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1. Vocabulary

1. Ethernet Cable (N) – a cable that carries that broadband signal

from the router to the devices connected to it
• Can I borrow an Ethernet Cable?
2. Ethernet Port (N) – an opening on a router or computer that an
Ethernet cable goes into
• The problem is that my laptop doesn’t have an Ethernet port.
3. Free of Charge (P) – that doesn’t have a price to pay
• We can fix this bike for you free of charge
4. E-ticket (N) – a ticket bought online
• I’d like to print out my e-ticket
5. The Ground Floor (N) – The floor of building, located at ground
• I’m sorry sir, we have a printer in the computer room on the
ground floor
6. Quarter (N) – A coin that worth one fourth of a US dollar
• Every morning, on my way to work, I give a quarter to that
homeless man
2. Useful expressions
I was wondering if I could use the internet in
my room

Come this way, sir

Is there, by any chance …. ?

The problem is that ….

Here’s is the password, sir

Answer Pool (Questions 1-7)
• like
• can
• floor
• use
• return
• have
• you
Role Play

You realized that there is no Wi-Fi in your room. Ask the receptionist if there’s any
way to get access to the internet. Your partner will act as the receptionist.
1. Do you think the internet is an important factor to consider
when booking a room at hotel? Why or why not?
2. Do you think it’s necessary for all hotels to have internet
connection? Why or why not?
3. Do you usually ask to have internet connection at hotel or
not? Why?
4. What do you usually the internet for when you are on a
5. How inconvenient do you think it is to stay in a room with
no internet connection? Why?
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences
1. Lucy’s surname is …..
a. More b. Moor c. Moore
2. She’s in class …
a. 1C b. 1B c. 4B
3. Lucy is …
a. 13 b. 14 c. 15
4. The Librarian asks for Lucy’s …
a. Address b. Photo c. Passport

1. Aurelia is asking about Hanna’s …

a. boyfriend b. brother c. friend
2. Anna’s brother, Jem has …
a. long, brown hair b. a girlfriend c. a twin sister
3. Hannah has …
a. one brother b. two brothers c. a brother and sister
4. Alex and Jem …
a. look different b. look the same c. have the same hair but
different eyes
Further Discussion
1. Describe your first memories of using the internet !
2. What do you think of the speed of the Internet in Indonesia
compared with other countries?
3. What do you think would happen if today we don’t have
4. Have you ever surfed the dark web on internet? If so, what did you

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