SUMMARRY Note On Art Periods Movements

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Revision Outline:

1. Pre Historic Art: location: France, Spain, Northern Africa

i. The stone age: Paleolithic (old stone age), Mesolithic (middle stone age) and Neolithic
age (new stone age)
ii. The copper age, bronze age
iii. The iron age.
2. Egyptian Art (art for the dead)
iv. Sculpture (statues, Figurines and statuary)
v. Murals
vi. Hieroglyphs
vii. Architecture
3. Greek Art
viii. Archaic period
ix. Classical period
x. Hellenistic period
Art of the dark Ages: Medieval Period. Influence of world religions (Christianity and Islam) on
xi. Surface decorations
xii. Sculpture
xiii. Calligraphy
xiv. Architecture.
Renaissance to modern art movements (14th century- 20th century)
1. Renaissance
i. Low Renaissance
ii. High Renaissance
2. Impressionism
3. Post impressionism
4. Cubism
5. Abstract art
6. mannerism, Romanticism, Realism, Pointilism, Fauvism, Futurism, Dadaism, Surrealism, Rococo, and Pop art.


The word “Renaissance” translates directly to mean “Rebirth” in French.
The movement began in Italy mostly in the ancient city of Florence.
Renewed study of ancient Greece and Rome. The Renaissance artists focused mainly on classicism and sought to achieve
this by bringing back the ideals of Greek art.
To greater extent though, much of their works had purely religious themes e.g. The Last super by Da Vinci, “David” by
Michelangelo and Sistine Madonna by Raphael.


Low Renaissance: Giotto De Bondone
Brunelleschi Filippo
High Renaissance: Michelangelo Bounarotti
Raphael Sanzio
Leonardo Da Vinci.

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