SEM IV Unit - I P-1 - Social Context of Education

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Semester –IV

Unit –I- P-1

Social Context of education

Prepared by
Assistant Professor of General Education, RMCTE Kavumpady
Unit –I- Social Context of
Society, culture, modernity and education- their inter relationship
Social Institutions and education- Family, school, and media- their role in
knowledge creation and knowing-
Role of Social Groups like
Local Peer Group,
Campus Peer Group,
Local Community,
Social Media Community
and Professional Linked Online Groups
in the individual, Social and Scholastic Development of an Individual
Society, culture, modernity and education- their inter relationship

Aristotle –Man is a social animal
Auguste Comte- father of sociology
soclus and logos- society and science
Herbert Spenser, max weber, Durkheim
Mac iver- “ study of the nature of social relationships”
Study of social life, social change and the social causes and consequences of
human behaviour
Educational sociology
It is a synthesis of education and sociology
Ottaway - It is the scientific study of the relationship between education and
scientific analysis of the social processes and social patterns involved in the
educational system
Functions of Education in Society
From the sociological point of view, education has the
following functions:
Assimilation and transmission of culture/traditions:
This needs to be done consciously and selectively
because traditions need to be selected for
transmission as well as omission depending on their
value and desirability in today‘s democratic set-up.
Development of new social patterns: Today the world is
changing very fast due to the development of technology
and communication. So along with the preservation of
traditional values, new values, and social patterns need to
be developed
Activation of constructive and creative forces: Education
should help to build up a qualified and creative workforce
that can adapt to new technologies and take part in the
intelligence revolution that is the driving force of our
Education and socialisation
Education is a major instrument of socialisation
School is a miniature of society
Co-curricular activities help the learner adjust his behaviour
Classrooms provide a lot of opportunities to move and mix with an egalitarian
encourage people to do away with the custom of child marriage,
untouchability etc
 Respect: giving and receiving recognition as human beings
Developing a sense of well-being: mental and physical health
Acquisition/clarification of personal values
 Self-realization/self-reflection: awareness of one‘s abilities and goals
 Self-esteem/self-efficacy
 Thinking creatively
 Cultural appreciation: art, music, humanities
  Acquisition/clarification of values related to the physical environment
Education and culture
Bierstedt – “ culture is that complex whole that consists of
everything we think , do and have , as members of society”
Sum total of acquired traits , habits and behaviour
Characteristics of Culture
Learned and acquired
Not instinctive
Not static but dynamic
Quality of diffusion and assimilation
Social product
Relationships between education and
Preservation of culture
Transmission of culture
Purification of culture
Maintaining the continuity of culture
Transformation of culture- alteration of culture
Removing cultural lag
Cultural lag
Coined by William Ogburn – 1922
Refers to an imbalance in the culture of a society due to
different rate of changes happening in the material and non
material aspects of the culture.
It is a process in which members of one cultural
group adopt the beliefs and behaviours of
another group.
Education an Modernization
The meaning and definitions of modernity are controversial.
There are theorists who argue that the contemporary
society is a modern society.
Modernization is the process by which fundamental social
and cultural changes takes place as a result of the adoption
of science based technology.
Characteristics of modernization
Industrialisation of the traditional economy
Increased geographic mobility and social mobility
The use of technology is very high.
Urbanization began increasing.
Rise in literacy rate of the people
Development of Mass-Media techniques:
Role of education in modernization
Kothari commission (1964-66) emphasis on modernization
NEP 1986 also gave important to modernization
Education plays a critical role in the modernization of society. It is
considered as the driving force for the development of individuals
and nations. The following are the key ways in which education
contributes to modernization:
Scientific attitude is developed through education which is
a means of modernization
Development of reasoning
Development of leadership qualities
Development of democratic citizenship
Knowledge and skills development: Education helps individuals acquire
knowledge, skills and competencies that are essential for modern life.
Critical thinking: Education promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills,
which are crucial in an increasingly complex and rapidly changing world
In conclusion, education is a critical component of modernization, providing
individuals with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to
participate fully in modern society.

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