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复 习 讲 义

第一篇 基础过关

第一部分 七年级(上册)
第 2 讲 Modules 5~8
第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8
第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

名词 ( n. )艺术 → artist
______ ( n. )艺术家
2.week ( n. )星期 → weekly
_______ ( adj. & adv. )每周的(地) →
weekday ( n. )工作日 → weekend
_________ _________ ( n. )周末 ( n. )农场 → farmer
_______ ( n. )农民,农场主
4.zoo ( n. )动物园 → zoos
_____ (复数) ( n. )导游 → guidance
_________ ( n. )指南,入门(指导)(书),
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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义
6.Asia ( n. )亚洲 → Asian
______ ( n. )亚洲人;( adj. )亚洲的;亚洲人

7.Africa ( n. )非洲 → African
________ ( n. )非洲人;( adj. )非洲的
8.Europe ( n. )欧洲 → European
_________ ( adj. )欧洲(人)的;( n. )欧洲

9.Australia ( n. )澳大利亚 → Australian
__________ ( n. )澳大利亚人;( adj. )
10.mouse ( n. )老鼠;耗子 → mice
______ (复数) ( n. )音乐 → musical
________ ( adj. )音乐的,有音乐天赋的 →
musician ( n. )音乐家,乐手
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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

12.plan ( n. )计划;( v. )计划,打算 →planning

_________ (现在分词)→
planned (过去式 / 过去分词)
13.story ( n. )故事 → stories
_______ (复数)
_________ (复数)→countryside ( n. )国家 → countries ___________ ( n. )
乡村,农村 ( n. )公司,剧团 → companies
__________ (复数) ( n. )晚会,聚会 → parties
_______ (复数)
17.leaf ( n. )叶;叶子 → leaves
_______ (复数)

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

18.scarf ( n. )围巾 → scarves/scarfs

_____________ (复数) ( n. )(计算机屏幕上的)框,盒子 → boxes
______ (复数)
20.dress ( n. )连衣裙,礼服 → dresses
_______ (复数)
21.match ( n. )比赛,竞赛 → matches
________ (复数)

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

1.difficult ( adj. )困难的,难懂的 → difficulty
_________ ( n. )困难,困境
2.interesting ( adj. )有趣的 → interested interest
_________ ( adj. )感兴趣的→ ________
( v. )使产生兴趣
3.different ( adj. )不同的 → differently difference
__________ ( adv. )不同地→ __________
( n. )差别,差异
4.dangerous ( adj. )危险的 → danger
_______ ( n. )危险

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

5.funny ( adj. )奇怪的;滑稽好笑的 → fun

____ ( n. )乐趣,有趣的事
6.strong ( adj. )强壮的,强大的,强烈的 → strongly
________ ( adv. )强有
weak ( adj. )弱的,虚弱的(反义词)
力地,坚强地→ ______
7.special ( adj. )特别的,特殊的 → specially
_________ ( adv. )特别地,特殊

8.happy ( adj. )高兴的,幸福的 → happily
________ ( adv. )高兴地,幸福
地→ _________ ( adj. )不高兴的(反义词)

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

1.usually ( adv. )通常 → usual
______ ( adj. )通常的,寻常的
2.alone ( adv. )独自地 → lonely
_______ ( adj. )孤独的,寂寞的
3.finally ( adv. )最后;最终 → final
_____ ( adj. )最后的,最终的

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

动词 ( v.& n. )爱;热爱 → lovely
_______ ( adj. )可爱的
2.begin ( v. )开始 → beginning
__________ ( n. )开头,开端 ( v. )做;干 → does
_____ (第三人称单数形式)→did____ (过去式)
done (过去分词)
→ ______
4.sleep ( v. )睡觉 → asleep sleepy
_______ ( adj. )睡着的 → _______ ( adj. )困倦
slept (过去式 / 过去分词)
的 → _____

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义 ( v. )生活,住 → living

______ (现在分词)→lively
______ ( adj. )活泼
的,轻快的→ ______ ( adj. )活着的 ( v. )看,观看 → watches
________ (第三人称单数形式)
7.wash ( v. )洗,洗涤 → washes
_______ (第三人称单数形式)
8.catch ( v. )抓住,接住 → catches
________ (第三人称单数形式)→
caught (过去式 / 过去分词)
9.connect ( v. )连接 → connection
__________ ( n. )联系,连接
10.use ( v. )使用 → useful useless
_______ ( adj. )有用的 → _______ ( adj. )无
reuse ( v. )再次使用,重复利用
用的→ ______
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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

