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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a) Identify the different types of media:

b) Define media convergence and
c) Demonstrate how variety of media affects everyday life
through a sketch.
Broadcast Media

Refer to media such as radio and television that reach target audiences using
airwaves as the transmission medium.

Print Media

Consist of paper and ink, reproduced in a printing process that is

traditionally mechanical.

Media Convergence

Refers to the ability to transform different kinds media into digital code,
which is then accessible by a range of devices, from the personal computer to
the mobile phone, thus creating a digital communication environment.
New Media

Refers to content organized and distributed on digital platforms.

Traditional Media

Refers to the traditional means of communication and expression

that have existed since before the advent of the Internet.
The following are the Seven (7) Stages/Elements Of Information Literacy:

1 Identifying/recognizing inform ation needs

2 Determ ining sources of inform ation
3 Citing or searching for inform ation
4 Analyzing and evaluating the quality of inform ation
5 Organizing, storing or archiving inform ation
6 Using inform ation in an ethical, efficient, and effective way
7 Creating and com m unicating new knowledge
It took about 150 years from the invention of printing
press in the middle of 15th century that the world witnessed
first regular publication which could be defined as a
newspaper. Although there have been claims by many to be
decorated as first newspaper like Mixed News in China in 710,
Notizie Scritte, a monthly newspaper for which readers pay a
"gazetta", or small coin by Venetian government in 1556 etc,
the World Association of Newspapers held "Relation", as the
first newspaper published in France in 1605. By this reckoning
the newspapers' history is 400 years old. The Relation
followed a list of news papers from all around the world.
Here is a brief account of some popular papers:

1621 In London, the newspaper Courante is published.

1631 The Gazette, the first French newspaper, is founded.
1639 First American colonial printing press.
1645 World's oldest newspaper still in circulation,
1690 ---- Public Occurrences is the first newspaper published
in America when it appears in Boston.
1844 Telegraph is invented.

Alfred Harmsworth (later Lord North cliffe) develops the first

tabloid newspaper, the Daily Mirror,in London.
A book is a collection of paper, parchment or
other material with a piece of text written on
them, bound together along one edge, usually
within covers. Each side of a sheet is called a
page and a single sheet within a book may be
called a leaf.
A magazine is a periodical publication
containing a variety of articles, generally financed
by advertising, purchased by readers, or both.
Magazines are typically published weekly,
biweekly, monthly, bimonthly or quarterly, with a
date on the cover that is later than the date it is
actually published. They are often printed in
colour on coated paper, and are bound with a soft
Types of magazines:

A rt m aga zine s L u x ury m aga zine s

B usiness m a gazin es N ew s m a gazin es
C o m p u te r m a gazines O nline m a ga zines
H ealth an d fitness m a ga zines P ulp m a ga zines
H istory m aga zine s P orn ograp h ic m aga zines
H u m o r m a ga zines R e gio nal m a gazin es
Insp ira tio na l m a ga zines Sa tirical m a gazines
M e n's m aga zines T een m a gazines
W o m e n's m a ga zines C o nsu m er m aga zines
The principal source of information and
entertainment for people exposed to mass media. It
is believed to be the most authoritative, influential,
exciting medium for reaching very large audience.
It combines visual images, sound, motion and
colour to achieve viewer’s empathy. It allows
development of creative and imaginative ad
messages in a unique way. It is considered
intrusive in nature as the audience have no control
over the nature and pace of advertisement.
Is a premier mass medium for users and advertisers. It
has a wide spread reach and delivers the ad message to a
large number of people across the length and breadth of a
country. Commercial broadcasting is undertaken in
major cities even rural areas.
It is one of the personal medium and offers selectivity,
cost efficiency and flexibility advantages over other
media. Efficiency of radio ad depends upon the precision
of script, accompanying sounds and level of distortion.
Cinema is a popular source of entertainment
comprising of audience from all classes and socio
- economic groups of society. Films are watched
by a significant number of people everyday. It
involves use of cinema halls and video tapes to
deliver the ad message. Similar to TV, it also
combines sight, sound, colour and movement to
deliver a creative message.
A worldwide medium that provides means of
exchanging information through a series of
interconnected computers. It is a rapidly growing
medium which offers limitless advertising opportunities.
It involves use of world wide web to showcase a website
or e-commerce portal to the world. It provides a
sophisticated graphic user interface to users and is
accessible to anyone with a computer and broadband
Information may be presented in variety of
formats. They may appear in print, broadcast,
new as well as through media convergence.
Each media type has its own characteristics as to
how information is presented. Developing
literacy in the use of media and information will
be of great benefit in determining the reliability,
accuracy, value, authority of the author and
timeliness of the information
Make a drawing/sketch on how different media is affecting your
everyday life. Write a brief introduction about your sketch/drawing.
R u b r ic f o r S k e tc h
Category Excellent Very Satisfactory (3) Needs
Satisfactory (4) Improvement (2)

C o n te n t is C o n te n t is C o n te n t is C o n te n t is
a cc u ra te and a cc u ra te but a cc u ra te but e ith e r
Content a ll re q u ire d s o m e re q u ire d s o m e re q u ire d q u e s t io n a b le
in f o r m a t i o n is in f o r m a t i o n is in f o r m a t i o n is o r in c o m p le te .
p r e s e n te d in a m is s i n g m is s i n g I n f o r m a t i o n is
lo g ic a l o r d e r . and/or not and/or not n o t p re se n te d
p r e s e n te d in a p r e s e n te d in a in a lo g i c a l
lo g ic a l o rd er, lo g ic a l o rd er, o r d e r, m a k in g
but is s t ill m a k in g it it d i f f ic u l t to
g e n e r a lly e a s y d if fic u lt to fo llo w .
to f o llo w . fo l lo w .

T h e d r a w i n g is T h e d r a w i n g is T h e d ra w in g T h e d ra w in g
v e r y a r tis t i c neat an d so m e h o w w a s n o t a b le
Graphics- a n d n e a t. I t c o m m u n ic a te s c o m m u n ic a te s to
Relevance c o m m u n ic a te s th e m e ssa ge th e m e ssa ge . c o m m u n ic a te
th e m e ssa ge c le a r ly . a c le a r
c le a r ly m essage .

E x p la n a ti o n is E x p la n a ti o n is E x p la n a tio n E x p la n a ti o n is
very co m p reh en siv e la c k s d e t a ils . u n cle a r o r
Explanation co m p reh en siv e . ir r e le v a n t to
. th e d r a w in g .

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