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Addis Ababa University

AAiT Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

Department of Civil Engineering
Collection and Distribution of Water
• Deals with the transport of water from the
source through the treatment plant to the
• It requires
▫ intake structures,
▫ transmission lines,
▫ distribution pipe networks and
▫ other essential accessories.
AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage
By Zerihun Alemayehu
Intake structures

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Surface water Intakes
• Floating intakes
• Submerged intakes
• Tower intakes
• Shore intakes
• Pier intakes

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By Zerihun Alemayehu
Reservoir Intake

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Tower Intake

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By Zerihun Alemayehu
Submerged Lake Intake

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
River Intake

 Major components
 Screen inlet
 Intake pipe
 Intake sump
 Suction pipe
 Pumps
 Gate and foot valves
 access
AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage
By Zerihun Alemayehu
Intake Structures

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Key requirements of intake
• Reliable.
• Of adequate size to provide the required quantity of
• Located to obtain the best quality water.
• Protected from objects that may damage equipment.
• Easy to inspect and maintain.
• Designed to minimize damage to aquatic life.
• Located to minimize navigational hazards.

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
locating the positions of intakes
• Avoid wastewater discharge points and pollution hazard
• enable withdrawal of water from a range of levels
• Magnitude and direction of stream or current velocities should
not affect the function and stability of the intake structure.
• Reliable access roads and power sources should be available
• should be near to treatment plant
• Should not interfere with navigation requirements,
• major environmental impacts should be avoided

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Design Criteria for intake structures
• Design capacity = Q max-day
• Intake velocity should be  8 cm/s
• vertical positions intake ports should be such that
good quality water is withdrawn.
• Locate the top intake port at a distance not less than
2 m from the normal water level and the bottom port
at least 1 m above the bottom.

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Intake design
• Volume of sump detention time. A detention time
of at least 20min is recommended.
• At least two sumps - to avoid interruption of service.
• Height (with a freeboard about 0.5m)
• Location of the bottom of the sump should be > 1.5m
below the lowest stream level or > 1m below stream

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Example 1: River Intake design
River bank
• Given the following
information proportion a HWL 1209.1 m
suitable river intake.
▫ Daily demand 5000 m3
▫ Pump capacity: 50 l/s (working LWL 1202.5 m

8 hr/day)
 1200.1 m

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Example 1 Solution
• Capacity of each pump daily = 8x3600x50/1000=1440 m 3
• Number of pumps = 5000/1440 = 3.47  4
• Hourly flow of each pump = 5000/(4x8)=156.24 m3/h
• Take detention time, Td = 20 min
•  capacity = Td x Q = (20/60)x 156.24 = 52.08 m3

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Example 1 Solution

1209.1-1202.5=6.6 m

1.5 m

• Effective height of sump = 6.6 + 1.5 = 8.1

• Free board = 0.5
• Total sump height = 8.6 m
• If we use circular sump diameter = 2.86 m
AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage
By Zerihun Alemayehu
Pipelines and appurtenances
The selection of pipe materials is based on
▫ carrying capacity
▫ strength
▫ ease of transportation and handling
▫ availability
▫ quality of water
▫ cost (initial and maintenance)

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Pipelines and appurtenances
• Cast iron pipes:
▫ highly resistant to corrosion, strong but brittle,
▫ easy jointing, withstanding high internal pressure, long life
▫ very heavy and difficult to transport

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Pipelines and appurtenances
• Steel pipe:
▫ strong, very light weight and
can withstand higher pressure
than cast iron pipes.
▫ cheap, easy to construct and
can be easily transported
▫ cannot withstand external
loads, affected by corrosion and
are costly to maintain.
AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage
By Zerihun Alemayehu
Pipelines and appurtenances
• Cement-lined cast iron pipes:
▫ cement protect against corrosion.
▫ very small coefficient of friction than unlined cast
iron pipes.