11.print ( v. )打印 → printer printing

_______ ( n. )打印机→ ________ ( n. )印刷
12.visit ( v. )拜访;参观 → visitor
_______ ( n. )参观者;访问者
13.cut ( v. )切,剪 → cutting
_______ (现在分词)→cut____ (过去式 / 过去分
14.give ( v. )给,送 → giving
_______ (现在分词)→gave
_____ (过去式)→
given (过去分词)
15.sing ( v. )唱歌 → singer sang_____ (过去式)
_______ ( n. )歌手→
sung (过去分词)

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

16.choose ( v. )选择,挑选 → chose

______ (过去式)→chosen
_______ (过去分
choice ( n. )选择,挑选
词)→ _______
17.wear ( v. )穿,戴 → wore
______ (过去式)→worn
______ (过去分词)
18.spend ( v. )花(钱),花费 → spent
______ (过去式 / 过去分词)

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

Module 5
1. 一点二十分 twenty past one
2. 六点半 half past six
3. 十点四十分 twenty to eleven
4. 在星期天下午 on Sunday afternoon
5. 擅长 be good at
6. 与……交谈 talk with/to

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

7. 去上学 go to school
on weekdays
8. 在工作日 _____________
9. 起床 get up
10. 上课 have/take a lesson
have/take a break
11. 休息一下 _________________
12. 踢足球 play football
13. 在早上 in the morning
14. 吃早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐 breakfast/lunch/dinner

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

15. 和家人一起吃饭 have dinner with family

16. 回家 go home
17. 看电视 watch TV
18. 做作业 do one’s homework
19. 上床睡觉 go to bed
20. 入睡 go to sleep

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

Module 6
1. 许多种类的 many kinds of
2. 比如 such as
3. 来自 come from
look at
4. 看 ________
5. 在那边,在那里 over there
6. 一只叫作托尼的熊猫 a___________________
panda called Tony

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

7. 少量 a_______
8. 并且,还 as well as
9. 全世界 all over the world
10. 独自居住 live alone
11. 南美洲 South America
12. 北美洲 North America

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

Module 7
1. 把……连接到…… connect… to…
2. 打开电脑 turn on the computer
open a new document
3. 打开一个新文件 _____________________
4. 用鼠标点击“新文件” the mouse on “new document”

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

save the document

5. 保存文档 __________________
6. 去上网 go on the Internet
7. 制订计划 make plans
8. 搜寻 search for
9. 给我的朋友发送电子邮件 send emails to my friends

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

Module 8
would like
1. 想;愿意 ___________
make a cake
2. 做蛋糕 _____________
get presents
3. 收到礼物 ____________
4. 一盒…… a_________
box of
5. 保持健康 stay/keep healthy

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

6. 锻炼 get some exercise

7. 去电影院 go to the cinema
8. 参加音乐会 go to concerts
9. 收到……的来信 hear from
10. 谈论 talk about
11. 在周末 at weekends

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

Module 5
do we _____
1.What lessons ____ have on Friday? ( P26 )星期五我们上什么课?
my _________
2.It’s ____ favourite subject ________
because it’s very interesting. ( P26 )
talk _____
3.I can _____ with my Chinese friends. ( P26 )我可以和我的中国朋
What _____
4.______ time is history? ( P27 )历史课是什么时候(开始)?

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

at _____
5.I get up___ past ______
half _____ seven in the morning; _____
and _____
then have
breakfast. ( P28 ) 我早上七点半起床,然后吃早餐。
and play football; ____
6.They go to the playground _____ but I don’t like
football. ( P28 )
and rice _____
7.We have meat _____ with vegetables , or
___ hamburgers. ( P28 )
have ___
8.On Friday I _____ busy _____.
a ______ day ( P30 )我有一个忙碌的星期
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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

Module 6
Do they ____
1.—____ eat meat?
they ____
—Yes, _____ do , but they also
_____ eat plants. ( P36 )
—— 它们吃肉吗?
—— 吃,但是它们也吃植物。
Shall; we go and see them?
—Yes , let’s
_____ go. ( P36 )
—— 我们去看它们好吗?
—— 好的,走吧。
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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

