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Chapter -2 Experimental technique Topic : Criteria of Purity

Syllabus code – 2.2.1


Watch the video presentation and maintain notes -25 minutes

Watch the supporting video (practical) – 15 minutes
Clarify doubts – 10 minutes
Note : Home work Assignment (worksheet -2 ) will be uploaded.
Discussion of Marking scheme of the WS- 2 will be done in the next
• Chromatography can be used to separate mixtures of
coloured compounds. Mixtures that are suitable for separation by
chromatography include inks, dyes and colouring agents in food.
• This technique is used to separate substances that
have different solubilities in each solvent (e.g. different coloured
inks that have been mixed to make black ink, dyes).
• It is also used to identify unknown substances.
• To test if a substance is pure or impure.
Steps involved in CHROMATOGRAPHY
Note :For water
Draw a base Place a small drop of soluble inks Water
line on the the mixture using a is used as the
filter paper dropper onto the base Solvent .
line. Allow it to dry. Inks which are not
water soluble ,will
be soluble in
alcohol. So ethanol
Allow the (alcohol)can be
solvent to Lower the filter used as the solvent
rise up until paper until the
it is near the base line is slightly
top above the solvent

Chromatogram -
• The stationary phase in paper
Paper with
Remove the chromatography is the
actual chromatography paper itself.
paper(Chromatogram) and components In paper chromatography:
dry in hot sun present in the •The mobile phase is the solvent in which the
mixture sample molecules can move.

From the base From the base

line measure Find the Most soluble
line measure Retention
the distance the distance solute travels
moved by the moved by the greater
using the
substance (a) solvent (b) formula distance and
remains at the
starting line

Base line
Interpret a chromatogram
Study tip- Retention
factors are useful in
comparing the
results of one A chromatogram produced by paper
chromatogram to chromatography can be used to
the results of distinguish
another. between pure and impure substances:

a pure substance produces one

spot on the chromatogram
an impure substance produces
two or more spots

In this chromatogram, the brown ink is

made of a mixture of the inks. This is
because the spots in the brown ink have
travelled the same distance (and have the
Paper chromatography is another same Rf value) as the reference inks. red,
method that can be used to test if a blue and yellow
substance is pure or impure.
A student investigates some food colourings, each of which is made up of
one or more dyes. She produces a chromatogram using the safe colourings
red (SR), blue (SB) and green (SG) and food colourings red (FR), blue (FB) and
green (FG).
The diagram shows her chromatogram.
Explain which food colourings are definitely safe to use.
Place a drop of the mixture of
Chromatography (amino acids) and carry out the
of Amino acids chromatography • If the substance is pure,
The substances are only one spot will appear
undetectable(colourless).So on the chromatogram.
the chromatogram is sprayed By measuring the Rf
with a locating agent e.g. values of the amino
Ninhydrin, to locate the acids ,we can detect
samples visible to the naked them
eye .

can easily compare

the spots in the
mixture with those
of the known amino
acids - both from
their positions and
their colours
Adding salt
to frozen
Effect of impurities streets helps
to melt the

EX- Sea water

boils at 102 00C
Mind map

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