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Pipelines and appurtenances
• Plastic pipes:
▫ corrosion resistant , light weight and economical.
▫ Rigid (unplasticized) uPVC is stronger and can
withstand much higher pressure for a given wall

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Pipelines and Appurtenances
• Valves:
▫ to isolate segments of a pipeline, to regulate rate of
flow, to control pressure, and to allow release or entry
of air from pipe system.
• Factors considered in the selection of valves:
▫ include purpose and operation,
▫ capacity required,
▫ head loss and rate of flow,
▫ cost,
▫ availability, etc.
AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage
By Zerihun Alemayehu
Pipelines and Appurtenances
• Shutoff valves:
▫ to stop the flow of water through a
▫ spacing from 150 to 370m
▫ a minimum of three of the four pipes
connected at a junction are valved.
▫ fire hydrant, in inlet, outlet, and by-pass
▫ Gate valves and butterfly valves
AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage
By Zerihun Alemayehu
Gate and butterfly valves

Gate valve
Butterfly valve

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Pipelines and appurtenances

• Check valves:
▫ semiautomatic device and permits
water flow only in one direction.
▫ in the discharge pipes of
centrifugal pumps prevent
▫ in conjunction with altitude valves

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Pipelines and appurtenances
• Altitude valves :
▫ to automatically control the
flow into and out of an elevated
storage tank or standpipe to
maintain desired water level
▫ include double-acting sequence
valve, single-acting type, or
differential altitude valve

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Pipelines and appurtenances
• Air-release and vacuum valves :
▫ Air-release valves installed at high
points of distribution piping, in valve
domes, and fittings, and in discharge
lines from pump to discharge the
trapped air.
▫ Vacuum valves are used to protect
pipelines from collapse as they are
emptied, by allowing air to enter the
AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage
By Zerihun Alemayehu
Pipelines and appurtenances
• Pressure reducing valves (PRV). :

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Pipelines and appurtenances
• Pressure sustaining valves (PSV) :

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Distribution systems
• Depending upon the level of the source of water and
the city, topography of the area, and other local

▫ Gravitational system,
▫ Pumping without storage, and
▫ Pumping with storage.

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Distribution systems
• Gravitational system:
▫ action of gravity without any pumping
▫ most economical and reliable
▫ for cities situated at foothills

Reservoir demand


AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Distribution systems
• Pumping without storage:
▫ treated water is directly pumped into the distribution
mains without storing
▫ High lift pumps operate at variable speeds  to
match variable water demand
▫ Disadvantageous (power failure)  no reserve flow

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Distribution systems
• Pumping without storage:

Pump head
HGL demand




AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Distribution systems
• Pumping with storage:
▫ treated water is pumped at a constant rate  stored in
elevated distribution reservoir distributed to the
consumers by the action of gravity
▫ excess water during low demand period gets stored in
the reservoir  supplied during high demand periods.
▫ pumps work at uniform rate high efficiency
▫ quite reliable (even during power failure)

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Distribution systems
• Pumping with storage:
Low demand

City Elevated Tank

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage
By Zerihun Alemayehu
Pipeline layout options

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Pipeline layout options

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Layout of distribution systems
• Pipe networks :
▫ Primary or arterial mains
 from the pumping stations and from storage facilities to
the various districts of the city.
 valved at intervals of not ≤ 1.5 km
▫ Secondary lines or Sub-mains
 run from one primary main to another
 located at spacings of 2-4 blocks
▫ Small distribution mains or branches
 Supply water to every consumer and to the fire hydrants
AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage
By Zerihun Alemayehu
Layout of distribution systems
• layout of distribution pipes generally follows the
road pattern
• four types of pipe network layouts –
▫ dead end system or branch system,
▫ gridiron system,
▫ ring system, and
▫ radial system.

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Layout of distribution systems
• Dead end system
▫ solved easily MAIN PIPE (M) S B SUB-MAIN (S)
▫ Lesser number of shut-off valves S)
▫ Shorter pipe lengths and the easy to B
lay pipes B
▫ cheap and simple and expanded B
▫ dead ends prevent circulation of B
water B S

▫ Problematic if a pipe is damaged B

Fig. 3.7

Layout of distribution systems
• Gridiron systems
▫ Discharge, friction loss and pipe
size is less
▫ Not problematic if a pipe is
▫ No dead ends allows circulation
of water
▫ Good for fire fighting
▫ more pipelines and shut-off valves
▫ high cost of construction
▫ design is difficult and expensive

