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Career Assessment

Part I
• History
– 1883 U.S. Civil Service Commission
– 1940’s aptitude batteries
• Psychometric Properties
– Reliability
• Types
– Test retest reliability
– Alternate forms reliability
– Split half reliability
• Peterson, Sampson, and Reardon (1991): Factors that
impact stability (reliability)
– The stability of the trait being measured
– Group differences: race, ethnicity, gender etc.
– Individual differences: genetic endowments, age etc.
– The nature of performance for the variable being
– The internal consistence of the test, how
psychometrically sound is the test?
• What is the problem with using a test that does not have
proven reliability?
• Psychometric Properties
– Validity
• Types
– Content validity
– Criterion validity
• What is the problem with using a test that does not
have proven validity
• Assessment with minority groups
Types of Assessment
• Career Beliefs Inventories
– Assess beliefs about careers and other factors
• Career Beliefs Inventory
• Career Thoughts Inventory
• My Vocational Situation
• Aptitude Tests
– Assess potential and/or current ability
• General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB)
• The Differential Aptitude Test (GAT)
• Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
Types of Assessments
• Academic Achievement
– Assess present level of academic knowledge and ability
• See page 218
• Career Interest Inventories
– Measures level of interest in occupations
• The Strong Interest Inventory and the Kuder
General Interest Survey are the most widely used
interest inventories
Interest Inventories
• Kuder General Interest Survey
– 1. Outdoor
– 2. Mechanical
– 3. Computational
– 4. Scientific
– 5. Persuasive
– 6. Artistic
– 7. Literary
– 8. Musical
– 9. Social Services
– 10. Clerical
Interest Inventories
• Strong Interest Inventory
– 1. General Occupational themes
– 2. Basic Interest Scales
– 3. Occupational Scales
• Personality Variables
– Determining fit with personality type and work
environment is important
– 16PF most widely used personality assessment in
career counseling
• Developed by Raymond Cattell
• Currently in the 5th edition
• 185 item test
• 5th grade readability level
• Can be hand or computer scored
16 Personality Factor Questionnaire
• Psychometrics
– Test retest reliability .56 to .79
– Internal consistency .64 to. 85
• Interpretive Information
– 16 primary factor scales
– 5 global factor scales
– 3 validity indices
16 Personality Factor Questionnaire
• Global Factors
– Extraversion
– Anxiety
– Tough-Mindedness
– Independence
– Self-Control
16 Personality Factor Questionnaire
• Primary Scales
– Warmth Vigilance
– Reasoning Abstractedness
– Emotional Stability Privateness
– Dominance Apprehension
– Liveliness Openness to Change
– Rule-Consciousness Self-Reliance
– Social Boldness Perfectionism
– Sensitivity Tension
• Determining Values
– Work values
– Lifestyle values
• Career Maturity Variables
– Measures vocational development
• Computer assisted guidance assessment
– Pros
– Cons

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