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PHRASES USED FOR SUGGESTIONS: Shall we..._ Lets .. Why dont we.? How about ..? We could..


Could is used in suggestions as in examples: You / we coud visit New York while you're / we're there.

Kako se gradi? We could + Verb without to


We use shall in questions with we to make suggestions (It is most commonly used in sentences with "I" or "we," and is often found in suggestions, such as "Shall we go?" ):

Shall we go out for a curry tonight? Shall I help you? Suggestion Shall we begin dinner? Shall we move into the living room?


1. Match the offer/suggestion to the answer Shall we open the window? a) Good idea. It's really stuffy in here. b) I think it's best to tell her nothing. She can't keep a secret. c) Well we're going to have to bite the bullet on this sooner or later. d) Why not Baker? He's used to working in Eastern Europe? . Shall we have a 15 minute break? a) How about next Friday? b) Shall we keep working until the coffee comes? c) Well we're going to have to bite the bullet on this sooner or later. d) Why not Baker? He's used to working in Eastern Europe? 3. Shall we say next Friday? a) Sorry, can't make Friday. How about Thursday? b) I think it's best to tell her nothing. She can't keep a secret. c) I think it's about time you all came to my place. d) Why not Baker? He's used to working in Eastern Europe? 4. Where shall we meet? a) I think it's best to tell her nothing. She can't keep a secret. b) Well we're going to have to bite the bullet on this sooner or later. c) How about next Friday? d) I think it's about time you all came to my place. 5. Who shall we send to Poland? a) I think it's best to tell her nothing. She can't keep a secret. b) Well we're going to have to bite the bullet on this sooner or later. c) I think it's about time you all came to my place. d) Why not Baker? He's used to working in Eastern Europe?


6. What shall we do about their offer? a) I think we should leave that to one side for the time being. b) How about next Friday? c) Sorry, can't make Friday. How about Thursday? d) Why not Baker? He's used to working in Eastern Europe? 7. When shall we have the next meeting? a) How about next Friday? b) Well we're going to have to bite the bullet on this sooner or later. c) I think it's about time you all came to my place. d) Why not Baker? He's used to working in Eastern Europe? 8. What shall we do about John? a) I think it's best to tell her nothing. She can't keep a secret. b) Well we're going to have to bite the bullet on this sooner or later. c) I think it's about time you all came to my place. d) Why not Baker? He's used to working in Eastern Europe? 9. Shall we start? a) I think it would be better to wait until Lindsey is here. b) I think it's best to tell her nothing. She can't keep a secret. c) Well we're going to have to bite the bullet on this sooner or later. d) Why not Baker? He's used to working in Eastern Europe? 10. What shall we tell Rachel? a) I think it's best to tell her nothing. She can't keep a secret. b) Well we're going to have to bite the bullet on this sooner or later. c) I think it's about time you all came to my place. d) Why not Baker? He's used to working in Eastern Europe?


We use the expression Lets + Verb without to in suggestions as in the following examples:

Let's go to the travel agent's this afternoon to book our ticket. Let's eat at a restaurant tonight. Let's go bowling tonight. Answer to this suggestion:Sorry, I can't. I'm meeting a friend for dinner.


We use the expression Why dont we + Verb without to in order to create suggestions, as in the following examples:

Why don't you / we go to the movies tonight? Why don't we go swimming tomorrow? Why don't we go skiing on Saturday? answer: Sounds like a good idea. Where do you want to go?


We use the expression How about+ Verbing in order to create suggestions, as in the following examples

How about going to Hawaii for your vacation? How about having a party at my house this week? That's a good idea.


We use the expression Why dont we + Verb without to in order to create suggestions, as in the following examples:

Why don't you / we go to the movies tonight? Why don't we go swimming tomorrow? Why don't we go skiing on Saturday? answer: Sounds like a good idea. Where do you want to go?


What Shall we do? Example of suggestions Hi Chris, would you like to do something with me this weekend? Sure. What shall we do? I don't know. Do you have any ideas? Why don't we see a film? That's sounds good to me. Which film shall we see? Let's see "Action Man 4". I'd rather not. I don't like violent films. How about going to "Mad Doctor Brown"? I hear it's quite a funny film. OK. Let's go see that. When is it on? It's on at 8 o'clock at the Rex. Shall we have a bite / eat/ before the film? Sure, that sounds great. What about going to that new Italian restaurant 'Michetti's'? Great idea! Let's meet there at six. OK. I'll see you at 'Michetti's' at six. Bye. Bye. Key Vocabulary Would you like to ...? (What) shall we go...? Let's go... Why don't we go...

Remember: a) Shall we / Why dont we / Lets / what shall we + infinitive?

Shall we have an hamburger? Lets go to the cinema this evening. Why dont we go to the cinema? What shall we do tonight? b) What about / How about + ing ? What about going to the cinema? How about coming to my house?


Language for making suggestions Question opener + subject + infinitive without 'to' Why don't I you /we/ they buy...? Why doesn't he/she go...? Shall we meet...?

Question opener + infinitive without 'to'

I, you, he, she, we could arrange... / say.../ talk... Let's eat...

Note Perhaps and maybe can both be used before 'could' and 'should' if you want to sound more polite. Examples: Perhaps we could phone them. Maybe we should have a big party.


What would you suggest in the following situation? The dialogue should take place at a sports shoe company called Stratos. Youll be Karen, a marketing manager, and she meets with three members of her team, Charles, Sven and Miguel. They are choosing a celebrity spokesperson for a new product. Celebrity means a famous person and spokesperson is someone who gets paid to be in an advertisement for a product.

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