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Sifaat ‫صفات‬

Characteristics of pronunciation
A sifah
• A Sifah is an abstract characteristic
• Sifaat aide in differentiating the letters that
share a makhraj
• So allows correct pronunciation per how
Arabic was spoken at the time of the Prophet
• It also adds beauty in one’s reading
• Sifat determine the strength of a letter, when
it comes to idghaam

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2 types of characteristics
1. Permanent (‫)الزمة‬
2. Temporary (‫)عارضة‬

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Permanent • If missed out when reading a letter, it will result in
the letter changing into another letter
• There are 17 – [Al-Jazari]
• 2 types
1. Mutadhaadda (Have Opposites) ‫متضادة‬
2. Ghayr Mutadhaadda (Does not have an opposite)
‫غير متضادة‬

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Permanent characteristics that
have an opposite

‫صفات الزمة متضادة‬

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characteristics that
have an opposite
• 11 in total. 5 pairs

1. Jahr & Hams

2. Shiddah & Rikhawah (Tawassut)
3. Isti’la & Istifal
4. Itlaq & Infitah
5. Ismat & Idhlaq

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Sound of the chest
= vibration in the
vocal cords

‫صوت الصدر‬

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In terms of the vocal
cords vibrating the letters
of the Arabic alphabet can
be split into two groups

1. Jahr
2. Hams

Most prominent in sakin

letters. But exists in
mutahrrik also

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1. Jahr - ‫جهر‬

• Lit. “to appear”

• Less air, more sound
• Breath stops in makhraj
• Strong letter

• ‫ظلقوربضاذغزاجندمطيع‬
• ‫َظَّل ُقَّوُر ِبٍّض إْذ َغَزا ُج ْنٌد ُمِط ْيع‬
2. Hams - ‫همس‬

• Lit. “to whisper”

• Air and breath continues after makhraj
• No vibration in the vocal cords
• Weak letter

• ‫فحثهشخصسكت‬
• ‫َفَح َّثُه َش ْخ ٌص َس َك ت‬
In terms of the sound of a
letter prolonging when it is
pronounced the letters of the
Arabic alphabet can be split
into three groups

1. Shiddah
2. Rakhawah
3. Tawassut/Bayniyyah

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3. Shiddah - ‫شدة‬

• Sound stops in makhraj

• Strong letter
• The makhraj closes

• ‫َأِج ُد َقٍط َبَك ْت‬
• Also have Jahr ‫أ ق ط ب ج د‬
• Also have Hams ‫ك ت‬
4. Rakhawah - ‫رخاوة‬

• Sound continues
• Weak letter

• ‫َش ْخ ٌص َس اِح ٌف َه َّوْز َثَّيْذ َض َّظْغ‬
• Also have Jahr ‫ا و ز ي ذ ض ظ غ‬
• Also have Hams ‫ش ج ص س ح ف ه ث‬
5. Tawassut/Bayniyyah – ‫بينية‬/‫توسط‬

• Don’t completely kill the sound nor continue

• ‫ِلْن ُعَم ر‬
• All are Jahr
Regarding time taken to articulate the letter

1. Aani - no delay - ‫ت‬ ‫أجدقطبك‬

2. Zamaani - stretch and delay - huroof madda

3. Qareeb Aani - little time - ‫ض‬

4. Qareeb Zamaani - a bit more time - ‫ي‬ ‫ثحخذرزسشصظعغفلمنعه‬

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