you
during that period of stress.
_______1. I have trouble sleeping
_______2. I get frequent headaches.
_______3. I find it difficult to breath.
_______4. I tend to become forgetful.
_______5. I become less productive.
_______6. I feel worried.
_______7. I feel overwhelmed.
_______8. My appetite tends to either decrease or increase.
_______9. My mouth gets dry.
_______10. I tend to isolate myself from others.

1. How many statements did you pick?

2. What insights have you gained from accomplishing the


a. Eating Disorders
b. Depression
c. antisocial Behaviors
d. Personality Disorders
e. Drug dependency/Addiction
f. Mood disorders
g. Schizophrenia (delusions, hallucinations)
h. Other psychotic disorders
Common stressors:
The common sources of stress are centered on the 2 essentiall
domains of an adolescent namely: home and school. Below is the
common sources of stressors for adolescents.
a. Break up with a girlfriend or boyfriend.
b. Change in parents’ financial status.
c. Increased arguments with parents, and between parents.
d. Serious illness or injury.
e. The pressure of expectations from self, parents, and others.
STRESS- a state of mental or emotional strain or tension
resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. It is also a
physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental
tension and disease.

STRESSOR- a chemical or biological agent, environmental

condition, external stimulus, or an event that causes stress to an
organism, an event that triggers the stress.
1. External Stressors include changes in temperature )heat or
cold) and stressful psychological environment such as
classroom conditions or abusive relationships in school
2. Internal Stressors include physical ailments such as infection
or inflammation and psychological problems such as
worrying about something.
EUSTRESS- a kind of stress that is helpful in promoting
one’s growth and development by providing sufficient
challenges that allow one to become more resourceful
and show initiative in problem solving.
COPING- the way people try to deal with problems,
including the problem of handling the typically negative
emotions stress produces (Kring, et. Al. 2007).
1. Problem focused coping means dealing with the
actual problems posed by the stressful situations.
2. Emotion focused coping is more subjective as it
considers the difficulties challenging the feeling states
of the individual , and as such aims to comfort and
soothe the stressed person.
*The AVOIDANCE COPING is what happens when one
would rather ignore the stressors or fantasize being in
different non-stressful circumstance either of which
does not solve the issue or problem.
Suggestions on how to deal with stress from the Stress
tip sheet of the American Psychological Association

1. Understand how you stress.

2. Identify your sources of stress.
3. Learn your stress signals.
4. Recognize how you deal with stress.
5. Find healthy ways to mange stress.
6. Take care of yourself.
7. Reach out for support.
Answer the following questions based on the video clip presented:
1. What is mental health?
2. What are the different kinds of mental health problems?
3. What prevents Filipinos from consulting with mental health
4. How do Filipinos manage to cope with mental health problems?
Critical Thinking:
Reflect on the different coping styles and ways to manage
stress. Answer these questions:
1. What are the most common stressors faced by the
adolescents your age?
2. What are the most stressful experiences that you have
gone through?
3. What do you think could be the most helpful for you in
managing your daily stressors to stay mentally healthy?

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