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Saad Abdulkadir Muhammad

Board in general surgery
Infection :is the entry and multiplication of an infectious agent on the tissue ol
-Most staphylococci are now resistant to penicillin, whereas streptococci remain sensitive.
In addition , there is increasing concern about many other bacteria to antibiotics , in particular the
emergence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and glycopeptide-resistant
enterococci (GRE), both are relevant in general surgical practice.
be divided into:
-Physiologically natural protective mechanism against infection
1- Chemical: low gastric PH.
2- Hormonal: antibodies , complements...
3- Cellular: phagocytic cells, macrophages, PMNs, killer lymphocyte.
Period of Period of
Iness decline
Stages of infection
1- Incubation
2- Prodromal
3- Illness
4- Decline
5- Convalescence

Classification of sources of infection:
1-Primary: acquired from a community or endogenous source such as(following perforated
peptic ulcer).
2-Secondary or exogenous: acquired from the operating theatre such as( inadequate air
filtration)or word(eg: poor hand washing compliance) or after surgery(anastomotic leak).

*Advances in control of infection in surgery:

1- Aseptic operating theatre techniques have replaced toxic antiseptic techniques.
2- Antibiotics have reduced post operative infection rates after surgery.
3- Delayed primary or secondary closure remains useful in contaminated wounds.
Resistance to infection:
-Resistance defined as the ability to limit pathogen burden.

1- Metabolic: malnutrition(obesity), diabetes, uremia , jaundice

2- Disseminated disease: cancer and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
3- Iatrogenic: radiotherapy, chemotherapy, steroids.
Wound infection:
-Is defined as the presence of replicating microorganism within a wound leading to host/tissi
Risk factors for increased risk of wound infection:

1- Malnutition: obesity , weight loss.

2- Metabolic disease: diabetes, uremia , jaundice.
3- Immunosuppression: cancer, AIDS, steroids, chemotherapy and radiothera
4- Colonisation and translocation in gastrointestinal tract.
5- Poor perfusion: systemic shock or local ischemia.
6- Foreign body material.
7- poor surgical technique: dead space , haematoma.
Factors that determine whether a wound will become infected:
1- Host response
2- Virulence and inoculum of infective agent
3- Vascularity and health of tissue being invaded(including local ischemia as well as systemic
4- presence of dead or foreign tissue
5- Precence of antibiotics during the “decisive period".
*surgical site infection (SSI):
-Is an infection that occurs after surgery in the part of the body where the surgery took place. -
SSI may be major or minor wound infection.
-The patient may have systemic signs such as tachycardia , pyrexia and raised WBC(systemic
inflammatory response syndrome)SIRS.
Is presence of bacteria in the blood stream.
is defined as the systemic manifestation of SIRS with documented infection.
sepsis with organ dysfunction.
-Is a collection of pus that has build up within the tissue of the body. It has all clinical feature of
acute inflammation. pus is collection of dead/dying leukocyte and bacteria. Pyogenic organism
predominantly staphylococcus aureus, that cause tissue necrosis and suppuration.
-Abscess contain hyperosmolar material that draw in fluid . This increases the pressure and causes
-Types of abscess:

-Depending on duration; acute or chronic -

Depending on nature; pyogenic , pyemic , cold.
-Haematological; CBC , ESR
-Biochemical; BUN , Serum creatinine,LFT , Blood suger -
Pathological; swab
-Radiological; x-ray, ultra sound , CT scan , MRI
-Rest, antibiotic , surgery(drainage).

-Inadequate drainage......sinus/fistula
-Formation of antibioma eg. Breast abscess -formation
of chronic abscess.
-Is the non suppurative invasive infection of tissues. There is poor localisation in addition to the
cardinal signs of inflammation . Spreading infection presenting in surgical practice is typically
caused by organisms such as B-hemolytic streptococci , staphylococci , C. perfringens. Tissue
destruction , gangrene and ulceration may follow , which are caused by release of proteases.
-Systemic signs are common: SIRS , chills , fever and rigors. These follow the release of organism,
exotoxins and cytokines into the circulation. Blood culture often negative.

-Diagnosis; swab any wound discharge

for culture and sensitivity test.
-Also based on clinical manifestation such as
Erythema , edema ,warmth
-Antibiotic;( IV or IM),ororal.
-Cool, wet dressing on the infection site -
Keeping the area dry and clean -Surgery
-Elevated the affected limb -Rest
-Pain medicine as needed.

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