Which is Lingling the panda?

over ______.
—She’s the black and white animal _____ there ( P36 )
—— 哪一只是熊猫玲玲?
—— 那边那只黑白相间的动物就是她。
There ____
4.Look! ______ she ___!
is ( P36 )看!她在那儿!
Does the tiger ____
5.—______ eat bamboo?
—No , it ________. eats meat. ( P37 )
It _____
—— 老虎吃竹子吗?
—— 不吃。它吃肉。
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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

lives ___
6.This elephant _____ in _______.
Africa ( P39 )这头大象住在非洲。
eats plants and a little fruit; but it ________
7.It _____ doesn’t ____
eat meat. ( P39 )
about 30 ______
8.The panda eats ______ kilos ___
of ________
bamboo a day as well as
plants ( P39 )熊猫每天要吃大约 30 千克的竹子,以及其他植
other ______.
is strong and ________
9.It ___ many ______
catches ______ kinds ___
of animals ____
for _____.
( P39 ) 它体格健壮,以许多种类的动物为食。

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

Module 7
How do I write my homework ____
1.______ on the computer? ( P42 )我如何
2._____ open
First , ______ a new document. ( P42 )首先,打开一个新文档。
do I ____
3.What ____ do _____?
next ( P42 )接下来我要做什么?
Finally , how ____
4._______ print
do I ______ my document? ( P42 )最后,我如何

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

5.My father is ___ manager ___

a _________ of a company , ____
so he often talks
to his customers on the computer. ( P44 )我父亲是一名公司经理,所
goes ____
6.He also _____ on ____
the ________
Internet ___
to ______
check the times of trains.
( P44 )他也会上网查阅列车时刻表。
computer in my home. ( P44 )我家没有电脑。
no _________
7.There is ____

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

Module 8
1.—_______ you _____
Would _____ like ___
to come to my birthday party?
—Yes , I’d
____ love
_____ to
___. ( P48 )
—— 你愿意来参加我的生日聚会吗?
—— 我愿意。
always _____
2.I _______ parties ( P48 )我总是喜欢生日聚会。
like birthday _______.
usually ____
3.What do you _______ do at a Chinese birthday party? ( P48 )在

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

never _______
4.My mother ______ makes a birthday cake. ( P48 )我妈妈从不做
give birthday cards. ( P48 )有时我们会送生日卡
sometimes _____
5.We __________
in ________
6.Do you sing it ___ Chinese ___
or ___ English
in ________? ( P48 )你们用中
spends a lot of money. ( P50 )她花很多钱。
7.She _______

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

8.Betty’s cousin _____ reading

likes ________. ( P50 )贝蒂的表妹喜欢阅读。
at __________.
9.They usually watch football on television ___ weekends ( P50 )他
I’m ______
10._____ afraid I can’t come. ( P53 )恐怕我不能来(参加你的生日

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8
第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

考点 1 一般现在时

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

考点 2 频度副词

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

1.My father is very busy, so he ________ watches TV in the
evening.( C )
A.often B.always C.seldom
2.Lisa is a kind girl. She ________ says a bad word about her
friends.( B )
A.usually B.never C.sometimes

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

考点 3 辨析时间介词 on, in, at

考点 用法 例词
on October 10th 在 10 月 10 日
( 1 )与具体日期连用。 on Tuesday 在星期二
( 2 )与星期几连用。 on Friday evening 在星期五晚
( 3 )与具体某一天的上午、 上
下 on a cold morning 在一个寒
on 午、晚上连用。 冷
( 4 )与有形容词修饰或具有 的早上
形 on the fourth Thursday of
容词性质的定语修饰的上午、 November 在 11 月的第四个星
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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

考点 用法 例词 表
( 1 )与月份、季节、年份连
The Spring Festival usually
comes in January or February
in ( 2 )用于固定搭配,表
every year. 春节通常在每年的

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

考点 用法 例词 表
Most of the villagers took part
in the dragon boat race at 9:00
at on the morning of June 18.
大多数村民在 6 月 18 日早上 9

