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1. Why do we sometimes look at
our past?
2. What is the importance of
digging the past events and facts in
understanding a literary piece?
Historical Approach
 sees literature as both a reflection and a product
of the times and circumstances in which it is
 understands the events and experiences surrounding
the composition of the work, especially the life of
the author, and using the findings to interpret
that work of literature.
Things to Consider in Using This Approach

 The “when” of the literary work

 The events that are happening or that happened at
the time of writing
 Ideas circulating at the time of writing
 Author’s biography and social background
 What the work meant to the people who first read
2 types of Historical Criticism

 External Criticism – determines the authenticity

of the source. The material must be investigated based
on the time and place it is written.
 Internal Criticism – determines the historicity of
the material or document. It is not necessary to prove
the authenticity of the material or document.
The critic must investigate the following in
determining the value of facts:

 The character of the sources

 The knowledge of the author
 The influences prevalent at the time of
Jose P. Rizal
 José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda,
 born June 19, 1861, Calamba, Philippines—died December
30, 1896, Manila
 patriot, physician, and man of letters who was an
inspiration to the Philippine nationalist movement.
 In 1887 Rizal published his first novel, Noli me tangere (
The Social Cancer), a passionate exposure of the evils of
Spanish rule in the Philippines.
 A sequel, El filibusterismo (1891; The Reign of Greed),
established his reputation as the leading spokesman of the
Philippine reform movement.
Sa Aking Mga Kabata
Ang hindi magmahal sa kanyang salitâ
Kapagka ang baya'y sadyáng umiibig'
Mahigit sa hayop at malansáng isdâ,
Sa kanyáng salitáng kaloob ng langit, Kayâ ang marapat pagyamaning kusà
Sanlang kalayaan nasa ring masapit Na tulad sa ináng tunay na nagpalà.
Katulad ng ibong nasa himpapawid.
Ang wikang Tagalog tulad din sa Latin
Pagka't ang salita'y isang kahatulan Sa Inglés, Kastilà at salitang anghel,
Sa bayan, sa nayo't mga kaharián, Sapagka't ang Poong maalam tumingín
At ang isáng tao'y katulad, kabagay Ang siyang naggawad, nagbigay sa atin.
Ng alin mang likha noong kalayaán.
Ang salita nati'y huwad din sa iba
Na may alfabeto at sariling letra,
Na kaya nawalá'y dinatnan ng sigwâ
Ang lunday sa lawà noóng dakong una.
Guide Questions:
1. Who wrote the poem?
2. Was he really the one who wrote the poem?
3. What are some of the controversies behind the author of the
4. What particular era of our history is the poem written?
5. What messages can the readers find in the poem?
6. What is the author’s main purpose of writing the poem.
True or False
1. As a critic using the Historical Approach, one need to examine the structure or the elements in the story to be
2. The life background of the author is considered in evaluating a piece of literature using the Historical Approach.
3. There are three types of Historical Criticism.
4. The authenticity of the material means the aesthetic value of it.
5. Among the approaches in Literary Criticism, Historical Approach is the most complicated one.
6. History could also mean record or report.
7. Historical Approach is best used in evaluating classic literary pieces.
8. The character and personality of the author are sometime reflected in their works.
9. Mere opinion is enough in evaluating a literary piece using Historical Approach.
10. The issues and trends during the time the literary piece is written is one of the considerations in Historical
Write the letter of the correct answer.
Below is a stanza, taken from Rizal famous poem Sa Aking Kabata.
Write a five-sentence analysis using Historical Approach. Be
guided by the questions.

Ang wikang Tagalog tulad din sa Latin

Sa Inglés, Kastilà at salitang anghel,
Sapagka't ang Poong maalam tumingín
Ang siyang naggawad, nagbigay sa atin.

1. Describe and tell something about “Tagalog or Filipino Language”

2. What is the medium of instruction in the Philippines during that
3. Why do you think Rizal compared Tagalog as the same with Latin,
English and Spanish?
4. What is your overall impression of the poem?

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