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Final Report Guideline

1. Story of Success
2. Introduction to Innovation Strategy
3. Understanding the Business Model Canvas
4. Analyzing the Innovation
5. Application of Innovation Strategy in Business Model Canvas
6. Reflection and Conclusion
Story of Success
1. Set the Stage: Background and Context
Introduction: Start with a brief introduction to the company, including its founding, mission, and core values.
Context: Provide context about the industry and the market conditions when the company started. What gap or need did the
company aim to address?
2. The Journey: Challenges and Responses
Early Challenges: Describe the initial challenges the company faced, such as market entry barriers, competition, or internal
Strategic Responses: Detail how the company responded to these challenges. What innovative strategies, products, or services did
it develop?
Pivotal Moments: Highlight key turning points or pivotal decisions that significantly impacted the company's trajectory.
3. The Outcome: Achievements and Recognition
Achievements: Outline the company's major achievements, such as market share, revenue milestones, or awards.
Recognition: Include any industry recognition, accolades, or testimonials from customers or partners.
Current Status: Provide an overview of the company's current status and its position within the industry.
Introduction to Innovation Strategy
Innovation: Explain the company's approach to innovation and how it contributed to its success.
Include specific examples of innovative products, services, or business models.

Growth: Discuss the company's growth over time, including expansion into new markets, scaling
operations, or diversifying offerings.

Impact: Describe the impact of the company's success on its industry, customers, and
Understanding the Business Model Canvas
• Introduce the Business Model Canvas (BMC): Describe it as a strategic management template for
developing new or documenting existing business models.
• Explain each of the nine building blocks:
Value Propositions: What value does the business promise to deliver to its customers?
Customer Segments: Who are the business's target customers?
Channels: How does the business reach its customers?
Customer Relationships: What type of relationship does the business establish with its customers?
Revenue Streams: How does the business earn revenue?
Key Resources: What essential assets does the business require to create value?
Key Activities: What key activities does the business perform to deliver its value proposition?
Key Partnerships: Who are the business's key partners or suppliers?
Cost Structure: What are the business's major cost drivers?
Analyzing the Innovation
• Type of Innovation: Determine whether the innovation is incremental, radical, disruptive, or
architectural. Understanding the type helps anticipate the scale of impact on the business and
the market.
• Source of Innovation: Identify whether the innovation originated from technology
advancements, customer insights, market trends, or internal process improvements.
• Competitive Advantage: Evaluate how the innovation differentiates the company from its
competitors. Will it provide a sustainable competitive advantage?
• Feasibility and Viability: Assess the technical feasibility and economic viability of the
innovation. Does the company have the necessary resources and capabilities?
Application of Innovation Strategy in Business Model Canvas
• Value Propositions (VP): Deeply analyze how the innovation enhances or changes the company's value proposition. Does it introduce new
benefits or solve additional customer pain points?
• Customer Segments (CS): Determine if the innovation targets existing customer segments or creates new ones. How does the innovation
meet the specific needs or preferences of these segments?
• Channels (CH): Explore how the innovation affects the channels through which the company reaches its customers. Are there new
channels to be utilized, or do existing channels need modification?
• Customer Relationships (CR): Consider the impact of the innovation on the nature of relationships with customers. Does it necessitate
more personalized engagement or automated interactions?
• Revenue Streams (RS): Analyze how the innovation influences the company's revenue streams. Will it introduce new revenue models or
enhance existing ones?
• Key Resources (KR): Identify the key resources needed to support the innovation. Consider whether new resources must be acquired or
existing ones reallocated.
• Key Activities (KA): Determine the key activities essential to delivering the innovation. This may include new processes, research and
development, or partnerships.
• Key Partnerships (KP): Evaluate if new partnerships or changes to existing partnerships are necessary to facilitate the innovation.
• Cost Structure (CS): Analyze the cost implications of the innovation. Understand how it affects the company's cost structure and whether
it leads to cost reduction or requires new investments.
Reflection and Conclusion
• What you learned about the interplay between innovation
strategy and business models.
• Summarize key takeaways.
• think about how you could apply these concepts in real-world
scenarios or future business roles.

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