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The Little Prince

Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Note Taking
(Charting Method)

Settings Character Characteristics Plot

Sahara dessert Major Characters Exposition
Planets The Little Prince - One of the two protagonist of The narrator has found it
the story. After leaving his home hard to connect with other
planet and his beloved rose, the adults all his life. As a result,
prince journeys around the he’s a pretty lonely guy.
universe, ending up on Earth. Adults don’t understand his
The prince symbolizes the hope, drawings and they like
love, innocence, and insight of talking about practical,
childhood that lie dormant in all sensible stuff like neckties
of us. and politics and golf.
Settings Character Characteristics Plot
The narrator - A lonely pilot who while stranded in Rising Action
the desert, befriends the little prince.

The fox - Although the fox asks the little A Boy Currently Knows as Prince
prince to tame him, the fox is in some The, the narrator has a plane
ways the more knowledgeable of the accident in the Sahara, where he
two characters, and he helps steer the meets the little prince, and he’s
prince towards what is important in thrilled that someone finally gets
life. him. While the narrator attempts to
fix his plane, the prince describes his
travels and his adventures. He also
Minor characters tells the narrator about his love for a
flower and how she caused him pain,
The rose A coquettish flower who has a trouble which was why he left his planet in
expressing her love for the little the first place.
prince and consequently drives him
Settings Character Characteristics Plots

The snake - Who ultimately sends the Climax

prince back to the heavens
by biting him. The Fantastic Mr. Fox
The narrator learns about the prince’s
encounter with a fox:
The wise fox taught the prince about
trust, love, and friendship. As a result,
the prince realizes that his love for his
flower is true.
The baobabs - Harmless tree Falling Action
The vain man - Lonely and crave of
admiration Reality Bites
The king - Not unkindly The prince and the narrator go on a quest
The drunkard - Sad figure and foolish for water and end up finding a well; also,
Businessman - The busy man and the the narrator succeeds in fixing his
businessman are the only engine. In order to return to his planet,
character the prince actively the prince is bitten by a snake and
chastises. disappears from earth.
Settings Character Characteristics Plot
Lamplighter - The selfless devotion Resolution
Geographer - The geographer is apparently well-
read, he refuses to learn about his The Star Gazing
own planet, saying it is a job for Six years after the prince disappears, the
explorers. narrator keeps looking for him in the
- He has more perspective on life stars. He still wonders what is going on
The railway swift man than the unhappy, thoughtless with his friend. He wants readers to keep
passengers his trains ferry. these questions alive and keep thinking of
- The salesclerk sells pills that the prince, too.
The sales clerk quench thirst on the grounds that
people can save up to fifty-three
minutes a day if they don’t have to
stop to drink.
- The sight of the rose garden first
leads the prince to believe that his
The rose of the rose flower is not, in fact, unique.
Settings Character Characteristics Plot

The three petaled flower - The three-petaled flower

lives alone in the dessert,
watching the occasional
caravan pass by.
- The little prince’s echo is
The little prince echo not really a character, but the
little prince mistakes it for
- The first human to discover
The Turkish astronomers the prince’s home, Asteroid
B-612. When the Turkish
astronomer first presents his
discovery, no one believes
him on account of his Turkish

I. Character of The Little Prince

The Little Prince is a naive and innocent extraterrestrial traveler that the narrator meets in the Sahara Desert. Saint-Exupery has the prince hop from adjacent planet to neighboring planet until
he sets foot on Earth, contrasting the youthful nature with distinct adult traits. The prince encounters a distinct kind of adult on each planet, exposing their traits and frailties. But the little
prince learns to be a student as well as a teacher once he arrives on Earth. The tiny prince gains insight into the meaning of love from his companion the fox, and he then imparts this
knowledge to the narrator.

II. Plot and summary

The narrator presents himself as a man who discovered as a child that adults are not creative or perceptive. He's landed in a desert after crashing into the ground as a pilot. The narrator answers
a tiny boy's request for a painting of a sheep when he meets him. The boy's home planet is revealed to the narrator, who refers to him as the young prince. which the storyteller thinks is
asteroid B-612. The little prince tells the narrator about his life throughout the course of the following several days. The prince spends his time plucking out baobab saplings on his tiny
asteroid-planet, which is no larger than a house, in case they grow large enough to swallow the planet. One day, a prince falls deeply in love with an anthropomorphic rose that grows on the
earth. But the prince walks away when his frustration with her conceit and demands becomes too great.

As the prince visits a sequence of asteroids, he encounters adults who have been reduced to objects. The first is a king who demands allegiance but has no people under his rule until the prince
shows up. The only person living on the next planet is a haughty guy who only seeks praise from the prince. After that, the prince encounters an alcoholic who tells him that he needs to drink
to get over his feelings of guilt over drinking. The prince meets a businessman on the fourth planet who claims to be the owner of the stars, thus it's critical that he understands the precise
number of stars.

The prince then comes upon a lamplighter who, despite the fact that his planet rotates so quickly that dark and dawn both happen once every minute, obeys rules requiring him to light a lamp
every evening and put it out every morning. At last, the prince reaches a planet where a geographer lives. But since the geographer's only job is to document what he learns from explorers, he
has little knowledge of his own world. When the prince brings up the flower, the geographer responds that flowers are not documented since they are fleeting. The prince is then asked to
describe his own world. The young prince should come to Earth, the geographer advises.
III. Theme

The Little Prince's central message is the value of looking past appearances to uncover the true significance and purpose of something. The prince learns from the fox how to see with his heart
as well as his eyes.

Saint-Exupery is quite critical of several aspects of human nature throughout the entire book. He contends that people miss the important things in life, like as beauty, love, and friendship,
because they are too consumed with money, power, and technology. People rush from place to place looking for something, but because they look for the wrong things, they are never happy
where they are and rush onward again, much like the trains that the switchman controls. This is because they do not take the time to love others and notice the little wonders of the world. Like
the geographer, people are also tricked into thinking that numbers and statistics are significant; but, numbers and facts frequently conceal the truth and prevent people from realizing what life
is really all about.

IV. Analysis

Adults are negatively portrayed in The Little Prince as being incredibly narrow-minded. Children, on the other hand, acquire wisdom by curiosity and a willingness to learn about both the
outside world and their own self. The secret that the fox reveals to the young prince embodies the central idea of the fable. "It is only within the heart that one can see rightly: what is essential
is visible to the eye."

More than 250 languages have translations of The Little Prince. It was also made into radio plays, movies, ballets, and theater in many other nations. The movies included animated and
musical versions.
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