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Ajie E. Baring
John Glen Cabatingan
Daniel Jess Arnejo
 Organization refers to the structure, system, or arrangement of
activities, resources, and people within a group or entity to
achieve specific goals or objectives. It encompasses the
framework of roles, responsibilities, rules, and relationships
that guide how tasks are divided, coordinated, and executed.

 Management involves the process of planning, organizing,
directing, and controlling resources (including human, financial,
and material) to achieve organizational goals effectively and
efficiently. It encompasses activities such as decision-making,
problem-solving, communication, and leadership to ensure the
smooth functioning of the organization .
Forms of Organization Business
- refer to the different legal structures under which
a business can operate.

 Sole Proprietorship
 Partnership
 Corporation
 Limited Liability Company (LLC)
 Cooperative
Sole Proprietorship
 is a type of business structure where an individual owns,
operates, and is financially responsible for the business. It
is the simplest and most common form of business
ownership. In a sole proprietorship, the owner has
complete control over the business decisions and gets to
keep all the profits. However, the owner is also personally
liable for any debts or legal issues the business may face.
This means that personal assets can be used to pay off
business debts if necessary.
-small local shop
-service-based business owned and operated by a single
 is a type of business structures refers to a legal
agreement between two or more individuals or entities
who come together to carry on a business venture. In a
partnership, the partners share the responsibilities,
profits, and losses of the business. This form of
organization allows for the pooling of resources, skills,
and knowledge, which can lead to increased efficiency
and growth.
- marketing agency
Two main types of PARTNERSHIPS:
 General Partnerships
-In a general partnership, all partners have
unlimited liability and share equal management
 Limited Partnerships
In a limited partnership, there is at least
one general partner with unlimited liability, and
one or more limited partners with limited
liability, who mainly contribute capital but have
limited involvement in the management of the
 is a business structure that is a legal entity that is created
by a group of individuals, known as shareholders, who
invest money, resources, or effort to form a separate
entity for carrying out business activities. Corporations
are recognized as distinct "legal persons" by the law,
which means they can enter into contracts, own assets,
sue and be sued, and even pay taxes separately from
their owners.
-Apple Inc.
-Walmart Inc.
-The Coca-Cola Company
 Is a business structures refers to an entity owned and
controlled by its members, who also share the benefits
derived from the cooperative's operations. It is a business
model that emphasizes collaboration, democratic
decision-making, and mutual support among its
members. The primary objective of a cooperative is to
meet the common needs and interests of its members,
rather than maximizing profits for external shareholders.
-Consumer cooperatives
-Worker cooperatives
-Housing cooperatives
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
 is a type of business structure that combines elements of
both partnerships and corporations. It provides the
limited liability protection for its owners (members)
similar to a corporation, while also allowing for pass-
through taxation like a partnership. This means that the
members are not personally responsible for the
company's debts and liabilities, and the profits and losses
are passed through to the members for taxation
-Small retail shops
-Professional services
Management vs. Administration
 Management
- involves planning, organizing, leading, and
controlling resources (including people, finances, and
materials) to achieve organizational goals. Managers are
responsible for setting objectives, making decisions, and
ensuring the efficient use of resources to accomplish
 Administration
-is focuses more on the execution and
implementation of policies, procedures, and directives
set by management. Administrators typically handle day-
to-day operations, supervise staff, manage resources,
and maintain the smooth functioning of the
Manager’s Roles and Skills
1. Planning
- Setting goals, determining strategies, and developing
action plans.
2. Organizing
- Structuring tasks, allocating resources, and
establishing processes.
3. Leading
- Motivating, guiding, and influencing employees to
achieve objectives.
4. Controlling
- Monitoring progress, evaluating performance, and
making adjustments as needed.
5. Time management
1. Communication
- Prioritizing tasks, delegating
-Effective verbal and written
responsibilities, and meeting
communication to convey ideas,
deadlines efficiently.
instructions, and feedback.
6. Adaptability
2. Problem-solving
-Flexibility to adjust to changing
-Analytical skills to identify issues, circumstances and navigate
assess alternatives, and uncertainties.
implement solutions.
7. Strategic thinking
3. Decision-making -Understanding the big picture and
-Ability to make timely and sound aligning actions with long-term
decisions based on available objectives.
information and organizational
8. Interpersonal skills
-Building and maintaining positive
4. Leadership relationships with colleagues,
-Inspiring and guiding individuals clients, and stakeholders.
or teams to work towards
common objectives.

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