WW1 World Warhhhhhhhh

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P B L ( P r o j e c t B a s a d L e a r n i n g )

World War I
Muhammad Ahmed 8A
Areel Arif Ali Momin 8A
Abdullah Danish 8A
Samiullah Hashmi 8A

B S S G M 1
The policy of
Wilson’s 14
alliances by
Europe power

A change in
Europe and the World war 1 Treaty of versail
M.A.I.N causes and its events 1919 and rise of
of WW1 communism
Source article: britannica.com

A Change In Europe: The M.A.I.N causes

of WW1:
• In the 1800s, a great change began to take place in Europe. The
spirit of ‘Nationalism’, had taken over the nations in Europe and led The four main causes of WW1 are:
to the creation of 2 new states: reunification of Italy in 1861, and
Germany in 1871. • Militarism: Biulding up armed forces and getting
• Now, Germany started to build a strong army. ready for war.
• European nations also competed for colonies in Asia and Africa as
• Alliances: Agreements or promises defend and help
another country.
‘Imperialists’ which meant that some of the European countries took
• Imperialism: Trying to build up an empire, where a
over new lands or countries and made them subject to their rule. powerful country controls less powerful countries.
• By 1900, the Britsh expanded over five continents, and France had • Nationalism: Having pride in your country and
large areas of Africa. Germany competed for colonies too but could being to defend it.
only take over small areas in Africa. = MAIN.
• Moreover, the manufacture of arms in European countries increased
Also, the spark off reason beginning of WW1 was the
by 50% in the years 1908 – 1913.
assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.
Source article: britannica.com

The Policy Of Alliances By European Powers:

Furthermore, a number of alliances between European nations were

signed during 1879 – 1914 which were like to lead to war in
Europe. This was because any European country who’s ally was
attacked had to declare war on that country as part of the alliance
agreement. Thus 2 main opposing groups were formed. The UK,
Russia and France came together in a group called “The Allies” and
were later joined by USA and Japan. The other group, “The
Central Powers”, comprised of Austria-Hungary, Germany and
Italy, and the Ottoman empire and Burgaria joined them later. Italy
backed out of the World war 1 and joined the allies.
World War 1 and its events:
1. It started on 28th July 1914.
2. War dragged over 4 years due to trench warfare strategy.
3. Used arial bombing, poisonous gases, tanks, submarines and trench warfare.
4. Casualities numbered over 37 million (military + civilian both),more than 16 million people died, 20 million
people wounded, 8 million people prisoners of war.
5. The main battle was fought on Eastern and western fronts (borders).
6. Tsar Nicholas introduced communism Russia.
7. Germany used U- boats to cut off the supply of arms from North America and Britain.
8. Germany was about to win the war but in haste, made a major mistake, where they instigated Mexico to
declare war on USA.
9. USA got aggressive over the planning of Germany and sent 2 million fresh troops to fight against axis.
10.“Central Powers” lost the war.
11. Ceasefire came into effect on 11th November 1918.
WOODROW WILSON Source article: britannica.com

1. Reliance of open diplomacy rather than secret agreements.

2. Freedom of the seas.
3. Freedom trade.
4. Reduce the military forces and/ or weapons.
5. Readjust the colonies fairly.
6. The allowance for Russia to self determine its own government.
7. Respect for Belgium’s intergrity.
8. Restoration of French territory.
9. Italy recienves territory based upon ethnicity.
10. Austria-Hungary receives fair development opportunities.
11. Indepedence for the Balkan states.
12. Self determination for the pupils of the Ottoman empire and free
passage through the Dardanelles.
13. Independence for Poland.
14. The formation of a League of Nations (LON), guarantee
independence for all countries.

Woodrow Wilson.

Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (neg. no. LC-USZ62-13028)

Treaty of Versailles The Rise of Communism

A major product of the Paris Peace Conference

was the Treaty of Versailles, signed in June 1919 Communism as a social and economical system came into prominence
after World War 1. The word "Communism" denotes as a "social system
at the Palace of Versailles in France. Under the in which property is owned by the state rather than individuals" and all
agreement, Germany was forced to accept blame must contribute by their effort. It is a reaction to a society where there is
a great divide between rich and poor. The movement took root in Russia,
for Allied losses and to pay major reparations. ruled by the “Tsars”, a powerful monarchy since the 17 century, and by
Also formulated at the Paris Peace Conference rich land lords. Conditions in early 20th century Russia were harsh for
the poor and the situation were made worse by WW1. The ideas of Karl
was the League of Nations, an organization for Marx and Frederic Engels became popular. Marx wrote the ‘ Communist
international cooperation established by the Manifesto’ and the movement spread, leading to the revolution which
overthrew the Tsar in March 1917. Karl Marx is the father of
Allies. Communism.


World War I Timeline

They key facts of WW1 in timeline mode

World War I Timeline ➔

June 28, 1914

Archduke Franz Ferdinand of
Austria and his wife, Sophie, are
assassinated on a visit
to Sarajevo by a Bosnian Serb

November 5, 1914
Britain and France declare
war on the Ottoman

April 22, 1915 April 25, 1915

The Second Battle of Ypres begins. The Allied forces land on the Gallipoli Peninsula of the

German army initiates the modern era Ottoman Empire, beginning the nine-month-

of chemical arfare by using chlorine gas as long Gallipoli Campaign. The campaign is a disaster
almost from the beginning. Altogether, the Allies suffer
a weapon on Allied trenches. Some 5,000
more than 200,000 casualties and fail to capture the
French and Algerian troops are killed.
Ottoman capital of Constantinople (now Istanbul).

May 7, 1915 February 21, 1916

A German U-boat sinks the British ocean The Battle of Verdun begins. Over the next 10
liner Lusitania off the southern coast of months, French and German armies at Verdun,
Ireland during the ocean liner’s crossing France, suffer more than 700,000 casualties,
from New York to England. Nearly 1,200 including some 300,000 killed.
people are killed, including 128 U.S.

May 31, 1916 July 1, 1916

The British and German fleets meet 60 miles The first day of the First Battle of the
(97 kilometers) off the coast of Jutland, Somme marks the single bloodiest day in the
Denmark, marking the start of the Battle of history of the British army, with nearly 20,000
Jutland. It is the war’s only major battle British soldiers killed in action. By the time the
between the world’s two largest sea powers. The Somme campaign ends, some four and a half
clash of the battleships is largely indecisive. months later, the combined casualties of both
sides surpass 1,000,000.

March 15, 1917 April 6, 1917

Tsar Nicholas II of Russia abdicates the The United States declares war on
throne after a week of riots in the Russian Germany.
capital of St. Petersburg. The Russian By June, American forces arrive in France.
Revolution will ultimately place
the Bolsheviks in power.

November 20, 1917 September 26–November 11, 1918

A British offensive at Cambrai, France, The battles of the Meuse-Argonne take place. The battles

marks the first large-scale use of tanks in are the final confrontations on the Western Front in

combat. British advances are short-lived, northeastern France in World War I. The Argonne Forest is
cleared of German troops by the end of October, and the
however. British forces are driven back
Allies soon advance to the town of Sedan, France.
almost to their original positions two weeks
The Armistice is declared on November 11, before a final
offensive against Germany itself can begin.
June 28, 1919

The Allied and associated powers and

Germany sign the Treaty of
Versailles peace agreement.
“ This is a war to
end all wars
” -17

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