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

考点 4 辨析 little, a little, few, a few

含义 修饰不可数名词 修饰可数名词复数
表示肯定含义(虽然 a few“ 几个,一
a little“ 一点儿,少量”
少,但还是有的) 些”
little“ 几乎没有” few “ 几乎没有”

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

注意 1. a little 还可以用作副词,意为“有点儿,稍微”。例如:
These shoes are a little too big for me. 这双鞋对我来说太大了一
2. little 还可以表示带有感情色彩的“小”。例如:
She saved a little girl from falling into the water. 她救下一个眼看

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

a little something.
1.I am not very hungry. I could just eat _______
little water here. We should go and buy some right away.
2.There is _____
a few small changes to the report.
3.I made only _______
few students can really understand
4.It is too difficult for us. Very _____
the problem.

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

考点 5 辨析 lonely 与 alone
考点 意义及用法 例句
The boy felt lonely because
( 1 )意为“孤独的”,指心灵
of no friends. 那个男孩感

lonely 友。
The family lived in this
( 2 )意为“荒凉的,人迹罕至
lonely mountain. 这一家子
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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

考点 意义及用法 例句 表
( 1 )意为“独自的,单独 Mr Smith is alone, no wife
的”, no children. 史密斯先生独
alone 指客观环境,无人陪伴。 自一人,没有妻子和孩子。
( 2 )意为“独自,单独”,修 She went alone. 她独自一
饰 人去了。
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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

1.I need your help. I can’t do the work ______.
lonely place in the mountains.
2.They went to a _______
lonely life at the foot of the hill.
3.He lives a _______

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

考点 6 would like 的用法

would like 相当于 want ,其常见用法如下:
1.would like to do sth. = want to do sth. , 意为“想要做某事”。
We would like to thank them for their patience and understanding.

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

2.would like sb. to do sth. = want sb. to do sth. 意为“想要某人

3.“Would you like sth.?” 意为“你想要某物吗?”,表示客气的请求、
肯定回答: Yes, please.
否定回答: No, thanks.

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

4.“Would you like to do sth.?” 意为“你愿意做某事吗?”,表示邀请、

肯定回答: Yes, I’d like/love to.
否定回答: No, thanks./
I’d love to, but…/
Sorry. I am afraid…

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

—Would you like to go fishing with me at the weekend? 你愿意
—Yes, I’d love to. 是的,我很乐意去。
—I’d love to, but I have to finish my homework. 我想去,但是
—Sorry. I am afraid I don’t have time. 对不起,我恐怕没有时间。

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

1.—Would you like some more bread?( C )
—________. I’m full.
A.Yes, please B.I’d love to C.No, thanks
2.—Would you like to go out for a walk with me?
—Yes, ________. ( C )
A.I would like B.I should like C.I’d like to
3.I would like ________ basketball with my good friends.( B ) play C.playing
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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8
第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

日常生活介绍属于记叙文的范畴,常见的命题角度有: 1. 对上学
日日常安排的介绍; 2. 对周末日常安排的介绍; 3. 对理想的一天的描述。
1. 应按时间顺序来叙述一天的活动;
2. 要注意使用表示连接或是频度的副词,如 then, usually, often,
always 等。

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

1.I always have a busy day at the weekend.
2.It’s really a busy day for me.

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

1.It takes me half an hour to go for a walk after supper every
2.In the morning, I get up at seven.
3.When I get home, I always do my homework first.
4.In the evening, I either watch TV or read books.
5.I like to spend time with my grandparents on Sundays.

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

1.This is my weekend, busy but happy.
2.I enjoy myself at school every day.

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

假设你是李华,你的英国笔友 Peter 想了解中国学生一天的日常生
1. 描述一天的活动情况;
2. 你的感受。

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义
1. 内容必须积极向上,并包含所有要点;
2. 结构完整,语句流畅,意思清楚、连贯,书写规范;
3. 词数 70 左右。开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Peter,
I am very happy to talk about my daily life with you.
Li Hua
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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义

1. 审主题 介绍你一天的日常生活
2. 审人称 第一人称
3. 审时态 一般现在时
正文:按时间顺序介绍一天的生活( get up, go to school,
4. 审结构
have classes, do sports, do homework, go to bed )
结尾:你的感受( have a good time, feel happy )