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Layout of distribution systems
• Ring systems: Main Pipe
▫ closed ring, circular or
▫ suitable for well-planned towns
and cities
▫ Generally at high demand areas Sub mains
▫ Not problematic if a pipe is
▫ No dead ends allows circulation
of water
▫ Good for fire fighting
▫ more pipelines and shut-off valves
▫ high cost of construction Fig. : Ring System
▫ design is difficult and expensive
Layout of distribution systems
• Radial systems
▫ For city or a town having a
system of radial roads emerging MAIN PIPE

from different centers

▫ distribution reservoirs at these
▫ From mains  pumped into RESERVOIRS
the DRs placed at different SUB-MAIN

centers and then to the service

▫ ensures high pressure and
efficient water distribution
Fig. : Radial System

Purpose Distribution reservoirs
• Equalizing supply and demand
• Increasing operating convenience
• Leveling out pumping requirements
• Providing water during source or pump failure
• Maintaining pressure levels within acceptable ranges
• Providing water to meet fire demands
• Increase detention times
• Blending water sources

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Distribution reservoirs
• Maintaining pressure levels within acceptable ranges

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Distribution reservoirs

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Distribution reservoirs
• design considerations and details
▫ Minimum capacity: Equalizing storage + Emergency
reserve (about 25%) + Fire storage.
▫ Location: provide several smaller storage units
▫ Aesthetics: visual impacts
▫ Ventilation
▫ Overflow
▫ Security and safety

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Reservoir capacity
Capacity (m3) Depth, m
<500 2.5 – 3.5
500 - 2000 3.0 – 5.0
2000 - 5000 4.5 – 6.0
> 5000 5.0 – 8.0

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Example 1
Design a service reservoir if Qdaymax is 2400 m3. Two
pumps are working at constant rate of 150 m 3/hr.
Determine for how many hours pumping should be

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
• Step 1. Determine pumping hours
▫ Pumping hour = Qdmax/(2 x pumping capacity)
▫ = 2400/(2 x 150)
▫ = 8 hrs for each pump
• Step 2. determine reservoir capacity
▫ Balancing requirement
 Pumping is done for a total of 16 hrs = 2400 m 3
 But demand for 16 hrs is 2400 x 16/24 = 1600 m3
 Excess that needs to be stored = 2400-1600 = 800 m3
AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage
By Zerihun Alemayehu



AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
• Emergency requirement = 0.25 x 800 = 200 m 3
• Ignore fire demand = 0
• Total reservoir volume = 1000 m3
• Provide 2 reservoirs of each 500 m 3
• From table take depth of 3.0 m3
• X-sectional area = 500/3.0 = 166.67 m 2
• Taking circular tank diameter = 14.57 m

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Example 2
A water supply system is proposed to be designed for a
small town which has a maximum daily demand of 515
m3/d. Estimate storage requirement if pumping is done for
12 hrs only (from 4 to 16). Use the following demand
variation data.

Time (hr) 0-4 4-8 8 - 12 12 - 16 16 - 20 20 - 24

Demand as % of total
6.7 9.2 20.8 28.3 25 10
daily demand

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Solution Pumping hours

Time (hr) 0-4 4-8 8 - 12 12 - 16 16 - 20 20 - 24 Total

Demand as % of total
6.7 9.2 20.8 28.3 25 10 100
daily demand
Demand m3 34.51 47.38 107.12 145.75 128.75 51.50 515
Pumping rate m3 0 171.67 171.67 171.67 0 0 515
Excess m3 124.29 64.55 25.92 0 0 214.76

515 ×6.7 3
100 3
515 𝑚 × 3 Equalizing volume
𝑝𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒= × 4 h𝑟 =171.67 𝑚 𝑝𝑒𝑟 4 h𝑟𝑠
Storage required = 214.76 + 0.25 x 214.76 = 268.45 m 3 or 270 m3

Emergency volume
AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage
By Zerihun Alemayehu
Excess pumped or
Equalizing volume

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Water Transmission Lines
• Transmission lines are long pipes with no
▫ Gravity main
▫ Pumping main

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Gravity main

ho + Zo – ZL = H (Head loss + residual pressure)

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Pumping main

ho = H + ZL – Zo + Head loss

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Design of distribution systems
• Design flow: Max (Peak hour demand or maximum day demand +
Fire demand)
• Minimum main sizes: generally:150mm (6 in); high value districts:
200mm (8 in); major streets: 305mm (12 in); domestic flows only:
100mm (4 in); small communities: 50-75 mm
• Velocity: typical values – minimum = 0.6-1 m/s; maximum = 2 m/s
• Pressure: typical minimum value is 140 kPa (14 m) and maximum
not to exceed 410 kPa (42 m). But mainly depends on pressure
ratings of the pipes and appurtenances used and regulatory
• it is advantageous to divide the supply network into pressure zones

