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Further Details into

• Polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated as
objects of a common superclass
• Method overriding helps in this by Dynamic Method Dispatch
• Allows code to be written at super class level without knows the
implementation of subclass

Q When overridden method is called will the super class method be

called or the child class one?
Q When not overridden which method will be called
@Overide Directive
• @Override a method in a class Animal {
subclass intended to override a void makeSound() {
method of superclass. System.out.println("Some sound");
• Compiler directive to ensure that }
the method signature of subclass
and superclass matches 100% class Dog extends Animal {
void makeSound() {
Abstract Class
• A superclass that declares the structure without implementation
of every method
• defines generalized form shared by its subclasses
• Defines the nature of methods that subclasses must implement.

• Example: JComponent paintComponent method

• Abstract methods ensure that subclasses override all necessary
methods for meaningful implementation.

• Example
• Parent Class: Shape with a method area
• Child Classes: Rectangle, Square, Triangle etc can override them according to their
Can not be instantiated

General methods have

implementations that are
inherited by subclasses
Subclass must provide
Example 2

A subclass square can

similarly have its own
implementation of area
Using final with Inheritance
Preventing Overriding Methods
• Overriding a very powerful tool but sometimes it is not desirable
• `final` keyword indicates that the method cannot be overridden by
• The `Object` has methods that are `final.
• critical to the consistent state of the object.
Toy Example
public class A {
public final void foo() {

public class B extends A {

public void foo() { // compilation error
Benefits of This
• Performance enhancement.
• The compiler can inline calls to
final methods ONLY
• Inlining  copying bytecode
directly into the calling function
• Normal Method resolved at
runtime, i.e. late binding.
• Final methods resolved at
compile time, i.e. early binding.
Preventing Class Inheritance
• Prevent a class from being inherited use the final keyword before
the class declaration.
• This signifies that the class is final and cannot be subclassed

• Fundamental and immutable

classes are generally final
• java.lang.String class in
• API Stability leading to
• Performance optimization
because allows inlining
• A general convention
Access modifiers (public, private, protected) come before Non Access
modifiers (final, static etc)

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