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Lab 8:

Managing a Project:

Work Breakdown Structure

Gantt Chart
Lab 4:
Managing a Project:

Work Breakdown Structure

Gantt Chart
Lab 4: RECAP -Steps in Managing a Project

Define the problem

Develop solution options

Plan the Project : what must be done ?, who will do it?, How will it be done ?
How much will it cost? ,what do we need to do?

Execute the plan

Monitor & Control Progress

Close Project
What was done well?
What should be improved?

Marby 21,
copyright Khanapi Abd Ghani
“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
Elements of Project Management
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
■ WBS breaks down project into major components (modules).

■ Modules are further broken down into subcomponents,

components, activities, and finally, into individual tasks .

■ Identifies activities, tasks, resource requirements and

relationships between modules and activities.

■ Helps avoid duplication of effort.

■ Basis for project development, management , schedule

resources and modifications.

■ Approaches for WBS development:

1. Top down process 2. Brainstorm entire project
Mar 21, 2024 Dr.Bokkasam Sasidhar
“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
Work Breakdown Structure

Mar 21, 2024 Dr.Bokkasam Sasidhar

“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
A Work Breakdown Structure (Three Levels)
For A New Business

“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”

Elements of Project Management
Work Breakdown Structure

WBS For Computerized Order-processing System Project

“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”

Example of WBS
Activity Dur Start End Who Sts
A.Patient Mgt System - Appointment * MAK & ZM
1.Application Requirement/Workflow 11/3/2002 14/3/2002 Mkag,Mak,Zm
i.Refine use case and process flow
ii.Refine interface requirements – from CIS,
2.Graphical User Interface 11/3/2002 14/3/2002 Mak,Zm
i.Define & Refine GUI
ii.Peer Review
3.Database Design 11/3/2002 14/3/2002 Mkag,Mak
i.Define & Refine data model – logical

B. Order Management System (OMS) * KMS & MYAJ

1.Define and Refine use case and process flow 15/1/2002 16/1/2002 fsj,mak,myaj,km
2.Create OMS framework 12/3/2002 14/3/2002 Kms
3.Define & Design OMS transactions 12/3/2002 20/3/2002 fsj,mak,myaj,kmsfsj,
4.Define interface requirements 12/3/2002 20/3/2002 mak,myaj

copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani 8

“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
WBS-Sequence of Activities of The Project -
House Building
Number Activity Predecessor Duration
1 Design house and obtain financing -- 3 months
2 Lay foundation 1 2 months

3 Order and receive materials 1 1 month

4 Build house 2,3 3 months

5 Select paint 2, 3 1 month

6 Select carper 5 1 month
7 Finish work 4, 6 1 month

Mar 21, 2024 Dr.Bokkasam Sasidhar

“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
Gantt Charts
 Establish a time-phased network
 Can be used as a tracking tool

Benefits of Gantt charts

1. Easy to create and comprehend
2. Identify the schedule baseline network
3. Allow for updating and control
4. Identify resource needs
copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani
“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM)

• Activities are represented

by boxes
• Arrows show
relationships between
• More popular than ADM
method and used by
project management
• Better at showing
different types of
“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
Gantt Charts

• Gantt charts provide a

standard format for displaying
project schedule information
by listing project activities and
their corresponding start and
finish dates in a calendar

• Symbols include:
– A black diamond: a milestones
– Thick black bars: summary tasks
– Lighter horizontal bars: durations
of tasks
– Arrows: dependencies between
“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
Gantt Chart for Software Launch Project

copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani
“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
Gantt Chart
• Visual scheduling tool
• Graphical representation of information
• Show dependencies between tasks, personnel, and
other resources allocations
• Track progress towards completion

Mar 21, 2024 Dr.Bokkasam Sasidhar

“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
Building a Gantt Chart
• List all tasks and milestones from the
project along the vertical axis
• List time frame along the horizontal axis

Activity 1
Activity 2

Time Frame: day 1 day 2 day3

Mar 21, 2024 Dr.Bokkasam Sasidhar

“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
Building a Gantt Chart
• Activities: Create box the length of each activity time
– E.g., activity one is scheduled from day1-day3

Activity 1
Activity 2

Time Frame: day 1 day 2 day3

Mar 21, 2024 Dr.Bokkasam Sasidhar

“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
Building a Gantt Chart
• Dependencies: Show dependencies between
activities with arrows
– E.g., activity 2 cannot start until activity 1 is complete

Activity 1
Activity 2

Time Frame: day 1 day 2 day3…

Mar 21, 2024 Dr.Bokkasam Sasidhar

“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
WBS-Sequence of Activities of The Project -
House Building
Number Activity Predecessor Duration
1 Design house and obtain financing -- 3 months

2 Lay foundation 1 2 months

3 Order and receive materials 1 1 month
4 Build house 2,3 3 months

5 Select paint 2, 3 1 month

6 Select carper 5 1 month
7 Finish work 4, 6 1 month
Mar 21, 2024 Dr.Bokkasam Sasidhar
“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
Gantt Chart for House Building
A Gantt chart

Mar 21, 2024 Dr.Bokkasam Sasidhar

“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
Gantt Chart Exercise
For the following table of information:
•Draw Gantt Chart with the project duration from the WBS diagram.
The project started on 11/10/2018. (note: using the Gantt Chart template<xlx>)
Activity Duration Predecessor
(Time completion)
A 2 days -
B 1 days A
C 6 days A
D 6 days C
E 4 days B
F 2 days A
G 3 days D, E, F, H
H 2 days -
copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani 20
copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani
“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
Answer - SAMPLES only.

copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani 21

copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani
“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
How to Create
Activity Network

copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani 22

copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani
“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
PERT Method

The PERT Method (or Program Evaluation and Review Technique) is one of the
most common scheduling techniques for network analysis which is used to track
and coordinate complex tasks. PERT Method helps to analyze the project work
schedule by focusing on each task and calculate the minimum time required to
complete the project. In this respect, it is similar to the Critical Path
Method (CPM). Both of them uses a common approach for preparing the network
and determining its critical path. But there are some key differences between
PERT Method and CPM.

copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani 23

copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani
“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani 24
copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani
“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani 25
copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani
“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
The PERT Method Implementation Steps
Track the following steps while creating a PERT Chart;

1. List the activities and milestones

The first step is to determine the tasks required to complete the project.
2. Determine the sequence of activities
The second step is to determine the order of the activities. Which activity is the predecessor which one is the successor? It is easy to
determine the sequence of some activities however the sequence of some tasks may require deep analysis.
3. Build a network diagram
The third step is to create the network diagram with the help of software or by hand and place the activities on the diagram.
4. Estimate the activity durations
The PERT Method uses three duration estimates for activities which are;
Optimistic Estimate
Pessimistic Estimate
Most Likely Estimate
With the help of three estimates, expected duration is calculated.
5. Determine the critical path
The critical path is the longest path of the network diagram. Forward and backward pass calculations is used to determine the critical path.

copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani 26

copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani
“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
The PERT Method Example

copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani 27

copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani
“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani 28
copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani
“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani 29
copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani
“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani 30
copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani
“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani 31
copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani
“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani
“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”
In real life, projects are not executed as it was planned
all the time. Risks, unexpected events, uncertainty, and
subjective estimates are significant reasons for
deviations. PERT Chart is helpful for estimating the
project completion time in case of uncertainty.
However, it may be difficult to use without software.

copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani 33

copyright by Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani
“Always a Pioneer, Always Ahead”

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