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MT II/Subject Group Head, English
 Strengths & Weaknesses
of Qualitative Research

 Given the chance to research,

would you right away choose
qualitative research? Give
reasons for your answer.
Kinds of Qualitative Research
 1. Ethnography
 appropriate for behaviors that are best
understood by observing them within their
natural settings
 involves in-depth interviewing and highly-
detailed, ongoing participant observation
(Fraenkel et al., 2015)
Kinds of Qualitative Research
 1. Ethnography
 Sample topics:
 The Plight of Homeless People in the United
 Ethnographic Study of the Military Family
 Sorority Groups in Philippine Universities
Kinds of Qualitative Research
 2. Grounded Theory- refers to theory
that is developed inductively from a
corpus of data (Lichtman,2006). It is an
approach for developing theory that is
"grounded in data systematically gathered
and analyzed" (Strauss & Corbin, 1994).
Kinds of Qualitative Research
 2. Grounded Theory
 Sample Researches
 Discovering Chronic Illness: Using
Grounded Theory
 Grounded Theory in Sales Research: An
Investigation of Salespeople's Client
Kinds of Qualitative Research

 3. Phenomenology- describes and

understands the essence of lived
experiences of individuals who have
experienced a particular phenomenon
(Lichtman, 2006).
Kinds of Qualitative Research
 3. Phenomenology
 Sample Studies
 The Lived Experiences of Science Teachers
in the Philippines
 An Exploration of How Foster Parents
Educationally Assist Foster Children: A
Qualitative Phenomenological Study
Kinds of Qualitative Research

 4. Case Study - is conducting in-depth

study of a particular case or several cases
(Lichtman, 2006).
 Example: You might study a child with a
particular type of learning disability
Kinds of Qualitative Research

 4. Case Study
 Sample Research
 A Case Study of Gifted Children
Kinds of Qualitative Research
 5. Historical Analysis -is the examination
primary documents to make you understand
the connection of past events to the present.
 Example: The changes in the economic
aspect of the Philippines over a period of
Kinds of Qualitative Research
 6. Content and Discourse Analysis -is a method of
qualitative research that requires an examination of
the substance or content of the mode of
communication (letters, books, journals, photos,
video recordings, SMS, online messages, emails,
audio-visual material, etc.) used by a person, group,
organization, or any institution in communicating.
Kinds of Qualitative Research

 6. Content and Discourse Analysis

 Sample Studies
 Postcolonial Concepts in Selected
Philippine Essays
 Semiotic Analysis of Milktea Signages
Directions: Identify the type of qualitative research best suited for
the following topics.

 1. The Mangyan’s Burial Practices

 2.Spiderman: The Very First Film in the

21st Century
Directions: Identify the type of qualitative research best suited for
the following topics.

 3.Philippines’ Political Party System:

Then and Now

 4.
The Lived Experiences of Filipino
Caregivers in Japan
Directions: Identify the type of qualitative research best suited for
the following topics.

 5.
The Lone Grade VI Speed Reader of
UST High School

 6. Student Activism Since the Marcos Era

Directions: Identify the type of qualitative research best suited for
the following topics.

 7. Machismo in Philippine Movies

 8.
Experiences of Online Learners Amid
COVID-19 Pandemic
Directions: Identify the type of qualitative research best suited for
the following topics.

 9.Analysis of President Duterte’s State of

the Nation Address (SONA)
 10.
Gender Differences in the Field of

 Fraenkel, J., Wallen, N, & Hyun, H. (2015).

How to design and evaluate research
in education (9th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.

 Lichtman, M. (2006). Qualitative research in education:

A user’s guide. London: Sage Publications.
 Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1994). Grounded theory
methodology: An overview. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S.
Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research
(p. 273–285). Sage Publications, Inc.

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