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage
By Zerihun Alemayehu
Pipe Network Geometry

iL = no. of pipes
jL = no. of nodes iL = j L + kL - 1
kL = no. of loops
AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage
By Zerihun Alemayehu
Pipe Network Geometry

iL = no. of pipes
jL = no. of nodes iL = j L + kL - 1
kL = no. of loops
AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage
By Zerihun Alemayehu
Pipe Network Geometry

iL = no. of pipes
jL = no. of nodes iL = j L + kL - 1
kL = no. of loops
AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage
By Zerihun Alemayehu
Hydraulic analysis
• Includes determination of the following:


Head loss

Pressure head

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Hydraulic Analysis of DS
• Hydraulic analysis methods
▫ Hardy cross method
▫ Computer programs
• The Hazen-William equation is widely used to
determine the head loss in a pipe.
 hf 
Q  0.278CD 2.63
 
 L 

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Design procedures
Simple Distribution System
• Assign the required demand at each node
• Estimate the discharge flowing through the pipes
• Assume possible pipe diameters
• Calculate the head loss through the pipes
• Find the residual pressure at the end of the pipe.
• Compare this terminal pressure with the desired
minimum and maximum pressures.
• If the required condition is not satisfied, then repeat steps
(ii) through (vi) until the required conditions are met.
AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage
By Zerihun Alemayehu
D L2

A P-4
P-1 P-3 P-5 E

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Design procedures...
Complex pipe Networks
• Hardy Cross Method can be used
• Assign the required demand at each node
• Assume the best distribution of flow that satisfies
continuity by careful examination of the network.
▫ The flow entering a node must be equal to the flow leaving the
same node

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Design procedures...
• Calculate the head loss, hf, in each pipe.
▫ The algebraic sum of the heads around a closed loop must be
▫ For a loop, take head loss in the clockwise flows as positive and
in the anti-clockwise flows as negative
• Calculate the correction factor for each loop by
 rQo Qo 
n 1
Q   
 rn Q
n 1
o f

Q o

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Determine velocity and residual D Q = 0.75 m3/min
El. 1167
Pressure at the demand centers.

75 mm
50 m
El. 1250
El. 1207
R El. 1185
150 m A 200 m 250 m
200 mm 200 mm C 75 mm
Q = 0.25 m3/min
El. 1177
75 mm
75 m

El. 1192
B Q = 1 m3/min

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Solution: Velocity Calculation
Velocity is calculated as 𝑉 = 2 D Q = 0.75 m3/min
4 Q = 0.75 m3/min
100 mm
El. 1250 v = 1.6 m/s
Q = 1 m3/min
R Q = 2 m3/min A 125 mm Q = 0.25 m3/min
150 mm v = 1.4 m/s C 75 mm
v = 1.9 m/s v = 0.9 m/s Q = 0.25 m3/min

Q = 1 m3/min
100 mm
v = 2.1 m/s
B Q = 1 m3/min

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Solution: Head loss calculation
Head loss is calculated as

( )
h 𝑙=10.68
𝐶 Q = 0.75 m3/min
100 mm, 50 m
El. 1250 hl = 2.36 m
Q = 1 m3/min
R Q = 2 m3/min A 125 mm, 200 m Q = 0.25 m3/min
150 mm, 150 m hl = 5.43 m C 75 mm, 250 m
hl = 6.04 m hl = 6.27 m
Q = 1 m3/min
100 mm, 75 m
hl = 6.03 m

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Solution: Residual pressure calculation
Residual pressure is calculated as D El. 1167
hres = 69.17 m
hres = Elv. 1 – Elv 2 - hl
hl = 2.36 m
El. 1250 El. 1207
hres = 36.96 m
R hl = 6.04 m A hl = 6.27 m
hl = 5.43 m C
El. 1177 El. 1185
hres, A = 1250 – 1207 – 6.04 hres = 61.53 m hres = 47.26 m
hres, A = 36.96 m hl = 6.03 m
hres, B = 1250 – 1192 – 6.04 – 6.03
= 45.93 m
B El. 1192 or
hres = 45.93 m hres, B = 1207 + 36.96 – 6.03 – 1192
= 45.93 m
AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage
By Zerihun Alemayehu

Determine the discharge in

each of the pipes using
Hard-Cross Method

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
First Trial

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Second Trial

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Third Trial

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu
Final Solution

AAiT Water Supply & Urban Drainage

By Zerihun Alemayehu

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