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 复习讲义
Dear Peter,
I am very happy to talk about my daily life with you.
In the morning, I get up at 7:00 and often have some bread and
milk for breakfast. Then I go to school by bike. We have 8 classes
Every day, 5 classes in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. I usually
have lunch at school. Classes are over at 5:10. After school, sometime
I need to clean our classroom and sometimes I do some sports with m
friends in the playground. After dinner, I do my homework, and then
I read some books before going to bed.
I have a good time every day because I love my school life.
When I stay with my classmates and teachers, I feel very happy.
Li Hua
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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8
第 2 讲备考练习(七年级上册 Modules 5~8 )
第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 备考练习

1.—Would you like to join us in having a party tomorrow evening?
—________( C )
A.Don’t worry. B.You’re welcome. C.I’d love to.
2.________ March 1st, we will have a great birthday party for
Mary.( A )
A.On B.In C.At

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 备考练习

3.My mother is very ________, so she doesn’t have much time to be

with us.( C )
A.interesting C.busy
4.He would like to ________ to me about his trip.( C )
A.say B.speak

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 备考练习

5.I want to use the computer. Can you ________?( B )

A.turn it up B.turn it on C.turn it off
6.—Tony wrote his homework in a new document, but he didn’t
________ it.
—What a pity!( C ) B.print
7.—Do you often go to the gym?
—No, ________. I don’t like sports at all.( B )
A.always B.never C.sometimes
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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 备考练习

8.—It’s a pity that you didn’t win in the end.

—It doesn’t matter. I think having fun is more ________.( C )
A.difficult B.different C.important
9.—________ Wang Yang have a new bike?
—Sorry, I don’t know.( B )
A.Is B.Does C.Do
10.We have ________ milk at home. Let’s go to buy some.( B )
A.some B.little C.few

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 备考练习

African ( Africa ) animal. Like the panda, it’s
1.The zebra is an ________
black and white.
don’t use ( not use ) the Internet or send emails.
2.I __________
spends ( spend ) a lot of money on clothes.
3.Daming’s mother _______
Elephants ( elephant ) live in Africa and Asia.
visits ( visit ) her grandparents on weekends.
5.Tina often ______

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 备考练习

children ( child ) , a son and a daughter.

6.My teacher has two cute ________
finally ( final ) got
7.After travelling by train for three days, we_______
scarves/scarfs ( scarf ) , while my sister likes white
8.I like blue _____________
European ( Europe )
9.The international train goes across many _________
interesting ( interest ) and it is my favourite subject.
10.Physics is so __________

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 备考练习

check Internet customer you information movie plan
search send ticket
You can use your computer to do lots of things on the
1. Internet .. You can . for 3.
information . about things to do.
Are you 4. planning . an evening at the cinema? What time does your
5. movie . start and finish? You can 6.check . on the Internet. What
about shopping? Many 7. customers . buy books, clothes and many
知识建构 要点梳理 考点聚焦 写作指导 备考练习 70
第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 备考练习

check Internet customer you information movie plan

search send ticket
other things on the Internet. And do you want to visit friends or
family? Many people buy train 8. tickets . on the Internet. You can
also 9. send . emails or speak to friends. But remember to share the
computer with 10. your . parents!

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 备考练习

假如你是实验中学的李华,本周英语角讨论的话题是“ My Free Time
Activities” 。请你根据下列提示内容,写一篇英语短文,向同学们介绍

知识建构 要点梳理 考点聚焦 写作指导 备考练习 72

第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 备考练习

要点提示: 1. 画画使我更加自信;
2. 听音乐能放松心情;
3. 陪伴家人并帮忙做家务;
4. (补充一点)……
参考词汇: relax v. 放松; relaxed adj. 放松的; confident adj.
要求: 1. 短文应该包括所有要点; 2. 词数 80 左右; 3. 不得透露

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第 2 讲 Modules 5~8 备考练习

My Free Time Activities

I have lots of activities to do in my free time. Usually, I
draw on weekends. I like drawing best, because the colourful pictures
can make me be in a good mood. I often listen to music for a while,
which is a good way to relax myself. Of course, I help my parents
with the housework three times a week. On weekends, I spend more
time with my family. When I get tired, I would like to sit by the
balcony and read books such as a novel, a science fiction, or even a
poem. Reading can open up a new world for me.
I enjoy all my free time activities and they make me happy. What
are your free time activities?
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