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Beach Pollution - Problem/How we tested it
We chose beach Pollution as our problem as it is a problem shown all around the world,
even New Zealand. This is only one of the many problems that we, humans, are creating but
we chose this one in particular. Sometimes we can’t see any bin around so we either throw
in the sea or on the sand. You might think this isn’t a big problem because it’s only one
person who’s doing it and that even if a lot of people do it, it can’t be a very big
problem since they’re only small bits of plastic.
If you’re thinking that, you’re wrong. Beach Pollution is cause a problem for sea
creatures, birds and earth. This can be proved as these small rubbish collects in a patch
of rubbish in the pacific called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It is 1.6 million square
kilometers (Egypt is about 1 million square kilometers) and it might seem hopeless to try
cleaning this up but it is getting smaller. Proof that we can still stop beach pollution...By
having a portable bin, there is a higher chance that there would be less rubbish on beaches
as people have a place to throw rubbish in.
We tested it by filling it up with rubbish or anything else that would fill it, then we
would expand the bin so that there is more space to throw rubbish.
Beach Pollution - Prototype Process Pictures

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